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Created May 17, 2020 23:52
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The function accepts as a path parameter to the file (string).
The file represents a playlist of songs and has a fixed format built from the song name, performer name (singer / band) and song length, separated by semicolon (;) without spaces.
An example of an input file called songs.txt:
Tudo Bom; Static and Ben El Tavori; 5:13;
In Gotta Feeling; The Black Eyed Peas; 4: 05;
Instrumental, Unknown 4:15;
Paradise; Coldplay; 4:23;
Where is the love ?: The Black Eyed Peas; 4:13;
The function returns a Tafel where:
• The first organ is a string that represents the longest song name in the file (meaning the longest song, assume all lengths are different).
• The second organ is a number that represents the number of songs the file contains.
• The third organ is a string that represents the name of the operation that appears in the file the largest number of times (assume there is only one).
An example of running the my_mp3_playlist function on the songs.txt file
>>> print (my_mp3_playlist (r "c: \ my_files \ songs.txt"))
("Tudo Bom", 5, "The Black Eyed Peas")
def my_mp3_playlist(file_path):
a = [] # New list variable
b = [] # New list variable
e = [] # New list variable
f = "" # New string variable
with open (file_path, "r") as file_path: # Open the file and closes automatically
read_all_line = # Printing all the lines from the file
splited = read_all_line.split("\n") # Converting from multiple lines into one line by (split("\n")) and making one long list
for element in splited: # For every element in the seperated list
a.append(element.split(";")) # Spliting every element in the list into seperated lists by .split(";") and adding the new list to a new variable list "a"
for num in range(0, len(a)-1): # Running the number in range of the length of my lists (5 lists) in my one big list
b.append(a[num][2][0]) # Adding all the [0] number from the time length of every song into a new variable list ['5', '4', '4', '4']
d = int(max(b)) # The biggest number in the list above will be saved in variabale "d" (in our case this is number 5)
if max(b) in a[num][2][0]: # If the max number inside this list
c = a[num][0] # If true save the name of the song
for num1 in range(0, len(a)): # Running from 0 to the number of length of the variable "a" list which is 5 in my case
length = len(a[num1][1]) # Running thru the length of every band names
e.append(length) # Adding every length of the band names in to a new variable "e"
for num2 in range(len(e)): # Running thru the length of "e" which is 5 in my case
if e.count(e[num2]) > 1 and a[num2][1] not in f: # If the counted numbers in "e" list bigger than 1 and this name not in the list "f" already so it's true
f += (a[num2][1]) # Adding the name of the artist that apears the most in the whole list "a"
z = c,d,f # Adding all the variables with their results as a tuple to variable "z"
return z # Returning the result
def main():
my_mp3_playlist (r"C:\.....")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print (my_mp3_playlist (r"C:\....."))
("Tudo Bom", 5, "The Black Eyed Peas")
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