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Created March 15, 2024 13:18
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import pandas as pd
import logging
# Configure logging
format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
handlers=[logging.FileHandler('protocol.log'), logging.StreamHandler()])
# Load the data from disk
in_sample_data = pd.read_csv('in_sample_data.csv', index_col='date', parse_dates=True)
# Calculate MACD
def calculate_macd(data, short_period=38, long_period=43, signal_period=3):
short_ema = data['price'].ewm(span=short_period, adjust=False).mean()
long_ema = data['price'].ewm(span=long_period, adjust=False).mean()
data['MACD'] = short_ema - long_ema
data['Signal_Line'] = data['MACD'].ewm(span=signal_period, adjust=False).mean()
def simulate_trading_with_fee(data, initial_balance=INITIAL_BALANCE, trading_fee_percent=0.26):
balance = initial_balance
peak_balance = initial_balance # Track the highest balance achieved
max_drawdown = 0 # Maximum percentage drawdown from the peak
position = 0 # Amount of cryptocurrency held
for i in range(1, len(data)):
if data['MACD'].iloc[i] > data['Signal_Line'].iloc[i] and position == 0: # Buy signal
# Update position to account for the fee
position = balance / (data['price'].iloc[i] * (1 + trading_fee_percent / 100))
balance = 0 # All balance is used to buy, considering the fee
elif data['MACD'].iloc[i] < data['Signal_Line'].iloc[i] and position > 0: # Sell signal
# Calculate the revenue after subtracting the trading fee
revenue = position * data['price'].iloc[i] * (1 - trading_fee_percent / 100)
balance = revenue
position = 0 # Position is sold
# Update peak balance and drawdown if necessary
if balance > peak_balance:
peak_balance = balance
drawdown = (peak_balance - balance) / peak_balance
max_drawdown = max(max_drawdown, drawdown)
# Calculate the final balance if any position is left unsold
if position > 0:
balance = position * data['price'].iloc[-1] * (1 - trading_fee_percent / 100)
# Final update for peak balance and drawdown
if balance > peak_balance:
peak_balance = balance
drawdown = (peak_balance - balance) / peak_balance
max_drawdown = max(max_drawdown, drawdown)
return balance, max_drawdown
# Calculate maximum drawdown
def calculate_max_drawdown(data):
rolling_max = data['price'].cummax()
daily_drawdown = data['price'] / rolling_max - 1.0
max_drawdown = daily_drawdown.cummin().iloc[-1]
assert max_drawdown <= 0, 'Maximum drawdown should be negative'
return max_drawdown * -1 # Return as positive number as expected by calmar ratio
def simulate_trading_with_params(data, short_period, long_period, signal_period, initial_balance=10000):
Simulates trading with given MACD parameters and calculates performance and max drawdown.
data (pd.DataFrame): The market data.
short_period (int): The short period for the MACD calculation.
long_period (int): The long period for the MACD calculation.
signal_period (int): The signal period for the MACD calculation.
initial_balance (float): The initial trading balance.
tuple: A tuple containing the performance percentage, max drawdown percentage, and final returns.
calculate_macd(data, short_period, long_period, signal_period)
final_balance, max_drawdown = simulate_trading_with_fee(data)
returns = (final_balance - initial_balance)
performance = (returns / initial_balance)
annualized_performance = performance / len(data) * 365
# calculate the Calmar ratio
calmar_ratio = annualized_performance / max_drawdown
return {
'Short Period': short_period,
'Long Period': long_period,
'Signal Period': signal_period,
# 'Performance': performance,
'Max Drawdown': max_drawdown,
# 'Returns': returns,
'Annualized Performance': annualized_performance,
'Calmar Ratio': calmar_ratio,
def calculate_buy_and_hold_stats(btc_data):
buy_and_hold_final = (btc_data['price'].iloc[-1] / btc_data['price'].iloc[0]) * INITIAL_BALANCE
buy_and_hold_performance = ((buy_and_hold_final - INITIAL_BALANCE) / INITIAL_BALANCE)
buy_and_hold_max_drawdown = calculate_max_drawdown(btc_data)
buy_and_hold_annualized_performance = buy_and_hold_performance / len(btc_data) * 365
buy_and_hold_calmar_ratio = buy_and_hold_annualized_performance / buy_and_hold_max_drawdown
return buy_and_hold_performance, buy_and_hold_max_drawdown, buy_and_hold_annualized_performance, buy_and_hold_calmar_ratio
# Buy and hold strategy
buy_and_hold_performance, buy_and_hold_max_drawdown, buy_and_hold_annualized_performance, buy_and_hold_calmar_ratio = calculate_buy_and_hold_stats(in_sample_data)"=== The Buy and Hold Problem under Scrutinity ===")"Buy and Hold Performance: {buy_and_hold_performance * 100:.2f}%")"Annualized Buy and Hold Performance: {buy_and_hold_annualized_performance * 100:.2f}%")
# Modify simulate_trading to accept MACD parameters
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# Define parameter ranges
short_periods = range(10, 60) # Example range
long_periods = range(40, 200) # Example range
signal_periods = range(2, 10) # Example range
# Prepare data for parallel processing
tasks = [(in_sample_data.copy(), sp, lp, sig) for sp in short_periods for lp in long_periods for sig in signal_periods if sp < lp]
# Execute in parallel and measure the time it takes
import time
start = time.time()
results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(simulate_trading_with_params)(data, sp, lp, sig) for data, sp, lp, sig in tasks)
stop = time.time()"Parallel execution took {stop - start:.2f} seconds")
# Convert results to DataFrame for easier analysis
results_df = pd.DataFrame(results)
# Set the option to display all columns (None means no limit)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Set the display width to None to make pandas attempt to use maximum width
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
sorted_by_apr_results = results_df.copy()
# Add the ratio of annualized performance to the buy and hold annualized performance
sorted_by_apr_results['Annualized Performance Ratio'] = results_df['Annualized Performance'] / buy_and_hold_annualized_performance
sorted_by_apr_results = sorted_by_apr_results.sort_values(by='Annualized Performance Ratio', ascending=False)
# Percentile of the annualized performance ratio better than 1
better_than_buy_and_hold = (sorted_by_apr_results['Annualized Performance Ratio'] > 1).mean() * 100"MACD strategies have a better than buy and hold annualized performance in the {better_than_buy_and_hold:.2f}th percentile.")"it is not supported by the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) that the MACD strategy outperforms the buy and hold strategy so consistently.")
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