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Created September 14, 2021 19:34
Show Gist options
  • Save rolambert/c55e844cc5b6e64f47758f2d6c35dded to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rolambert/c55e844cc5b6e64f47758f2d6c35dded to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Terminal Enhancements


  • Windows Terminal here


Windows Terminal uses the GPU to render its text, thus providing improved performance over the default Windows command line experience.

Improve Terminal

  • Turn Terminal into this -->

Screenshot 2021-09-13 105956.png

Configure Powershell

  • Make powershell profile file -- PS> notepad $profile If needed save profile. -- insert
# Set your alias for your favourite editor
Set-Alias -Name editor -Value code
Set-Alias -Name edit -Value editor
Set-Alias -Name np -Value notepad

function profile_alias { editor $PROFILE }
Set-Alias -Name profile -Value profile_alias

function reload_alias { & $PROFILE }
Set-Alias -Name reload -Value reload_alias

function snip_it {explorer ms-screenclip:}
Set-Alias -Name sni -Value snip_it

#On startup load starship - comment out to return to default
Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)

Install Nerd Fonts

  • Install Nerd Fonts Here -- Install Fonts, extract, select all, right-click, install

Install Scoop

  • Read about Scoop here

    -- ps> iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

Install Starship

  • Read about Starship here for GIT -- or the main site

  • Install

    -- PS> scoop install starship

    -- PS> mkdir ~/.config

    -- PS> notepad ~/.config/starship.toml

    -- Save and close or configure

Configure Starship

  • Update starship.toml Readme

    -- PS> notepad ~/.config/starship.toml

# ~/.config/starship.toml

add_newline = false

# Replace the "❯" symbol in the prompt with "➜"
[character]                            # The name of the module we are configuring is "character"
# success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)"     # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green"

disabled = true

disabled = true

disabled = true

# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "👾 "
pyenv_version_name = true

format = "with [📐 $version](blue bold) "

symbol = "🥅 "
style = "green"
heuristic = false

full_symbol = "🔋 "
charging_symbol = "⚡️ "
discharging_symbol = "💀 "

threshold = 10
style = "bold red"
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