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Created August 30, 2019 13:58
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A script that reads MeSH descriptors and PubTator doc data from data files and create SQLite database to store the encoded docs for later training uses. (deprecated)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Preprocess PubTator corpus and ScopeNotes of MeSH descriptors for language
model training (LmBMET).
1) Given the original PubTator biocepts annotated documents, this interpolates
the concept codes into document texts. Before that, this will count word
frequencies and generate vocabulary which will include the entire set of
bioconcepts (MeSH in particular). In case that a pre-trained embeddings file
(.vec) is provided, we obtain a vocabulary from the embeddings.
2) Along with the PubTator documents and its vocabulary, this script will parse
MeSH descriptors, extract definitions (concept name and scope note), and store t
hem in another table "MeSH"
To make the set of MeSH terms complete, we add all the concepts and their
definitions into the training dataset.
Raw datafiles can be obtained from the following links:
- PubTator:
- MeSH Descriptors:
from typing import List
import argparse
import sqlite3
import time
from pathlib import Path
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
import gzip
from collections import Counter
from bounter import bounter
from lxml import etree
from tqdm import tqdm
import logging
import spacy
import utils as tp_utils
from data import Vocab
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Vocabulary
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_vocab():
"""Read datafile by chunk, count word frequencies and update vocabs"""
mesh_keys = ['εmesh_' + ent for ent in meshes]
vocab_options = {
'special': ['<unk>', '<eod>'],
'concepts': mesh_keys,
'min_freq': 10,
'max_size': 200000
vocab_ = Vocab(**vocab_options)
agg = bounter(size_mb=1024) # Counter is inefficient with a large key set
# Ready docs by chunk'Reading documents to build a vocabulary...')
# Read docs
docs = []
timer = tp_utils.Timer()
def cb_aggregate_counts(res):
p = Pool()
fn = partial(mp_parse_docs, nlp)
cnt = 0
with, 'rt') as f:
for doc in tp_utils.read_pubtator_doc(f, fields=['title', 'body']):
docs.append(' '.join(doc))
cnt += 1
if cnt % 5000 == 0:
print('Counting words in {} docs...\r'.format(cnt), end='')
p.apply_async(fn, args=(docs, ), callback=cb_aggregate_counts)
docs = []
# Remainder
p.apply_async(fn, args=(docs, ), callback=cb_aggregate_counts)
p.join()'agg cardinality %d' % agg.cardinality())
vocab_.counter.update({k: v for k, v in agg.items()})
agg = None'Completed counting words of %d PubTator documents '
'in %.2f secs' % (cnt-1, timer.time()))
logger.debug('20 most common tokens: [%s]' % vocab_.counter.most_common(20))
logger.debug('idx2sym %s' % vocab_.idx2sym[:10])
return vocab_, cnt-1
def read_vocab(vocab_size=-1):
"""Read a vocabulary from a pre-trained embeddings file (.vec)"""
# Separate concepts from symbols
concepts = []
symbols = []
with as f:
for line in f:
w = line.split()[0]
if w.startswith('εmesh_'):
symbols.append(w)'{} concepts and {} regular words found in the given embeddings'
''.format(len(concepts), len(symbols)))
vocab = Vocab(special=['<unk>', '<eod>'], concepts=concepts)
n_reg_words = len(symbols) if vocab_size < 0\
else max(0, vocab_size-len(vocab.special))'Adding {} special codes and {} regular words...'
''.format(len(vocab.special), n_reg_words))
for sym in symbols:
if vocab_size < 0:
if len(vocab) < vocab_size:
return vocab
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parsing PubTator
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def mp_parse_docs(nlp, docs: List[str]):
"""Parse documents for counting word frequencies"""
word_freq = Counter()
for doc in docs:
word_freq.update([t.lower_ for t in nlp(doc) if not t.is_space])
return word_freq
def mp_encode_docs(nlp, vocab, docs):
"""Encode given list of texts (which are in PubTator structure), do text
preprocess, interpolate entities, and convert them into word-level
vocabulary indices
:param nlp: SpaCy client
:param vocab: vocabulary built with PubTator documents and MeSH descriptors
:param docs: list of docs
encoded_docs = []
for pmid, doc in docs:
encoded_doc = []
for t in nlp(doc):
sym = t.text
if not t.is_space:
if sym in vocab.sym2idx:
encoded_docs.append((pmid, ' '.join(map(str, encoded_doc))))
return encoded_docs
def encode_pubtator_docs():'Encoding PubTator documents...')
