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Created September 19, 2010 01:28
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git aware vidir
=head1 NAME
vidir - edit directory
B<vidir> [--verbose] [directory|file|-] ...
vidir allows editing of the contents of a directory in a text editor. If no
directory is specified, the current directory is edited.
When editing a directory, each item in the directory will appear on its own
numbered line. These numbers are how vidir keeps track of what items are
changed. Delete lines to remove files from the directory, or
edit filenames to rename files. You can also switch pairs of numbers to
swap filenames.
Note that if "-" is specified as the directory to edit, it reads a list of
filenames from stdin and displays those for editing. Alternatively, a list
of files can be specified on the command line.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item -v, --verbose
Verbosely display the actions taken by the program.
=over 4
=item vidir
=item vidir *.jpeg
Typical uses.
=item find | vidir -
Edit subdirectory contents too. To delete subdirectories,
delete all their contents and the subdirectory itself in the editor.
=item find -type f | vidir -
Edit all files under the current directory and subdirectories.
=over 4
=item EDITOR
Editor to use.
=item VISUAL
Also supported to determine what editor to use.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2006 by Joey Hess <>
Licensed under the GNU GPL.
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;
use Getopt::Long;
my $error=0;
my $verbose=0;
if (! GetOptions("verbose|v" => \$verbose)) {
die "Usage: $0 [--verbose] [directory|file|-]\n";
my @dir;
if (! @ARGV) {
push @ARGV, "."
foreach my $item (@ARGV) {
if ($item eq "-") {
push @dir, map { chomp; $_ } <STDIN>;
close STDIN;
open(STDIN, "/dev/tty") || die "reopen: $!\n";
elsif (-d $item) {
$item =~ s{/?$}{/};
opendir(DIR, $item) || die "$0: cannot read $item: $!\n";
push @dir, map { "$item$_" } sort readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
else {
push @dir, $item;
if (grep(/[[:cntrl:]]/, @dir)) {
die "$0: control characters in filenames are not supported\n";
my $tmp=File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => "dirXXXXX", DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir);
open (OUT, ">".$tmp->filename) || die "$0: cannot create ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
my %item;
my $c=0;
foreach (@dir) {
next if /^(.*\/)?\.$/ || /^(.*\/)?\.\.$/;
print OUT "$c\t$_\n";
close OUT || die "$0: cannot write ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
my @editor="vi";
if (-x "/usr/bin/editor") {
if (exists $ENV{EDITOR}) {
@editor=split(' ', $ENV{EDITOR});
if (exists $ENV{VISUAL}) {
@editor=split(' ', $ENV{VISUAL});
$ret=system(@editor, $tmp);
if ($ret != 0) {
die "@editor exited nonzero, aborting\n";
open (IN, $tmp->filename) || die "$0: cannot read ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
while (<IN>) {
if (/^(\d+)\t{0,1}(.*)/) {
my $num=int($1);
my $name=$2;
if (! exists $item{$num}) {
die "$0: unknown item number $num\n";
elsif ($name ne $item{$num}) {
next unless length $name;
my $src=$item{$num};
if (! (-e $src || -l $src) ) {
print STDERR "$0: $src does not exist\n";
delete $item{$num};
# deal with swaps
if (-e $name || -l $name) {
my $tmp=$name."~";
my $c=0;
while (-e $tmp || -l $tmp) {
if (! rename_with_git($name, $tmp)) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to rename $name to $tmp: $!\n";
elsif ($verbose) {
print "'$name' -> '$tmp'\n";
foreach my $item (keys %item) {
if ($item{$item} eq $name) {
$error=rename_with_git($src, $name);
if (-d $name) {
foreach (values %item) {
if ($verbose) {
print "'$src' => '$name'\n";
delete $item{$num};
elsif (/^\s*$/) {
# skip empty line
else {
die "$0: unable to parse line \"$_\", aborting\n";
close IN || die "$0: cannot read ".$tmp->filename.": $!\n";
unlink($tmp.'~') if -e $tmp.'~';
sub rename_with_git {
my ($src, $name) = @_;
# FIXME I know this is ugly, better to use return code.
# or (best approach) detect a git repo first.
my $status =qx{git ls-files "$src" 2>&1};
if ($status ne "" && $status !~ m/^fatal: /) {
if (system('git', 'mv', $src, $name) != 0) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to git mv $src to $name: $?\n";
return 0;
if (system('git', 'commit', $src, $name, '-e', '-m', "$src -> $name") != 0) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to git commit: $?\n";
return 0;
elsif (! rename($src, $name)) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to rename $src to $name: $!\n";
return 0;
return 1;
sub rm_with_git {
my $file = shift;
# FIXME I know this is ugly, better to use return code.
# or (best approach) detect a git repo first.
my $status =qx{git ls-files "$file" 2>&1};
if ($status ne "" && $status !~ m/^fatal: /) {
if (system('git', 'rm', '-r', '-f', $file) != 0) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to git rm $src: $?\n";
return 0;
if (system('git', 'commit', $file, '-e', '-m', "delete $file") != 0) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to git commit: $?\n";
return 0;
return 1;
else {
return rm($file);
sub rm {
my $file = shift;
if (-d $file && ! -l $file) {
return rmdir $file;
else {
return unlink $file;
foreach my $item (reverse sort values %item) {
if (! rm_with_git($item)) {
print STDERR "$0: failed to remove $item: $!\n";
if ($verbose) {
print "removed '$item'\n";
exit $error;
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