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Simple Sublime Text 3 Syntax File for JIRA and Confluence markup language
%YAML 1.2
name: JIRA and Confluence markup syntax
scope: source.atlassian-markup
license: MIT
other_text_mods: '\^|\~|\?\?'
projects: '(GD|PAAS)'
icons: '\((!|\?|/)\)'
# icons
- match: '{{icons}}'
scope: keyword.control
# *bold*
- match: '\*[^\b]+\*'
scope: markup.bold
# _italic_
- match: '_(.*)_'
scope: markup.italic
# -deleted-
- match: '\-[^\b]+\-'
scope: markup.deleted
# -inserted-
- match: '\+[^\b]+\+'
scope: markup.inserted
# {{code}}
- match: '\{\{[^\}]+\}\}'
scope: markup.raw.inline
# others (super- and -sub)
- match: '{{other_text_mods}}[^\b]?{{other_text_mods}}'
scope: markup.bold
# headings h1-5
- match: '\b^(h[0-5])(\.)'
1: keyword.control
2: default
# inline blockquote
- match: '\b^bq.'
scope: keyword.control
# lists
- match: '^[\-#\*]+ '
scope: markup.bold
# numbers
- match: '\b(-)?[0-9.]+\b'
scope: constant.numeric
# tables
- match: '(\|)(\|)?'
scope: markup.bold
# {{code}}
- match: '\{code\}'
scope: keyword.control
push: block_code
# {{quote}}
- match: '\{quote\}'
scope: keyword.control
push: block_quote
# [#anchor], [link_url], [~user]
- match: '\['
scope: keyword.control
push: anchor
# simple curly brackets
- match: '(?!\{(code|quote)\})\{'
scope: keyword.control
push: curly
- match: '\}'
scope: invalid.illegal.stray-bracket-end
# JIRA tickets
- match: '{{projects}}-[0-9]+'
scope: markup.raw.inline
- match: '\}'
scope: keyword.control
pop: true
- include: main
- match: '^(?!\{code\}).*'
scope: markup.raw.inline
- match: '\{code\}'
scope: keyword.control
pop: true
- match: '^(?!\{quote\}).*'
scope: markup.italic
- match: '\{quote\}'
scope: keyword.control
pop: true
- match: '(#|~)[^\|\]]+'
scope: markup.italic
- match: '\|'
scope: keyword.control
- match: '\]'
scope: keyword.control
pop: true
h1. Heading 1
h2. Heading 2
h3. Heading 3
h4. Heading 4
h5. Heading 5
Paragraph of a text. And this is not h1. Heading by the way.
And some more paragraphs.
bq. blockquote
Quoted text
Some code
Another code
We can define more complicated stuff pretty nicely like kg/m{^3^}.
- list item 1
- list item 2
- list item 2
(/) some
(?) little
(!) checklist
PAAS-666, GD-1234
* bullet 1
** new level
* bullet 2
# numbered item 1
# numbered item 2
## numbered sub-item 1
# Here
#* is
#* an
# example
#* of
#* a
# mixed
# list
Some paragraph with {{inline code}} and _italic_ and *strong*, also some ??citation??, -deleted-, +inserted+, ^supersript^, ~subsript~
But this is a _italic with some *bold* and -deleted- inside_ and it should nit break *another bold* or another -deleted-.
||heading 1||heading 2||heading 3||
|cell A1|cell A2|cell A3|
|cell B1|cell B2|cell B3|
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