# Initialize DB
conn = sqlite3.connect(args.db_file.as_posix(), check_same_thread=False)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('CREATE TABLE documents (pmid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, '
'enc_text TEXT);')
if num_docs > 0:
pbar = tqdm(total=num_docs)
cnt_done = 0
def cb_insert_encoded_docs(res):
nonlocal cnt_done
cnt_done += len(res)
c = conn.cursor()
c.executemany("INSERT INTO documents VALUES (?,?)", res)
if num_docs > 0:
print('{} docs inserted...\r'.format(cnt_done), end='')
# Read docs
docs = []
batch_size = 5000
cnt_done = 0
fn = partial(mp_encode_docs, nlp, vocab)
p = Pool()
with, 'rt') as f:
for pmid, doc in tp_utils.read_pubtator_doc(f, annotate=True):
docs.append((pmid, doc))
cnt_done += 1
if cnt_done % batch_size == 0:
p.apply_async(fn, args=(docs, ),
docs = []
if num_docs > 0:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parsing MeSH concepts
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def encode_mesh_definitions(nlp, vocab, meshes):'Encoding MeSH definitions...')
# Initialize DB; create the 'mesh' table
conn = sqlite3.connect(args.db_file.as_posix(), check_same_thread=False)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('CREATE TABLE mesh (mshid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, enc_doc TEXT);')
entries = []
for k, (name, note) in meshes.items():
tokens = [t.lower_ for t in nlp(name + ' ' + note) if not t.is_space]
tok_indices = [vocab.sym2idx[t]
if t in vocab.sym2idx else vocab.sym2idx['<unk>']
for t in tokens]
entries.append((k, ' '.join(map(str, tok_indices))))
c.executemany('INSERT INTO mesh VALUES (?, ?)', entries)
# RUN~!
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Logger
format='[%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s] -- %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--pubtator', type=str,
help='Path to the PubTator data file')
parser.add_argument('--mesh', type=str, default='data/mesh/desc2019.gz',
help='Path to the MeSH descriptors data file')
parser.add_argument('--wbmet', type=str, default='',
help='Path to a pre-trained wbmet embeddings file')
parser.add_argument('--vocab_size', type=int, default=-1,
help='Limit the max vocabulary size. '
'If -1, include all seen words.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Path setup
cwd = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
args.pubtator_file = cwd / Path(args.pubtator)
args.mesh_file = cwd / Path(args.mesh)
args.wbmet = None if args.wbmet == '' else cwd / Path(args.wbmet)
args.db_file = cwd / 'data/pubtator-{}.db'.format(time.strftime('%m%d_%H%M'))'Creating corpus DB [{}]'.format(args.db_file))
# Spacy client
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['parser', 'ner', 'tagger'])
# Read MeSH descriptors and instantiate a vocabulary with the concepts"Reading MeSH terms into a vocabulary...")
data = etree.parse(, 'rt'))
meshes = {}
for rec in data.getiterator("DescriptorRecord"):
mshid = rec.find("DescriptorUI").text.lower()
name = rec.find("DescriptorName/String").text
elm = rec.find('ConceptList/Concept[@PreferredConceptYN="Y"]/ScopeNote')
scope_note = elm.text if elm is not None else ''
meshes[mshid] = [name.strip(), scope_note.strip()]
# Build a vocabulary
if args.wbmet is not None:
vocab = read_vocab(vocab_size=args.vocab_size)
num_docs = -1
vocab, num_docs = build_vocab()'Saving the vocabulary into a corpus database...')
# Encode entire PubTator documents
# Encode MeSH definitions
encode_mesh_definitions(nlp, vocab, meshes)
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