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Created September 22, 2019 04:30
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[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library 0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA] Initializing logger
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file 0Harmony.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file 0Harmony. as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\0Harmony.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library SemVer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a89bb7dc6f7a145c
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file SemVer.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file SemVer. as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\SemVer.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Newtonsoft.Json.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Newtonsoft.Json. as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Newtonsoft.Json.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Config] Loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Beat Saber IPA.json
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Config] Loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Disabled Mods.json
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA] Configuring exit handlers
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Loader] Prepping bootstrapper
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Mono.Cecil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Mono.Cecil.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Mono.Cecil. as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Mono.Cecil.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Loader] Finding backup
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Loader] Ensuring patch on UnityEngine.CoreModule exists
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library Ionic.Zip, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edbe51ad942a3f5c
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file Ionic.Zip.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file Ionic.Zip. as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\Ionic.Zip.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\IPA\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Loader] Ensuring Assembly-CSharp is virtualized
[DEBUG @ 00:04:17 | IPA/Loader] Applying anti-yeet patch
[INFO @ 00:04:18 | IPA/Updater] Installing pending updates
[WARNING @ 00:04:18 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Could not add DLL directory
[WARNING @ 00:04:18 | IPA/LibraryLoader] System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The parameter is incorrect.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:18 | IPA] GameVersion set early to 1.3.0
[DEBUG @ 00:04:18 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BeatSaberCustomUI.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BeatSaverDownloader.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BSML.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for BS_Utils.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for CustomNotes.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for CustomSaber.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for EnhancedSearchAndFilters.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for Enhancements.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for ScoreSaber.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for song-refresh-button.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongBrowser.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for SongDataCore.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest IniParser.manifest
[ERROR @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Application.version was not found! Cannot check early parsed version
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Plugins loaded
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA] SongCore(SongCore@2.2.1)(SongCore.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongCore.dll', Custom UI(CustomUI@1.6.0)(CustomUI.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BeatSaberCustomUI.dll', SongDataCore(SongDataCore@1.1.3)(SongDataCore.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongDataCore.dll', Song Browser(SongBrowser@5.5.1)(SongBrowser.Plugin) from 'Plugins\SongBrowser.dll', BS_Utils(BS Utils@1.3.6)(BS_Utils.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BS_Utils.dll', BeatSaver Downloader(BeatSaverDownloader@4.4.0)(BeatSaverDownloader.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BeatSaverDownloader.dll', Beat Saber IPA(BSIPA@3.13.2)() from 'IPA.exe', Custom Sabers(Custom Sabers@3.2.2)(CustomSaber.Plugin) from 'Plugins\CustomSaber.dll', INI Parser(Ini Parser@2.5.5)() from 'Plugins\IniParser.manifest', ScoreSaber(ScoreSaber@2.2.0)(ScoreSaber.Plugin) from 'Plugins\ScoreSaber.dll', EnhancedSearchAndFilters(EnhancedSearchAndFilters@1.5.1)(EnhancedSearchAndFilters.Plugin) from 'Plugins\EnhancedSearchAndFilters.dll', CustomNotes(Custom Notes@1.2.1)(CustomNotes.Plugin) from 'Plugins\CustomNotes.dll', Song Refresh Button(@1.1.1)(Song_Refresh_Button_BSIPA.Plugin) from 'Plugins\song-refresh-button.dll', BeatSaberMarkupLanguage(BeatSaberMarkupLanguage@1.0.4)(BeatSaberMarkupLanguage.Plugin) from 'Plugins\BSML.dll', Enhancements(Enhancements@1.0.5)(Enhancements.Plugin) from 'Plugins\Enhancements.dll'
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | UnityEngine] OnLevelWasLoaded was found on PluginComponent
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | UnityEngine] This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | UnityEngine] Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\UnityEngine\2019.
