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Last active June 26, 2024 12:03
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(ns uix.ssr
(:require [uix.core :as uix :refer [$ defui]]
#?(:cljs ["react-slider" :as react.slider])
#?(:clj [uix.dom.server :as dom.server])))
(defui js-comp* [{:keys [children]}]
(let [[show? set-show] (uix/use-state false)]
#(set-show true)
(when show? children))))
(defmacro js-comp [comp & args]
(when (uix.lib/cljs-env? &env)
`($ js-comp* ($ ~comp ~@args)))))
(defui app []
($ :<>
($ :h1 "Hello")
(js-comp react.slider/ReactSlider)))
(dom.server/render-to-string ($ app)))
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