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Created December 14, 2012 03:11
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Save rokkohorosi/4282395 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
スマホで画像をランダムに移動させる。 使用例) ImageAnimation().initialize("honyy_bee", "/js/test/bee.png", $(window).width(), $(window).height()); ※HTMLのID、移動させる画像(上向きに指向性があるもの)、移動範囲の幅、移動範囲の高さ
(function () {
var offsetX = 0;
var offsetY = 0;
var offsetScroolY = 0;
var currentDeg = 0;
var currentX = 0;
var currentY = 0;
var dX = 0;
var dY = 0;
var startLen = 5;
var currentLen = startLen;
var currentDirection = 1;
var currentRotate = 0;
var dest = null;
var isTapEvent = false;
var timerChangeDest = 0;
var timerId = 0;
var ImageAnimation = window.ImageAnimation = function (ele) {
return new ImageAnimation.fn.init(ele);
ImageAnimation.fn = {
init : function (ele) {
this.prop = ele;
, initialize : function (id, image, width, height) {
if ($("#" + id).length == 0) {
var target = $('<p id="' + id + '"><img src="' + image + '" /></p>').appendTo("body");
display: "none",
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
"z-index": 10000,
width: 40,
height: 30,
"padding-top": 10,
"text-align": "center",
} else {
var target = $("#" + id);
if ($("#" + id + "_dest").length == 0) {
dest = $('<p id="' + id + '_dest"></p>').appendTo("body");
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
"z-index": 10000,
width: 5,
height: 5
} else {
dest = $("#" + id + "_dest");
target.css("top", Math.round(height / 2) + "px");
target.css("left", Math.round(width / 2) + "px");;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
//$(window).bind("mousemove", function(event) {
$(window).bind("touchstart", function(event) {
isTapEvent = true;
destX = event.pageX - offsetX;
destY = event.pageY - offsetY;
$(window).bind("scroll", function() {
offsetScroolY = $(document).scrollTop();
, start : function (target) {
timerId = setInterval(function() {ImageAnimation().move(target);}, 50);
offsetX = target.offset().left;
offsetY = target.offset().top;
timerChangeDest = setTimeout(ImageAnimation().changeDest, 1000);
, move : function (target) {
var destX = dest.offset().left - offsetX;
var destY = dest.offset().top - offsetY;
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((destY - currentY), 2) + Math.pow((destX - currentX), 2));
if (distance < 15) {
nextX = currentX + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) - 5);
nextY = currentY + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) - 5);
} else {
if (destX == currentX) {
var rotate = 0;
} else if (destX < currentX) {
var rotate = Math.atan((destY - currentY) / (destX - currentX));
var nextX = currentX - currentLen * Math.cos(rotate);
var nextY = currentY - currentLen * Math.sin(rotate);
} else {
var rotate = Math.atan((destY - currentY) / (destX - currentX));
var nextX = currentX + currentLen * Math.cos(rotate);
var nextY = currentY + currentLen * Math.sin(rotate);
dX = nextX - currentX;
dY = nextY - currentY;
if (dX != 0) {
currentRotate = Math.atan(dY / dX);
if (dX < 0) {
currentRotate -= (Math.PI / 2);
} else {
currentRotate += (Math.PI / 2);
} else {
currentRotate = Math.PI / 2;
ImageAnimation().setTransition(target, "transition-duration", "50ms");
ImageAnimation().setTransition(target, "transform", "translate3d(" + nextX + "px, " + nextY + "px, 0px) rotate(" + currentRotate + "rad)");
ImageAnimation().setTransition(target, "transition-timing-function", "linear");
currentX = nextX;
currentY = nextY;
, stop : function () {
timerId = 0;
var nextX = currentX + 1 * dX;
var nextY = currentY + 1 * dY;
ImageAnimation().setTransition(target, "transition-duration", "300ms");
ImageAnimation().setTransition(target, "transform", "translate3d(" + nextX + "px, " + nextY + "px, 0px) rotate(" + currentRotate + "rad)");
, setTransition : function (target, property, value) {
target.css("-webkit-" + property, value);
target.css("-moz-" + property, value);
target.css("-o-" + property, value);
target.css("" + property, value);
, changeDest : function () {
if (isTapEvent) {
timerChangeDest = setTimeout(ImageAnimation().changeDest, 10000);
} else {
var destX = $(window).width() * Math.random();
var destY = $(window).height() * Math.random() + offsetScroolY;
ImageAnimation().setTransition(dest, "transition-duration", "2s");
ImageAnimation().setTransition(dest, "transform", "translate3d(" + destX + "px, " + destY + "px, 0px)");
ImageAnimation().setTransition(dest, "transition-timing-function", "linear");
timerChangeDest = setTimeout(ImageAnimation().changeDest, 1000);
isTapEvent = false;
ImageAnimation.fn.init.prototype = ImageAnimation.fn;
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