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Created December 5, 2019 20:10
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AoC 2019, Day 5
(defn prefix-params [default params]
(let [diff-ln (- (count default) (count params))]
(if-not (== 0 diff-ln)
(str (subs default 0 diff-ln) params)
(defn read-instruction [s]
(case s
"1" [1 0 0 1]
"2" [2 0 0 1]
"3" [3 1]
"4" [4 0]
"7" [7 0 0 1]
"8" [8 0 0 1]
"99" [99]
(let [[_ params s] (re-find #"([0-9]+)([0-9]{2})$" s)
opcode (Integer/parseInt s)
params (case opcode
1 (prefix-params "100" params)
2 (prefix-params "100" params)
5 (prefix-params "00" params)
6 (prefix-params "00" params)
7 (prefix-params "100" params)
8 (prefix-params "100" params)
params (->> (reverse params)
(mapv #(Character/digit ^char % 10)))]
(into [opcode] params))))
(defn get-param [memory offset mode]
(let [v (get memory offset)]
(condp == mode
0 (get memory v)
1 v
(throw (Error. (str "Unknown parameter mode " mode))))))
(defn read-params [memory offset params]
(map-indexed #(get-param memory (+ %1 offset) %2) params))
(defn next-offset ^long [offset params]
(+ offset (count params) 1))
(defn interpret [memory input]
(let [memory (transient memory)]
(loop [offset 0
log (list)]
(let [[opcode & raw-params] (read-instruction (str (get memory offset)))
params (read-params memory (inc offset) raw-params)]
(condp == opcode
1 (let [[a b c] params]
(assoc! memory c (+ a b))
(recur (next-offset offset params) log))
2 (let [[a b c] params]
(assoc! memory c (* a b))
(recur (next-offset offset params) log))
3 (let [[a] params]
(assoc! memory a input)
(recur (next-offset offset params) log))
4 (let [[a] params]
(recur (next-offset offset params) (cons a log)))
5 (let [[a b] params]
(if-not (== 0 a)
(recur b log)
(recur (next-offset offset params) log)))
6 (let [[a b] params]
(if (== 0 a)
(recur b log)
(recur (next-offset offset params) log)))
7 (let [[a b c] params]
(if (< a b)
(assoc! memory c 1)
(assoc! memory c 0))
(recur (next-offset offset params) log))
8 (let [[a b c] params]
(if (== a b)
(assoc! memory c 1)
(assoc! memory c 0))
(recur (next-offset offset params) log))
99 (when (every? zero? (rest log))
(first log))
(throw (Error. (str "Unknown opcode " opcode))))))))
(def input
(->> (clojure.string/split (slurp "input_2019_5") #",")
(map read-string)))
(defn input->memory [input]
(->> input
(map-indexed #(vector %1 %2))
(into {})))
(def memory (input->memory input))
(= 7265618 (interpret memory 1))
(= 7731427 (interpret memory 5)))
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