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Created May 26, 2018 07:50
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(ns code.server-render
[clojure.string :as str]
[cljss.builder :as cljss])
[clojure.lang IPersistentVector ISeq Named Numbers Ratio Keyword]))
(defn nothing? [element]
(and (vector? element)
(= :rum/nothing (first element))))
(def ^:dynamic *select-value*)
(defn append!
([^StringBuilder sb s0] (.append sb s0))
([^StringBuilder sb s0 s1]
(.append sb s0)
(.append sb s1))
([^StringBuilder sb s0 s1 s2]
(.append sb s0)
(.append sb s1)
(.append sb s2))
([^StringBuilder sb s0 s1 s2 s3]
(.append sb s0)
(.append sb s1)
(.append sb s2)
(.append sb s3))
([^StringBuilder sb s0 s1 s2 s3 s4]
(.append sb s0)
(.append sb s1)
(.append sb s2)
(.append sb s3)
(.append sb s4)))
(defprotocol ToString
(^String to-str [x] "Convert a value into a string."))
(extend-protocol ToString
Keyword (to-str [k] (name k))
Ratio (to-str [r] (str (float r)))
String (to-str [s] s)
Object (to-str [x] (str x))
nil (to-str [_] ""))
(def ^{:doc "A list of elements that must be rendered without a closing tag."
:private true}
#{"area" "base" "br" "col" "command" "embed" "hr" "img" "input" "keygen" "link"
"meta" "param" "source" "track" "wbr"})
(def normalized-attrs
{ ;; special cases
:default-checked "checked"
:default-value "value"
:accept-charset "accept-charset"
:access-key "accessKey"
:allow-full-screen "allowfullscreen"
:allow-transparency "allowTransparency"
:auto-complete "autoComplete"
:auto-play "autoplay"
:cell-padding "cellPadding"
:cell-spacing "cellSpacing"
:char-set "charSet"
:class-id "classId"
:col-span "colSpan"
:content-editable "contenteditable"
:context-menu "contextMenu"
:cross-origin "crossOrigin"
:date-time "dateTime"
:enc-type "encType"
:form-action "formAction"
:form-enc-type "formEncType"
:form-method "formMethod"
:form-no-validate "formnovalidate"
:form-target "formTarget"
:frame-border "frameBorder"
:href-lang "hrefLang"
:http-equiv "http-equiv"
:input-mode "inputMode"
:key-params "keyParams"
:key-type "keyType"
:margin-height "marginHeight"
:margin-width "marginWidth"
:max-length "maxLength"
:media-group "mediaGroup"
:min-length "minLength"
:no-validate "novalidate"
:radio-group "radioGroup"
:referrer-policy "referrerPolicy"
:read-only "readonly"
:row-span "rowspan"
:spell-check "spellcheck"
:src-doc "srcDoc"
:src-lang "srcLang"
:src-set "srcSet"
:tab-index "tabindex"
:use-map "useMap"
:auto-capitalize "autoCapitalize"
:auto-correct "autoCorrect"
:auto-save "autoSave"
:item-prop "itemProp"
:item-scope "itemscope"
:item-type "itemType"
:item-id "itemId"
:item-ref "itemRef"
:allow-reorder "allowReorder"
:attribute-name "attributeName"
:attribute-type "attributeType"
:auto-reverse "autoReverse"
:base-frequency "baseFrequency"
:base-profile "baseProfile"
:calc-mode "calcMode"
:clip-path-units "clipPathUnits"
:content-script-type "contentScriptType"
:content-style-type "contentStyleType"
:diffuse-constant "diffuseConstant"
:edge-mode "edgeMode"
:external-resources-required "externalResourcesRequired"
:filter-res "filterRes"
:filter-units "filterUnits"
:glyph-ref "glyphRef"
:gradient-transform "gradientTransform"
:gradient-units "gradientUnits"
:kernel-matrix "kernelMatrix"
:kernel-unit-length "kernelUnitLength"
:key-points "keyPoints"
:key-splines "keySplines"
:key-times "keyTimes"
:length-adjust "lengthAdjust"
:limiting-cone-angle "limitingConeAngle"
:marker-height "markerHeight"
:marker-units "markerUnits"
:marker-width "markerWidth"
:mask-content-units "maskContentUnits"
:mask-units "maskUnits"
:num-octaves "numOctaves"
:path-length "pathLength"
:pattern-content-units "patternContentUnits"
:pattern-transform "patternTransform"
:pattern-units "patternUnits"
:points-at-x "pointsAtX"
:points-at-y "pointsAtY"
