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Created November 27, 2014 17:42
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module Diplomat.WebSocket (
, parseUrl
, AttemptCount()
, MsDelay()
, Connection()
, PendingConnection()
, WebSocketEvent(..)
, WebSocketOptions()
, WS()
, newWebSocket
, connect
, disconnect
, reconnect
, send
) where
import Math (min, pow)
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (Error())
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(), maybe)
import Data.Function
import Data.Foreign
import Data.Foreign.Null
import qualified Data.String.Regex as R
foreign import undefined "var undefined;" :: forall a. a
newtype Url = Url String
instance showUrl :: Show Url where
show (Url url) = show url
parseUrl :: String -> Either String Url
parseUrl url = Right $ Url url
foreign import data WS :: !
type AttemptCount = Number
type MsDelay = Number
data WebSocketEvent
= OnConnected Connection
| OnDisconnected
| OnReconnect AttemptCount MsDelay
| OnError Error
| OnMessage Connection Foreign
type WebSocketOptions eff
= { shouldReconnect :: Boolean
, backoffFn :: Maybe (AttemptCount -> MsDelay)
, eventsCallback :: WebSocketEvent -> Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) Unit
data EnhancedWebSocket
= EnhancedWebSocket {
wsConnect :: forall eff. Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) Unit
, wsDisconnect :: forall eff. Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) Unit
, wsReconnect :: forall eff. Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) Unit
, wsSend :: forall a eff. a -> Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) Unit
newtype Connection = Connection EnhancedWebSocket
newtype PendingConnection = PendingConnection EnhancedWebSocket
foreign import enhancedWebSocket
function enhancedWebSocket(url, shouldReconnect_, backoffFn, eventsCallback_) {
var reconnectAttemptCount = 0,
timeoutDescriptor = null,
innerReconnect = function() {},
resetTimeout = null,
backoffCeiling = 60 * 1000,
onopen = null,
onclose = null,
onmessage = null,
onerror = null,
sendmsg = null,
connect = null,
disconnect = null,
reconnect = null,
conn = null,
websocket = null;
if (shouldReconnect_) {
innerReconnect = function innerReconnect() {
var timeoutMs = backoffFn(reconnectAttemptCount);
.call(null, new OnReconnect(reconnectAttemptCount, timeoutMs))();
setTimeout(function timeoutDone() {
}, timeoutMs);
resetTimeout = function resetTimeout() {
if (timeoutDescriptor) {
reconnectAttemptCount = 0;
timeoutDescriptor = null;
onopen = function onopen(ev) {
resetTimeout();, OnConnected.create(websocket))();
onclose = function onclose(ev) {
if (conn) { conn = null; }, OnDisconnected.value)();
onmessage = function onmessage(ev) {, new OnMessage(websocket, ev))();
onerror = function onerror(ev) {, new OnError(ev))();
// 'public' API
sendmsg = function(msg) {
return function() {
if(conn) { conn.send(msg); }
connect = function connect() {
conn = new WebSocket(url);
conn.onopen = onopen();
conn.onclose = onclose;
conn.onmessage = onmessage;
conn.onerror = onerror;
return {};
disconnect = function disconnect() {
if (conn === null) return {};
return {};
reconnect = function reconnect() {
return {};
websocket = EnhancedWebSocket.create({ wsConnect: connect
, wsDisconnect: disconnect
, wsReconnect: reconnect
, wsSend: send });
return function() {
return websocket;
""" :: forall eff. Fn4 String
(AttemptCount -> MsDelay)
(WebSocketEvent -> Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff) Unit)
(Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) PendingConnection)
maxBackoffDelay :: MsDelay
maxBackoffDelay = 60 * 1000
backoffFn :: AttemptCount -> MsDelay
backoffFn attempt = min ((pow 2 attempt) * 1000) maxBackoffDelay
newWebSocket :: forall eff. Url -> WebSocketOptions eff -> Eff ( websocket :: WS | eff ) PendingConnection
newWebSocket (Url url) options = do
runFn4 enhancedWebSocket url
(maybe backoffFn id options.backoffFn)
connect (PendingConnection (EnhancedWebSocket { wsConnect = connect_ }))
= connect_
disconnect (Connection (EnhancedWebSocket { wsDisconnect = disconnect_ }))
= disconnect_
reconnect (Connection (EnhancedWebSocket { wsReconnect = reconnect_ }))
= reconnect_
send (Connection (EnhancedWebSocket { wsSend = innerSend })) msg
= innerSend msg
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