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] SongDataCore:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] SongDataCore:
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] SongDataCore:
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] Feature not valid on SongDataCore: Incorrect number of parameters
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] Song Browser:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] Song Browser:
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] Song Browser:
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] Feature not valid on Song Browser: Incorrect number of parameters
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] BeatSaver Downloader:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] BeatSaver Downloader:
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] BeatSaver Downloader:
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader/Features] Feature not valid on BeatSaver Downloader: Incorrect number of parameters
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Config] Loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Custom UI.json
[WARNING @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Loader] Mod BS_Utils developed for game version 1.1.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | Custom Sabers] Logger prepared
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\Custom Sabers\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Config] Loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\CustomNotes.json
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | CustomNotes] CustomNotes.Utilities.NoteAssetLoader - Found 5 note(s)
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\CustomNotes\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Config] Loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Song Refresh Button.json
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library INIFileParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79af7b307b65cf3c
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file INIFileParser.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file INIFileParser. as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\INIFileParser.
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Beat Saber
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Running on Unity 2018.4.4f1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Game version 1.3.0
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Loading plugins from Plugins and found 17
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] SongCore (SongCore): 2.2.1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Custom UI (CustomUI): 1.6.0
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] SongDataCore (SongDataCore): 1.1.3
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Song Browser (SongBrowser): 5.5.1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] BS_Utils (BS Utils): 1.3.6
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] BeatSaver Downloader (BeatSaverDownloader): 4.4.0
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Beat Saber IPA (BSIPA): 3.13.2
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Custom Sabers (Custom Sabers): 3.2.2
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] INI Parser (Ini Parser): 2.5.5
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] ScoreSaber (ScoreSaber): 2.2.0
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] EnhancedSearchAndFilters (EnhancedSearchAndFilters): 1.5.1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] CustomNotes (Custom Notes): 1.2.1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Song Refresh Button (): 1.1.1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] BeatSaberMarkupLanguage (BeatSaberMarkupLanguage): 1.0.4
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] Enhancements (Enhancements): 1.0.5
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] MappingExtensions: 1.3.1
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] PracticePlugin: 4.5.0
[INFO @ 00:04:19 | IPA] -----------------------------
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: SongCore@2.2.1 - (>=2.2.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: CustomUI@1.6.0 - (>=1.6.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: SongDataCore@1.1.3 - (>=1.1.3 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: SongBrowser@5.5.1 - (>=5.5.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: BS Utils@1.3.6 - (>=1.3.6 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: BeatSaverDownloader@4.4.0 - (>=4.4.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: BSIPA@3.13.2 - (>=3.13.2 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: Custom Sabers@3.2.2 - (>=3.2.2 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: Ini Parser@2.5.5 - (>=2.5.5 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: ScoreSaber@2.2.0 - (>=2.2.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: EnhancedSearchAndFilters@1.5.1 - (>=1.5.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: Custom Notes@1.2.1 - (>=1.2.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: BeatSaberMarkupLanguage@1.0.4 - (>=1.0.4 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: Enhancements@1.0.5 - (>=1.0.5 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: MappingExtensions@1.3.1 - (>=1.3.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:19 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: PracticePlugin@4.5.0 - (>=4.5.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found 11 playlists in Playlists folder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\Song Browser\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "Best K-Pop Maps Vol 1" by n3tman
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "Song Browser Favorites" by SongBrowser
[ERROR @ 00:04:21 | UnityEngine] Texture has out of range width / height
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | _] Exception loading texture from base64 data.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "BanG Dream Songs Vol. 1" by Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\_\2019.
[ERROR @ 00:04:21 | UnityEngine] Texture has out of range width / height
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | _] Exception loading texture from base64 data.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "BanG Dream Songs Vol. 2" by Joetastic
[ERROR @ 00:04:21 | UnityEngine] Texture has out of range width / height
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | _] Exception loading texture from base64 data.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "BanG Dream Songs Vol. 3" by Joetastic
[ERROR @ 00:04:21 | UnityEngine] Texture has out of range width / height
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | _] Exception loading texture from base64 data.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "BanG Dream Songs Vol. 4" by Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "BanG Dream Songs Vol. 5" by Joetastic
[ERROR @ 00:04:21 | UnityEngine] Texture has out of range width / height
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | _] Exception loading texture from base64 data.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "BanG Dream Songs Vol. 6" by Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "RWBY Songs" by Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | Song Browser] Found "TWICE Pack Vol. 1" by Sotarks
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | BeatSaver Downloader] Song Browser installed, disabling Song List Tweaks
[DEBUG @ 00:04:21 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\BeatSaver Downloader\2019.
