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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save rolandkofler/d13a0384c33b3d30d381 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rolandkofler/d13a0384c33b3d30d381 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Regression of weekly average bitcoin prices since 2010
a=read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date'))
names(a)[2] <- "Weighted.Price"
fit=lm(formula=Weighted.Price~Date, data=a)
m = lm(log10(Weighted.Price) ~ Date, a);
eq <- substitute(italic(y) == 10^(a + b %.% italic(x))*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2,
list(a = format(coef(m)[1], digits = 2),
b = format(coef(m)[2], digits = 2, decimal.mark=".", big.mark=",", , small.interval=3),
r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3)))
ggplot(a, aes(x = Date, y = log10(Weighted.Price))) + geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = math_format(10^.x)) +
theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+
labs(list(title = "Exponential Growth of average Bitcoin Price", x = "date", y = "USD average price"))+
annotate("text", x = as.Date(250, a[nrow(a),1]), y = 2.11, label = regressionText, parse = TRUE)
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