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Created February 25, 2024 02:11
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Obsidian - Cheatsheet Example with summarized CSS
/* --- Multi-Column Callout --- from MCL --- */
.callout[data-callout="multi-column"] {
--callout-min-width: 200px;
--callout-gap: 0.5rem;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: var(--callout-gap);
background: unset;
border: unset;
margin: unset !important;
padding: unset !important;
clear: both;
& > .callout-title { display: none; }
& > .callout-content { display: contents; width: 100%; }
& > .callout-content > *:is(div,ul,blockquote) { flex: 1 1 var(--callout-min-width); }
/* Non-Minimal-Themes: Gap between callouts */
/* .callout.callout.callout:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 10px; } */
/* --- Blank Callout --- from MCL --- */
div[data-callout*="blank"].callout {
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
border: 0;
background: unset;
box-shadow: unset;
& > .callout-title { display: none; }
& > .callout-content { display: contents; }
/* fixed width for icon column */
[data-callout-metadata*="mw50"] { max-width: 50px; }
.callout.callout.callout {
padding: 12px;
& .callout-title { margin-inline-start: 0px; }
& p { margin: 0; }
& blockquote { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
/* Reduce Callout padding */
.callouts-outlined { padding-top: 10px; }
/* No left borders on blockquotes */
.markdown-rendered blockquote { border-left: 0; }
/* --------------- ALIGN TABLE in callout --------------- */
.callout > .callout-content:has( > blockquote > table) { margin: -6px -12px -12px -12px; }
.callout > .callout-content {
& > blockquote > table { width: 100%; }
& tr :is(td,th):first-child { padding-left: 5px !important; }
& tr :is(td,th):last-child { padding-right: 5px !important; }
& :is(td,th) { border-color: rgba(var(--callout-color), 0.2) !important; }
/* --------------- HIDE EMPTY LINE BETWEEN CALLOUTS ---------------*/
.is-live-preview .cm-callout:not(.cm-active) + .cm-line:not(.cm-active):has(br) + .cm-callout:not(.cm-active) {
margin-top: -20px !important;
/* --------------- GROUPING of TABLE ROWS --------------- */
tr:has(td > .block) td {
padding-block: 2px !important;
border-block: 0 !important;
tr:has(td > .block-start) td {
padding-block: 5px 2px !important;
border-block-end: 0 !important;
tr:has(td > .block-end) td {
padding-block: 2px 5px !important;
border-block-start: 0 !important;
/* --------------- KEYBOARD KEY styling --------------- */
kbd {
--_kbd-bg: var(--kbd-bg, hsl(222.86deg 3.06% 55.1%));
--_kbd-text: var(--kbd-text, hsl(220deg 4.23% 13.92%));
--_kbd-border: var(--kbd-border, hsl(228deg 3.94% 24.9%));
margin: 0px 0.1em;
padding: 0 5px;
border-radius: 3px;
min-width: 25px;
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 0.8rem;
border-width: 1px 3px 4px 2px;
border-style: solid;
background-color: var(--_kbd-bg);
color: var(--_kbd-text);
border-color: var(--_kbd-border);
&.tint {
--tint-percentage: 85%;
background-color: color-mix(in hsl, var(--_kbd-bg), var(--tint-bg) var(--tint-percentage));
color: color-mix(in hsl, var(--_kbd-text), var(--tint-text) var(--tint-percentage));
border-color: color-mix(in hsl, var(--_kbd-border), var(--tint-base) var(--tint-percentage));
&.placeholder {
opacity: 0.3;
min-width: 40px;
/* --------------- TINT example --------------- */
/* Usage for example <kbd class="tint purple">Enter</kbd>*/
.tint:is(i,b,em,strong,span) { color: var(--tint-base); }
:is(.purple, .Purple) {
--tint-base: hsl(271, 43%, 51%);
--tint-bg: hsl(271, 48%, 21%);
--tint-text: hsl(267, 52%, 75%);
/* ----------------- Callout Chroma overrides ----------------------------------- */
/* overrides the color of callout/bold/italics with --callout-color
* Usage: > [!callout|vscode chroma]
.callout[data-callout-metadata~=chroma] {
--override-accent: rgb(var(--callout-color));
--bold-color: var(--override-accent);
--italic-color: var(--override-accent);
[data-callout-metadata~=obsidian] { --callout-color: 149,105,235; }
[data-callout-metadata~=spotify] { --callout-color: 30, 215,96; }
[data-callout-metadata~=discord] { --callout-color: 88, 101,242; }
[data-callout-metadata~=vimium] { --callout-color: 72, 137,244; }
[data-callout-metadata~=windows] { --callout-color: 0, 188,212; }
[data-callout-metadata~=vscode] { --callout-color: 31, 156,240; }

[!attention] This cheatsheet is supposed to be used with a dedicated css file (summary.cheatsheet.css). Also keep in mind that Shortcuts marked with 🔹are not the default shortcuts, but those I changed them to for my personal use. The mark behind 🔹shows the default keybindings. Please look up default shortcuts if needed. The cheatsheet is optimize for use with Minimal theme. If interested, I also have cheatsheets for Obsidian, Discord, Vimium, Spotify and Windows Legend: 🔹Non-default keybinding changed by me 🔸Keybind of a plugin 🔻Changed keybind conflicts with a default keybind Contact: If you have more questions on this, ping me in the Obsidian Discord server or DM me on Discord (Username: _azael)


[!blank-container|mw50] ![[Pasted image 20240222014021.png]]



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