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | BeatSaver Downloader] Creating sprites...
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | BeatSaver Downloader] Creating sprites... Done!
[INFO @ 00:04:21 | BeatSaver Downloader] Found 11 playlists in Playlists folder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Loading sabers!
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Found 4 sabers
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Loading Neo Katanas
[WARNING @ 00:04:22 | UnityEngine] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'RightSaber') is missing!
[WARNING @ 00:04:22 | UnityEngine] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'LeftSaber') is missing!
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Loading Oldschool Default
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Loading Plasma Katana
[WARNING @ 00:04:22 | UnityEngine] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'RightSaber') is missing!
[WARNING @ 00:04:22 | UnityEngine] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'LeftSaber') is missing!
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Loading Tesla Sabers V3.0
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Custom Sabers] Added 4 sabers
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | Song Refresh Button] OnApplicationStart
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\Song Refresh Button\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | IPA/Config] Saving file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Beat Saber IPA.json
[DEBUG @ 00:04:22 | IPA/Config] Loading file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Beat Saber IPA.json
[INFO @ 00:04:23 | _] Switching to Scene: PCInitWith handle: -102
[INFO @ 00:04:23 | _] Switching to Scene: EmptyTransitionWith handle: -468
[INFO @ 00:04:24 | UnityEngine] Controller manufacturer name: HTC
[INFO @ 00:04:24 | _] Switching to Scene: HealthWarningWith handle: -490
[ERROR @ 00:04:28 | IPA/Updater] Error getting info for BeatSaberMarkupLanguage
[INFO @ 00:04:29 | _] Switching to Scene: EmptyTransitionWith handle: -620
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | _] Switching to Scene: MenuCoreWith handle: -672
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | BS_Utils] [BS-Utils] Applying Harmony Patches
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\BS_Utils\2019.
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | BS_Utils] [BS-Utils] Removing Isolated Level
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | Custom Sabers] Adding custom saber button
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongCore] Finished reading cached hashes for 264 songs!
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongCore] Starting full song refresh
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\SongCore\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library SongBrowser.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file SongBrowser.XmlSerializers.
[CRITICAL @ 00:04:30 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library SongBrowser.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null found
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library SongBrowser.XmlSerializers
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file SongBrowser.XmlSerializers..dll
[CRITICAL @ 00:04:30 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library SongBrowser.XmlSerializers found
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | Song Browser] Settings loaded, sorting mode is: YourPlayCount
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | _] SongBrowser Plugin Loaded()
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | BeatSaver Downloader] Downloading scrapped data...
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | BeatSaver Downloader] Setting up song list tweaks...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | BS_Utils] [BS-Utils] Attempting to Grab Steam User
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\SongDataCore\2019.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | SongDataCore] [WebRequestCaching] WebCachePath : C:/Users/Roman/AppData/Local/Temp/Hyperbolic Magnetism/Beat Saber/WebCache/
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongDataCore] Sending Web Request:
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongDataCore] Sending Web Request:
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongCore] Loaded 264 new songs in 0.3535118 seconds
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | Song Browser] Matching songs for all playlists!
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | BeatSaver Downloader] Matching songs for all playlists!
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Clearing word prediction storage cache
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Starting to cache all custom song details
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | IPA] Compressing log file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\EnhancedSearchAndFilters\2019.
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Successfully loaded details cache from storage
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | Song Browser] Determining song download time and determining mappings took 30ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:30 | Song Browser] Loading playlist for editing: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Playlists\SongBrowserPluginFavorites.json
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | Song Browser] Updating songs infos took 42ms
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | SongCore] Updating cached hashes for 264 songs!
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | BeatSaver Downloader] Updating level packs... New level packs count: 18
[INFO @ 00:04:30 | BeatSaver Downloader] Received response from
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | BeatSaver Downloader] Scrapped data downloaded!
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Success downloading data!
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Processing data!
[DEBUG @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] <color=green>[WebRequestCaching] Etag cache hit :</color>
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Constructing ScoreSaberDataFile
[DEBUG @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Processing ScoreSaber data took 40ms
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Success processing data!
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Preparing to download:
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Sending Web Request:
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Success downloading data!
