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Last active May 6, 2019 10:50
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Idea for explicitly splitting out chunks for specific groups of vendor modules
const { configureCacheGroups } = require('./webpack.utils')
const cacheGroups = configureCacheGroups({
'react': ['react', 'react-dom'],
'lodash': ['lodash'],
'redux': ['redux', 'react-redux'],
'semantic-ui': ['semantic-ui-react'],
'core-js': ['core-js'],
module.exports = {
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: 'single',
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all',
maxInitialRequests: Infinity,
minSize: 0,
cacheGroups: cacheGroups,
// Create a cacheGroups config object for specified groups of vendor modules.
// Allows separate caching (content-based) for large vendor modules.
// -> Return includes ‘other’ cacheGroup with all non-matched remaining ones.
const configureCacheGroups = (moduleGroups) => {
const modulePatt = (sub) => new RegExp(`[\\/]node_modules[\\/]${sub}[\\/]?`)
const excludePatt = (names) => modulePatt(`(?!${names.join('|')})`)
const includePatt = (names) => modulePatt(`(${names.join('|')})`)
// cacheGroups config object for specified vendor module groups
const groups = Object.entries(moduleGroups)
.reduce((cacheGroups, [name, modules]) => ({
[name]: {
test: includePatt(modules),
name: `vendor~${name}`,
}), {})
// catch-all for the rest of the packages that are not explicitly specified.
const exclude = Object.values(moduleGroups)
.reduce((all, group) => all.concat(group))
const other = {
test: excludePatt(exclude),
name: 'vendor~other',
return { ...groups, other }
module.exports = {
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