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Created July 14, 2017 09:49
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Colorize IRC nicks
hi u0 ctermbg=red
hi u1 ctermbg=yellow
hi u2 ctermbg=cyan
hi u3 ctermbg=darkgreen
hi u4 ctermbg=magenta
hi u5 ctermbg=darkred
let all_nicks = []
function! IsolateNicks(key, val)
return substitute(a:val, '^\[.\{-}\]\s\(<.\{-}>\).*$', '\1', '')
function! ColorizeNicks()
let all_lines = getline(1, '$')
let all_nicks = uniq(sort(map(all_lines, function('IsolateNicks'))))
let index = 0
for nick in all_nicks
execute 'call matchadd("u' . index . '", "' . nick . '")'
let index = index + 1
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