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Last active July 5, 2019 15:56
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package fastparse
// Ported from
package object operators {
import fastparse.all._
sealed abstract class Operator[A]
/** Non-associative infix */
final case class InfixN[A](run: P[A => A => A]) extends Operator[A]
/** Left-associative infix */
final case class InfixL[A](run: P[A => A => A]) extends Operator[A]
/** Right-associative infix */
final case class InfixR[A](run: P[A => A => A]) extends Operator[A]
/** Prefix */
final case class Prefix[A](run: P[A => A]) extends Operator[A]
/** Postfix */
final case class Postfix[A](run: P[A => A]) extends Operator[A]
private def const[A, B](x: A) = (y: B) => x
def prefix[A](name: String)(f: A => A): Operator[A] = Prefix(P(name).map(const(f)))
def postfix[A](name: String)(f: A => A): Operator[A] = Postfix(P(name).map(const(f)))
def binary[A](name: String)(f: (A, A) => A): Operator[A] = InfixL(P(name).map(const(f.curried)))
def makeExprParser[A](term: P[A], table: List[List[Operator[A]]]): P[A] = {
def addPrecLevel[A](term: P[A], ops: List[Operator[A]]): P[A] = {
val (ras, las, nas, prefix, postfix) = ops.foldRight(Batch.empty[A])(splitOp)
val term1 = pTerm(choice(prefix), term, choice(postfix))
val ras1 = pInfixR(choice(ras), term1)(_)
val las1 = pInfixL(choice(las), term1)(_)
val nas1 = pInfixN(choice(nas), term1)(_)
term1 flatMap { x =>
choice(List(ras1(x), las1(x), nas1(x), PassWith(x)))
private object Batch {
def empty[A]: Batch[A] = (Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil)
private type Batch[A] =
( List[P[A => A => A]]
, List[P[A => A => A]]
, List[P[A => A => A]]
, List[P[A => A]]
, List[P[A => A]]
private def splitOp[A](op: Operator[A], batch: Batch[A]): Batch[A] = {
val (r, l, n, pre, post) = batch
op match {
case InfixR(op) => (op :: r, l, n, pre, post)
case InfixL(op) => (r, op :: l, n, pre, post)
case InfixN(op) => (r, l, op :: n, pre, post)
case Prefix(op) => (r, l, n, op :: pre, post)
case Postfix(op) => (r, l, n, pre, op :: post)
private def pTerm[A](prefix: P[A => A], term: P[A], postfix: P[A => A]): P[A] = for {
pre <- option(prefix)(x => x)
x <- term
post <- option(postfix)(x => x)
} yield post(pre(x))
private def pInfixN[A](op: P[A => A => A], p: P[A])(x: A): P[A] = for {
f <- op
y <- p
} yield f(x)(y)
private def pInfixL[A](op: P[A => A => A], p: P[A])(x: A): P[A] = for {
f <- op
y <- p
r = f(x)(y)
t <- pInfixL(op, p)(r) | PassWith(r)
} yield t
private def pInfixR[A](op: P[A => A => A], p: P[A])(x: A): P[A] = for {
f <- op
y <- p.flatMap(r => pInfixR(op, p)(r) | PassWith(r))
} yield f(x)(y)
private def option[A](p: P[A])(x: A): P[A] = {
p | PassWith(x)
private def choice[A](ps: Seq[P[A]]): P[A] = {
ps.foldRight[P[A]](Fail)(_ | _)
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