:points-at-z "pointsAtZ"
:preserve-alpha "preserveAlpha"
:preserve-aspect-ratio "preserveAspectRatio"
:primitive-units "primitiveUnits"
:ref-x "refX"
:ref-y "refY"
:repeat-count "repeatCount"
:repeat-dur "repeatDur"
:required-extensions "requiredExtensions"
:required-features "requiredFeatures"
:specular-constant "specularConstant"
:specular-exponent "specularExponent"
:spread-method "spreadMethod"
:start-offset "startOffset"
:std-deviation "stdDeviation"
:stitch-tiles "stitchTiles"
:surface-scale "surfaceScale"
:system-language "systemLanguage"
:table-values "tableValues"
:target-x "targetX"
:target-y "targetY"
:view-box "viewBox"
:view-target "viewTarget"
:x-channel-selector "xChannelSelector"
:xlink-actuate "xlink:actuate"
:xlink-arcrole "xlink:arcrole"
:xlink-href "xlink:href"
:xlink-role "xlink:role"
:xlink-show "xlink:show"
:xlink-title "xlink:title"
:xlink-type "xlink:type"
:xml-base "xml:base"
:xmlns-xlink "xmlns:xlink"
:xml-lang "xml:lang"
:xml-space "xml:space"
:y-channel-selector "yChannelSelector"
:zoom-and-pan "zoomAndPan"})
(defn get-value [attrs]
(or (:value attrs)
(:default-value attrs)))
(defn normalize-attr-key ^String [key]
(or (normalized-attrs key)
(when (.startsWith (name key) "on")
(-> (name key) (str/lower-case) (str/replace "-" "")))
(name key)))
(defn escape-html [^String s]
(let [len (count s)]
(loop [^StringBuilder sb nil
i (int 0)]
(if (< i len)
(let [char (.charAt s i)
repl (case char
\& "&amp;"
\< "&lt;"
\> "&gt;"
\" "&quot;"
\' "&#x27;"
(if (nil? repl)
(if (nil? sb)
(recur nil (inc i))
(recur (doto sb
(.append char))
(inc i)))
(if (nil? sb)
(recur (doto (StringBuilder.)
(.append s 0 i)
(.append repl))
(inc i))
(recur (doto sb
(.append repl))
(inc i)))))
(if (nil? sb) s (str sb))))))
(defn parse-selector [s]
(loop [matches (re-seq #"([#.])?([^#.]+)" (name s))
tag "div"
id nil
classes nil]
(if-let [[_ prefix val] (first matches)]
(case prefix
nil (recur (next matches) val id classes)
"#" (recur (next matches) tag val classes)
"." (recur (next matches) tag id (conj (or classes []) val)))
[tag id classes])))
(defn normalize-element [[first second & rest]]
(when-not (or (keyword? first)
(symbol? first)
(string? first))
(throw (ex-info "Expected a keyword as a tag" { :tag first})))
(let [[tag tag-id tag-classes] (parse-selector first)
[attrs children] (if (or (map? second)
(nil? second))
[second rest]
[nil (cons second rest)])
attrs-classes (:class attrs)
css (get attrs :css)
attrs (dissoc attrs :css)
classes (if (and tag-classes attrs-classes)
[tag-classes attrs-classes]
(or tag-classes attrs-classes))]
[tag tag-id classes attrs children css]))
;;; render attributes
(def unitless-css-props
(into #{}
(for [key ["animation-iteration-count" "box-flex" "box-flex-group" "box-ordinal-group" "column-count" "flex" "flex-grow" "flex-positive" "flex-shrink" "flex-negative" "flex-order" "grid-row" "grid-column" "font-weight" "line-clamp" "line-height" "opacity" "order" "orphans" "tab-size" "widows" "z-index" "zoom" "fill-opacity" "stop-opacity" "stroke-dashoffset" "stroke-opacity" "stroke-width"]
prefix ["" "-webkit-" "-ms-" "-moz-" "-o-"]]
(str prefix key))))
(defn normalize-css-key [k]
(-> (to-str k)
(str/replace #"[A-Z]" (fn [ch] (str "-" (str/lower-case ch))))
(str/replace #"^ms-" "-ms-")))
(defn normalize-css-value [key value]
(contains? unitless-css-props key)
(escape-html (str/trim (to-str value)))
(number? value)
(str value (when (not= 0 value) "px"))
(escape-html (str/trim (to-str value)))))
(defn render-style-kv! [sb empty? k v]
(if v
(if empty?
(append! sb " style=\"")
(append! sb ";"))
(let [key (normalize-css-key k)
val (normalize-css-value key v)]
(append! sb key ":" val))
(defn render-style! [map sb]
(let [empty? (reduce-kv (partial render-style-kv! sb) true map)]
(when-not empty?