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Processing data!
[DEBUG @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] <color=green>[WebRequestCaching] Etag cache hit :</color>
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Constructing ScoreSaberDataFile
[DEBUG @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Processing ScoreSaber data took 16ms
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Success processing data!
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Success downloading data!
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Processing data!
[DEBUG @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] <color=green>[WebRequestCaching] Download is completed successfully :</color>
[INFO @ 00:04:31 | SongDataCore] Constructing BeatSaver Database.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:32 | SongDataCore] Processing BeatSaver data took 959ms
[INFO @ 00:04:32 | SongDataCore] Success processing data!
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] SongBrowser mod found. Attempting to modify button behaviour.
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Attempting to initialize SongBrowser tweaks.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Unable to find the buttons created by SongBrowser
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Entering SOLO mode...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired LevelPacksViewController [25674]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired LevelPackDetailViewController [25772]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired LevelPacksTableView [25042]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired LevelPackLevelsViewController [24468]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired LevelPackLevelsTableView [25752]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired StandardLevelDetailViewController [24606]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired StandardLevelDetailView [25758]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired BeatmapCharacteristicSegmentedControlController [24530]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired DismissableNavigationController [24958]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired BeatmapDifficultySegmentedControlController [25282]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired TableViewRectTransform from LevelPackLevelsTableView [20006]
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Acquired Page Up and Down buttons...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Creating outer UI...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Create sort buttons...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Creating filter buttons...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Creating Add to favorites button...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Creating delete button...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Creating fast scroll button...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Resizing Stats Panel...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Done Creating UI...
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Determining song download time and determining mappings took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Updating songs infos took 2ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Current selected level pack: OstVol1LevelPack (BeatmapLevelPackSO)
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Automatically selecting level pack: custom_levelpack_C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Cannot select level packs yet...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: OstVol1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 1ms
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: custom_level_42f3 (Bmblb - Joetastic)
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Checking for BeatSaber Twitch Integration Plugin...
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] BeatSaber Twitch Integration plugin detected: False
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Song is not in the level pack, cannot scroll to it... Using last known row 0/10
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 0
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack header! IsPlaylist=False
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: SongCore@2.2.1 - (>=2.2.1 <3.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: CustomUI@1.6.0 - (>=1.6.0 <2.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: SongDataCore@1.1.3 - (>=1.1.3 <2.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: SongBrowser@5.5.1 - (>=5.5.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BS Utils@1.3.6 - (>=1.3.6 <2.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BeatSaverDownloader@4.4.0 - (>=4.4.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BSIPA@3.13.2 - (>=3.13.2 <4.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Custom Sabers@3.2.2 - (>=3.2.2 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Ini Parser@2.5.5 - (>=2.5.5 <3.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: ScoreSaber@2.2.0 - (>=2.2.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: EnhancedSearchAndFilters@1.5.1 - (>=1.5.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Custom Notes@1.2.1 - (>=1.2.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BeatSaberMarkupLanguage@1.0.4 - (>=1.0.4 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Enhancements@1.0.5 - (>=1.0.5 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: MappingExtensions@1.3.1 - (>=1.3.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: PracticePlugin@4.5.0 - (>=4.5.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Harmony@ - (>=1.2.0 <2.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:33 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BSML@ - (^1.0.3 ! )
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Attempting to initialize SongBrowser tweaks.
[INFO @ 00:04:33 | EnhancedSearchAndFilters] Modified SongBrowser's search, filter, and clear filter buttons
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: custom_level_42f3 (Bmblb - Joetastic)
[WARNING @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Exception refreshing song list::System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[WARNING @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] at SongBrowser.DataAccess.BeatSaberUIController.SelectAndScrollToLevel (LevelPackLevelsTableView table, System.String levelID) [0x000b7] in <630606041cc6469e890a6412964108ee>:0
[WARNING @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] at SongBrowser.DataAccess.BeatSaberUIController.RefreshSongList (System.String currentSelectedLevelId, System.Boolean scrollToLevel) [0x00085] in <630606041cc6469e890a6412964108ee>:0
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: Imagine Dragons Music Pack
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: ImagineDragons
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:35 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library ScoreSaber.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 00:04:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file ScoreSaber.resources.
