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Created September 24, 2019 07:39
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Merge sort implementation example (adapted from “Algorithms, Part I” course)
// Adapted from “Algorithms, Part I” course by “Princeton University” on
const defaultCompare = (a, b) =>
a < b ? -1 : 1
const merge = (arr, aux, compare, low, mid, high) => {
// left and right half scan indices
let l = low, r = mid + 1
// copy into auxillary array
for (let i = low; i <= high; i++) aux[i] = arr[i];
for (let i = low; i <= high; i++) {
if (l > mid) arr[i] = aux[r++]; // left half exhausted
else if (r > high) arr[i] = aux[l++]; // right half exhausted
else if (compare(aux[r], aux[l]) < 0) arr[i] = aux[r++]; // right half’s current smalller
else arr[i] = aux[l++]; // left half’s current smalller or both equal
const sort = (arr, aux, compare, low, high) => {
if (high <= low) return
let mid = Math.floor(low + (high - low) / 2)
sort(arr, aux, compare, low, mid)
sort(arr, aux, compare, mid + 1, high)
merge(arr, aux, compare, low, mid, high)
* Function to compare array alements with while sorting
* @callback compareFunction
* @param {*} a - first element to compare
* @param {*} b - second element to compare
* @return {(-1|1)} -1 if (a < b), +1 if (b > a), a == b comparison not required
* Immutably sort an array using merge sort (stable)
* @param {Array} arr - array to sort
* @param {compareFunction} [compare=defaultCompare] - function to compare elements
* @return {Array} sorted array copy
export default (arr, compare = defaultCompare) => {
const clone = arr.slice()
const aux = [ Array(clone.length)]
sort(clone, aux, compare, 0, clone.length - 1)
return clone
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