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Forked from dahu/apprentice_color_wall
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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  • Save romainl/f698bb057f4446a6768d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save romainl/f698bb057f4446a6768d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TabLineFill _TabLineFill ModeMsg _ModeMsg
TabLine _TabLine DiffAdd _DiffAdd
LineNr _LineNr Search _Search
Ignore _Ignore PmenuSel _PmenuSel
CursorColumn _CursorColumn PmenuThumb _PmenuThumb
CursorLine _CursorLine CursorLineNr _CursorLineNr
SignColumn _SignColumn TabLineSel _TabLineSel
Pmenu _Pmenu Visual _Visual
FoldColumn _FoldColumn WildMenu _WildMenu
Folded _Folded DiffText _DiffText
PmenuSbar _PmenuSbar DiffChange _DiffChange
StatusLineNC _StatusLineNC SpellBad _SpellBad
VertSplit _VertSplit WarningMsg _WarningMsg
Cursor _Cursor Constant _Constant
SpecialKey _SpecialKey SpellRare _SpellRare
NonText _NonText Function _Function
Comment _Comment MatchParen _MatchParen
Normal _Normal MoreMsg _MoreMsg
helpLeadBlank _helpLeadBlank PreProc _PreProc
helpNormal _helpNormal Underlined _Underlined
VisualNOS _VisualNOS Directory _Directory
Title _Title SpellCap _SpellCap
Todo _Todo Special _Special
DiffDelete _DiffDelete SpellLocal _SpellLocal
Error _Error String _String
ErrorMsg _ErrorMsg Question _Question
IncSearch _IncSearch Identifier _Identifier
ColorColumn _ColorColumn Statement _Statement
StatusLine _StatusLine Type _Type
syn match ColorColumn "_ColorColumn\>"
syn match Comment "_Comment\>"
syn match Constant "_Constant\>"
syn match Cursor "_Cursor\>"
syn match CursorColumn "_CursorColumn\>"
syn match CursorLine "_CursorLine\>"
syn match CursorLineNr "_CursorLineNr\>"
syn match DiffAdd "_DiffAdd\>"
syn match DiffChange "_DiffChange\>"
syn match DiffDelete "_DiffDelete\>"
syn match DiffText "_DiffText\>"
syn match Directory "_Directory\>"
syn match Error "_Error\>"
syn match ErrorMsg "_ErrorMsg\>"
syn match FoldColumn "_FoldColumn\>"
syn match Folded "_Folded\>"
syn match Function "_Function\>"
syn match Identifier "_Identifier\>"
syn match Ignore "_Ignore\>"
syn match IncSearch "_IncSearch\>"
syn match LineNr "_LineNr\>"
syn match MatchParen "_MatchParen\>"
syn match ModeMsg "_ModeMsg\>"
syn match MoreMsg "_MoreMsg\>"
syn match NonText "_NonText\>"
syn match Normal "_Normal\>"
syn match Pmenu "_Pmenu\>"
syn match PmenuSbar "_PmenuSbar\>"
syn match PmenuSel "_PmenuSel\>"
syn match PmenuThumb "_PmenuThumb\>"
syn match PreProc "_PreProc\>"
syn match Question "_Question\>"
syn match Search "_Search\>"
syn match SignColumn "_SignColumn\>"
syn match Special "_Special\>"
syn match SpecialKey "_SpecialKey\>"
syn match SpellBad "_SpellBad\>"
syn match SpellCap "_SpellCap\>"
syn match SpellLocal "_SpellLocal\>"
syn match SpellRare "_SpellRare\>"
syn match Statement "_Statement\>"
syn match StatusLine "_StatusLine\>"
syn match StatusLineNC "_StatusLineNC\>"
syn match String "_String\>"
syn match TabLine "_TabLine\>"
syn match TabLineFill "_TabLineFill\>"
syn match TabLineSel "_TabLineSel\>"
syn match Title "_Title\>"
syn match Todo "_Todo\>"
syn match Type "_Type\>"
syn match Underlined "_Underlined\>"
syn match VertSplit "_VertSplit\>"
syn match Visual "_Visual\>"
syn match VisualNOS "_VisualNOS\>"
syn match WarningMsg "_WarningMsg\>"
syn match WildMenu "_WildMenu\>"
syn match helpLeadBlank "_helpLeadBlank\>"
syn match helpNormal "_helpNormal\>"
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