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Created December 10, 2020 08:55
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Application Comparer

  • A /Users/rolf/work/maccore/msbuild/xamarin-macios/tests/dotnet/size-comparison/MySingleView/oldnet/bin/iPhone/Release/
  • B /Users/rolf/work/maccore/msbuild/xamarin-macios/tests/dotnet/size-comparison/MySingleView/dotnet/bin/iPhone/Release/net6.0-ios/ios-arm64/
Directories / Files A B diff %
    embedded.mobileprovision 10,672 10,672 0 0.0 %
    Info.plist 1,059 1,059 0 0.0 %
    libmonosgen-2.0.dylib 0 3,177,296 3,177,296 -
    libSystem.IO.Compression.Native.dylib 0 827,104 827,104 -
    libSystem.Native.dylib 0 123,040 123,040 -
    libSystem.Net.Security.Native.dylib 0 72,000 72,000 -
    libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple.dylib 0 80,640 80,640 -
    libxamarin-debug.dylib 0 623,968 623,968 -
    libxamarin.dylib 0 425,520 425,520 -
    mscorlib.aotdata.arm64 296,872 0 -296,872 -100.0 %
    mscorlib.dll 406,528 0 -406,528 -100.0 %
    MySingleView 3,748,192 14,608,608 10,860,416 289.8 %
    MySingleView.aotdata.arm64 816 1,136 320 39.2 %
    MySingleView.dll 0 5,120 5,120 -
    MySingleView.exe 4,608 0 -4,608 -100.0 %
    MySingleView.pdb 0 9,732 9,732 -
    PkgInfo 8 8 0 0.0 %
    System.aotdata.arm64 752 0 -752 -100.0 %
    System.dll 4,608 0 -4,608 -100.0 %
    System.Private.CoreLib.aotdata.arm64 0 2,264,256 2,264,256 -
    System.Private.CoreLib.dll 0 854,016 854,016 -
    System.Runtime.aotdata.arm64 0 504 504 -
    System.Runtime.dll 0 16,384 16,384 -
    Xamarin.iOS.aotdata.arm64 35,120 291,456 256,336 729.9 %
    Xamarin.iOS.dll 55,296 159,744 104,448 188.9 %
Native subtotal 3,748,192 14,608,608 10,860,416 289.8 %
    Executable 3,748,192 14,608,608 10,860,416 289.8 %
    AOT data *.aotdata 0 0 0 -
Managed *.dll/exe 471,040 1,035,264 564,224 119.8 %
TOTAL 4,569,792 23,560,114 18,990,322 415.6 %
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