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Last active September 19, 2022 09:53
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Golang 'script' to query lambda runtimes across AWS accounts
package main
import (
type Lambda struct {
AccountName string `json:"account_name"`
AccountID string `json:"account_id"`
FunctionName string `json:"function_name"`
Runtime string `json:"runtime"`
func getRuntimesToFilterFor() []string {
// return []string{"python3.6"}
return []string{"python3.6", "python3.7", "python3.8"}
func ssoToken() (string, error) {
homeDir, _ := os.UserHomeDir()
awsSSOCacheDir := homeDir + "/.aws/sso/cache"
files, _ := os.ReadDir(awsSSOCacheDir)
for _, file := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), ".json") {
if !strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), "botocore-client") {
plan, _ := os.ReadFile(awsSSOCacheDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + file.Name())
ssoCache := struct {
AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"`
_ = json.Unmarshal(plan, &ssoCache)
return ssoCache.AccessToken, nil
return "", errors.New("could not get access token from SSO cache")
func getAccounts(ssoClient *sso.Client) ([]types.AccountInfo, error) {
var accounts []types.AccountInfo
token, _ := ssoToken()
accountsInput := sso.ListAccountsInput{AccessToken: &token}
for {
response, err := ssoClient.ListAccounts(context.TODO(), &accountsInput)
if err != nil {
return []types.AccountInfo{}, err
accounts = append(accounts, response.AccountList...)
token := response.NextToken
if token == nil || *token == "" {
} else {
accountsInput.NextToken = response.NextToken
return accounts, nil
func main() {
formatFlag := flag.String("format", "text", "Output format (text|json)")
const duration = 80 * time.Millisecond
progressSpinner := spinner.New(spinner.CharSets[11], duration)
progressSpinner.Suffix = " Starting..."
token, _ := ssoToken()
cfg, _ := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
ssoClient := sso.NewFromConfig(cfg)
_ = sts.NewFromConfig(cfg)
var lambdas []Lambda
accountsList, _ := getAccounts(ssoClient)
for i, account := range accountsList {
accountID := account.AccountId
accountName := account.AccountName
progressSpinner.Suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" [%d/%d] Querying lambdas in %v... ", i, len(accountsList), *accountName)
rolesOutput, err := ssoClient.ListAccountRoles(context.TODO(),
AccessToken: &token, AccountId: accountID,
if err != nil {
role := "AdministratorAccess"
for _, r := range rolesOutput.RoleList {
if *r.RoleName == "ViewOnlyAccess" {
role = "ViewOnlyAccess"
roleCredentials, err := ssoClient.GetRoleCredentials(context.TODO(), &sso.GetRoleCredentialsInput{
AccessToken: &token, AccountId: accountID, RoleName: &role,
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not get credentails: %v", err)
accountCredentials := credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(
accountConfig := aws.Config{Region: "eu-central-1", Credentials: accountCredentials}
lambdaClient := lambda.NewFromConfig(accountConfig)
lambdaFunctions, err := lambdaClient.ListFunctions(context.TODO(), &lambda.ListFunctionsInput{})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not list lambda functions: %v", err)
isInFilterScope := func(runtimeName string) bool {
for _, r := range getRuntimesToFilterFor() {
if r == runtimeName {
return true
return false
for _, function := range lambdaFunctions.Functions {
lambdaRuntime := string(function.Runtime)
if isInFilterScope(lambdaRuntime) {
lambdas = append(lambdas, Lambda{
AccountName: *accountName,
AccountID: *accountID,
FunctionName: *function.FunctionName,
Runtime: string(function.Runtime),
if *formatFlag == "json" {
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(lambdas, "", " ") // encoding/json
} else {
for _, l := range lambdas {
fmt.Printf("account: %-45v id: %-15v function: %v [%v]\n", l.AccountName, l.AccountID, l.FunctionName, l.Runtime)
fmt.Printf("Found %v lambda functions with runtime(progressSpinner) %v\n", len(lambdas), getRuntimesToFilterFor())
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