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Created December 7, 2020 08:36
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python script, unedited, used to create
from __future__ import division, print_function
import math
from oxmaps import Line, Pano, PanoImage, PanoTile, Point, db
from PIL import Image
ids = [
points = []
for id in enumerate(ids):
pano = Pano(id)
points.append(Point(, pano.lng))
target = points[11].point(45, 10)
for i, id in enumerate(ids):
yaw = Line(points[i], target).bearing
PanoImage(Pano(id), (1920, 1080), yaw, fov=60).save(
'godard_mieville_{0:02}'.format(i + 1)
image ='RGB', (13312, 6656))
pano = Pano('xymM955pJtbqfjyCwODLsA')
for y in range(13):
for x in range(26):
tile = PanoTile(pano, 5, y, x)
tile_image =
tile_image = tile_image.resize((512, 512), Image.ANTIALIAS)
image.paste(tile_image, (x * 512, y * 512))'godard_mieville.png')
image ='godard_mieville.png')
w, h = 1280, 720
xys = [
(4059, 3747),
(3874, 2970),
(6175, 3043),
(10404, 3169),
(12053, 2858),
(13247, 3075),
(2404, 3212),
(2219, 622)
x_max = 13312
n = 3750
n_ = n - sum([375 if i == 6 else 125 for i in range(len(xys))])
ds = []
for i, xy in enumerate(xys):
if i == 0:
x0, y0 = xys[i - 1]
x1, y1 = xy
if x1 - x0 < -10000:
x1 += x_max
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
d = math.sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2))
ds.append((dx, dy, d))
ns = []
for d in ds:
print(d[2] / sum([d_[2] for d_ in ds]) * n_)
ns.append(int(round((d[2] / sum([d_[2] for d_ in ds]) * n_))))
print(ns, sum(ns), n_, n - sum(ns))
def get_positions(n):
return [(1 - math.cos(i / n * math.pi)) / 2 for i in range(n)]
def read_frame(x_, y_):
frame = image.crop((x_, y_, x_ + w, y_ + h))
if x_ + w > x_max:
frame.paste(image.crop((0, y_, w, y_ + h)), (x_max - x_, 0))
return frame
def write_frame(frame, i):
path = 'godard_mieville/godard_mieville_{0:04}.jpg'.format(i)
print('writing', path)
f = 0
for i, xy in enumerate(xys):
x, y = xy
frame = read_frame(x, y)
for i_ in range(375 if i == 6 else 125):
f += 1
write_frame(frame, f)
if i == len(xys):
dx, dy, d = ds[i]
positions = get_positions(ns[i] + 1)[1:]
print(len(positions), ns[i])
for i_ in range(ns[i]):
frame = read_frame(
int(round(x + dx * positions[i_])) % x_max,
int(round(y + dy * positions[i_]))
f += 1
write_frame(frame, f)
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