(append! sb "\""))))
(def styles* (atom #{}))
(defn render-cljss! [classes styles]
(let [cls (str "css-" (hash styles))
[cls css-str] (cljss/build-styles cls styles)]
(when-not (empty? styles)
(swap! styles* conj css-str))
(empty? styles) classes
(empty? classes) cls
:else (into [cls] classes))))
(defn render-class! [sb first? class]
(nil? class)
(string? class)
(when-not first?
(append! sb " "))
(append! sb class)
(or (sequential? class)
(set? class))
(reduce #(render-class! sb %1 %2) first? class)
(render-class! sb first? (to-str class))))
(defn render-classes! [classes sb]
(when classes
(append! sb " class=\"")
(render-class! sb true classes)
(append! sb "\"")))
(defn- render-attr-str! [sb attr value]
(append! sb " " attr "=\"" (escape-html (to-str value)) "\""))
(defn render-attr! [tag key value sb]
(let [attr (normalize-attr-key key)]
(= "css" attr) :nop
(= "type" attr) :nop ;; rendered manually in render-element! before id
(= "style" attr) (render-style! value sb)
(= "key" attr) :nop
(= "ref" attr) :nop
(= "class" attr) :nop
(and (= "value" attr)
(or (= "select" tag)
(= "textarea" tag))) :nop
(.startsWith attr "aria-") (render-attr-str! sb attr value)
(not value) :nop
(true? value) (append! sb " " attr "=\"\"")
(.startsWith attr "on") (if (string? value)
(render-attr-str! sb attr value)
(= "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" attr) :nop
:else (render-attr-str! sb attr value))))
(defn render-attrs! [tag attrs sb]
(reduce-kv (fn [_ k v] (render-attr! tag k v sb)) nil attrs))
;;; render html
(defprotocol HtmlRenderer
(-render-html [this *state sb]
"Turn a Clojure data type into a string of HTML with react ids."))
(defn render-inner-html! [attrs children sb]
(when-let [inner-html (:dangerouslySetInnerHTML attrs)]
(when-not (empty? children)
(throw (Exception. "Invariant Violation: Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.")))
(when-not (:__html inner-html)
(throw (Exception. "Invariant Violation: `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. Please visit for more information.")))
(append! sb (:__html inner-html))
(defn render-textarea-value! [tag attrs sb]
(when (= tag "textarea")
(when-some [value (get-value attrs)]
(append! sb (escape-html value))
(defn render-content! [tag attrs children *state sb]
(if (and (nil? children)
(contains? void-tags tag))
(append! sb "/>")
(append! sb ">")
(or (render-textarea-value! tag attrs sb)
(render-inner-html! attrs children sb)
(doseq [child children]
(-render-html child *state sb)))
(append! sb "</" tag ">")))
(when (not= :state/static @*state)
(vreset! *state :state/tag-close)))
(defn render-element!
"Render an element vector as a HTML element."
[element *state sb]
(when-not (nothing? element)
(let [[tag id classes attrs children css] (normalize-element element)
classes (render-cljss! classes css)]
(append! sb "<" tag)
(when-some [type (:type attrs)]
(append! sb " type=\"" type "\""))
(when (and (= "option" tag)
(= (get-value attrs) *select-value*))
(append! sb " selected=\"\""))
(when id
(append! sb " id=\"" id "\""))
(render-attrs! tag attrs sb)
(render-classes! classes sb)
(when (= :state/root @*state)
(append! sb " data-reactroot=\"\""))
(when (not= :state/static @*state)
(vreset! *state :state/tag-open))
(if (= "select" tag)
(binding [*select-value* (get-value attrs)]
(render-content! tag attrs children *state sb))
(render-content! tag attrs children *state sb)))))
(extend-protocol HtmlRenderer
(-render-html [this *state sb]
(render-element! this *state sb))
(-render-html [this *state sb]
(when (= :state/root @*state)
(vreset! *state :state/root-seq))
(doseq [element this]
(-render-html element *state sb)))
(-render-html [this *state sb]
(when (= @*state :state/text)
(append! sb "<!-- -->"))
(append! sb (escape-html this))
(when (not= :state/static @*state)
(vreset! *state :state/text)))
(-render-html [this *state sb]
(-render-html (str this) *state sb))
(-render-html [this *state sb]
(defn render-html
([src] (render-html src nil))
([src opts]
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)
_ (reset! styles* #{})
_ (-render-html src (volatile! :state/root) sb)
styles (clojure.string/join "" @styles*)]
[(str sb) styles])))
(defn render-static-markup [src]
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(-render-html src (volatile! :state/static) sb)
(str sb)))
(ns code.static
(:require [code.server-render :as server]))
(let [[html-str css-str] (server/render-html (app))]
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