[CRITICAL @ 00:04:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library ScoreSaber.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null found
[DEBUG @ 00:04:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library ScoreSaber.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 00:04:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file ScoreSaber.resources.
[CRITICAL @ 00:04:36 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library ScoreSaber.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null found
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack ImagineDragonsPreviewBeatmapLevelPack (PreviewBeatmapLevelPackSO)
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 8
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: BanG Dream Songs Vol. 1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: Playlist_BanG Dream Songs Vol. 1_Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:38 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 0
[INFO @ 00:04:38 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack header! IsPlaylist=True
[WARNING @ 00:04:38 | IPA/Updater] BeatSaberMarkupLanguage info request failed, not trying again
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: SongCore@2.2.1 -> 2.2.1 - (>=2.2.1 <3.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: CustomUI@1.6.0 -> 1.6.0 - (>=1.6.0 <2.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: SongDataCore@1.1.3 -> 1.1.3 - (>=1.1.3 <2.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: SongBrowser@5.5.1 -> 5.5.1 - (>=5.5.1 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BS Utils@1.3.6 -> 1.3.6 - (>=1.3.6 <2.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BeatSaverDownloader@4.4.0 -> 4.4.0 - (>=4.4.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BSIPA@3.13.2 -> 3.13.2 - (>=3.13.2 <4.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Custom Sabers@3.2.2 -> 3.2.2 - (>=3.2.2 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Ini Parser@2.5.5 - (>=2.5.5 <3.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: ScoreSaber@2.2.0 -> 2.2.0 - (>=2.2.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: EnhancedSearchAndFilters@1.5.1 -> 1.5.1 - (>=1.5.1 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Custom Notes@1.2.1 -> 1.2.1 - (>=1.2.1 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BeatSaberMarkupLanguage@1.0.4 - (>=1.0.4 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Enhancements@1.0.5 -> 1.0.5 - (>=1.0.5 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: MappingExtensions@1.3.1 - (>=1.3.1 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: PracticePlugin@4.5.0 -> 4.5.0 - (>=4.5.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: Harmony@ - (>=1.2.0 <2.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Dependency: BSML@ -> 1.0.4 - (^1.0.3 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: SongCore@2.2.1 -> 2.2.1 - (>=2.2.1 <3.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: CustomUI@1.6.0 -> 1.6.0 - (>=1.6.0 <2.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: SongDataCore@1.1.3 -> 1.1.3 - (>=1.1.3 <2.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: SongBrowser@5.5.1 -> 5.5.1 - (>=5.5.1 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: BS Utils@1.3.6 -> 1.3.6 - (>=1.3.6 <2.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: BeatSaverDownloader@4.4.0 -> 4.4.0 - (>=4.4.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: BSIPA@3.13.2 -> 3.13.2 - (>=3.13.2 <4.0.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: Custom Sabers@3.2.2 -> 3.2.2 - (>=3.2.2 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: ScoreSaber@2.2.0 -> 2.2.0 - (>=2.2.0 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: EnhancedSearchAndFilters@1.5.1 -> 1.5.1 - (>=1.5.1 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: Custom Notes@1.2.1 -> 1.2.1 - (>=1.2.1 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: Enhancements@1.0.5 -> 1.0.5 - (>=1.0.5 ! ) Already have
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: PracticePlugin@4.5.0 -> 4.5.0 - (>=4.5.0 ! ) Already have
[WARNING @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Could not resolve dependency Harmony@ - (>=1.2.0 <2.0.0 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Resolved: BSML@ -> 1.0.4 - (^1.0.3 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] To Download: BSML@ -> 1.0.4 - (^1.0.3 ! )
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] To Download BSML@1.0.4
[DEBUG @ 00:04:39 | IPA/Updater] Release: Steam
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] URL =
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Sending request
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Got content length: 35012
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Download complete
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack BeatSaverDownloader.Misc.PlaylistLevelPackSO
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: Original Soundtrack Vol. 1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: OstVol1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: Escape
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Escape
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Download finished
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Extracting ZIP file for BSML
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Streams opened
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Creating directory Plugins/
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Extracting file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\IPA\8bp9fzae.bfb_Pending\Plugins\BSML.dll
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Extractor exited
[DEBUG @ 00:04:40 | IPA/Updater] Download complete
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack OstVol1LevelPack (BeatmapLevelPackSO)
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: Escape
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 7
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Escape
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Escape
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: Extras
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: Extras
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: PopStars
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Escape
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song POP/STARS - K/DA
[DEBUG @ 00:04:43 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack ExtrasLevelPack (BeatmapLevelPackSO)
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: PopStars
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 5
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song POP/STARS - K/DA
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song POP/STARS - K/DA
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: BanG Dream Songs Vol. 6
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: Playlist_BanG Dream Songs Vol. 6_Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:45 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 0
[INFO @ 00:04:45 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack header! IsPlaylist=True
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack BeatSaverDownloader.Misc.PlaylistLevelPackSO
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: BanG Dream Songs Vol. 3
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: Playlist_BanG Dream Songs Vol. 3_Joetastic
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:47 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 0
[INFO @ 00:04:47 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack header! IsPlaylist=True
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack BeatSaverDownloader.Misc.PlaylistLevelPackSO
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: WIP Maps
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: custom_levelpack_CustomWIPLevels
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: WIP Maps
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: custom_levelpack_CustomWIPLevels
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:49 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack SongCore.OverrideClasses.SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: Best K-Pop Maps Vol 1
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: Playlist_Best K-Pop Maps Vol 1_n3tman
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[DEBUG @ 00:04:51 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 0
[INFO @ 00:04:51 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack header! IsPlaylist=True
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack BeatSaverDownloader.Misc.PlaylistLevelPackSO
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: WIP Maps
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: custom_levelpack_CustomWIPLevels
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:04:52 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack SongCore.OverrideClasses.SongCoreCustomBeatmapLevelPack
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID:
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: Imagine Dragons Music Pack
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: ImagineDragons
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 1
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song POP/STARS - K/DA
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:05:03 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Cancelling filter, levelPack ImagineDragonsPreviewBeatmapLevelPack (PreviewBeatmapLevelPackSO)
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 8
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | BeatSaver Downloader] Selected pack: Custom Maps
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Using songs from level pack: custom_levelpack_CustomLevels
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Starting filtering songs by None
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] No song filter selected...
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Filtering songs took 0ms
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Starting to sort songs...
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Sorting song list by playcount
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Sorting songs took 0ms
[INFO @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Refreshing the song list view.
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Checking if TableView is initialized...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Reloading SongList TableView
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Attempting to scroll to level...
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Scrolling to LevelID: custom_level_CF5E32D6B7F30095F7198DA5894139C92336CAD7
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Scrolling level list to idx: 1
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Expert
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Checking if have info for song Thunder
[DEBUG @ 00:05:06 | Song Browser] Done refreshing score saber stats.
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Add (T item) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] AsyncCachedLoader`2+<LoadAsync>d__7[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] CachedMediaAsyncLoaderSO+<LoadAudioClipAsync>d__6.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel+<GetPreviewAudioClipAsync>d__57.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] LevelPackLevelsViewController+<SongPlayerCrossfadeToLevelAsync>d__19.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <4b072c28d0804e3e8741f43de2d5aec4>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Add (T item) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] AsyncCachedLoader`2+<LoadAsync>d__7[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] CachedMediaAsyncLoaderSO+<LoadAudioClipAsync>d__6.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel+<GetPreviewAudioClipAsync>d__57.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] CustomLevelLoaderSO+<LoadCustomBeatmapLevelAsync>d__10.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] BeatmapLevelsModelSO+<GetBeatmapLevelAsync>d__26.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] StandardLevelDetailViewController+<LoadBeatmapLevelAsync>d__38.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at <df7127ba07dc446d9f5831a0ec7b1d63>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <4b072c28d0804e3e8741f43de2d5aec4>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 00:05:06 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks()
[DEBUG @ 00:05:19 | CustomNotes] CustomNotes.Configuration - Configuration saved!
[DEBUG @ 00:05:19 | Song Refresh Button] OnApplicationQuit
[DEBUG @ 00:05:19 | IPA/Config] Saving file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\CustomNotes.json
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