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Created May 17, 2019 15:48
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fixes for rstgenerator
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script converts the doxygen XML output, which contains the API description,
and generates reStructuredText suitable for rendering with the sphinx PHP
from collections import OrderedDict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
class RstGenerator:
def __init__(self, inp_dir, out_dir, root_namespace, logger):
self._root_namespace = root_namespace
self._inp_dir = inp_dir
self._out_dir = out_dir
self._logger = logger
def render_namespace_by_name(self, tree, namespace_name):
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root:
if child.attrib['kind'] != 'namespace':
# Skip non-namespace
this_namespace_name = child.find('name').text
if this_namespace_name != namespace_name:
self.render_namespace_by_ref_id(child.attrib['refid'], this_namespace_name)
def render_namespace_by_ref_id(self, namespace_ref_id, name):
self._logger.log("Processing namespace " + name)
self._logger.log(" refid is " + namespace_ref_id)
prefix = self._root_namespace + "::"
is_root = False
if name == self._root_namespace:
is_root = True
elif not name.startswith(prefix):
self._logger.log(" Skipping, not under " + self._root_namespace)
xml_filename = self._inp_dir + '/' + namespace_ref_id + '.xml'
self._logger.log(" Opening " + xml_filename)
ns = ET.parse(xml_filename)
compound = ns.getroot().find('compounddef')
# Generate some markup
title = "API documentation" if is_root else name[len(prefix):] + " namespace"
parts = name[len(prefix):].split("::")
shortname_idx = "api" if is_root else ("api/" + "/".join(parts[:-1] + ['_' + parts[-1]]).lower())
shortname_dir = "api" if is_root else ("api/" + "/".join(parts[:-1] + [parts[-1]]).lower())
glob = "api/*" if is_root else parts[-1].lower() + "/*"
outfile = self._out_dir + "/" + shortname_idx + ".rst"
if not os.path.exists(self._out_dir + '/' + shortname_dir):
os.mkdir(self._out_dir + "/" + shortname_dir)
self._logger.log(" Page title will be '" + title + "'")
self._logger.log(" Page path will be '" + outfile + "'")
# TODO extract description of namespace from comments
desc = compound.find('detaileddescription').text
self._logger.log(" Desc is ... '" + desc + "'")
with open(outfile, 'w') as nsOut:
nsOut.write(title + "\n");
nsOut.write("=" * len(title) + "\n")
nsOut.write("""\n.. toctree::
""" + glob + "\n\n" + desc + "\n")
for node in compound.iter('innerclass'):
cl_id = node.attrib['refid']
cl_name = node.text
self.render_class_by_ref_id(cl_id, cl_name)
for node in compound.iter('innernamespace'):
ns_id = node.attrib['refid']
ns_name = node.text
self.render_namespace_by_ref_id(ns_id, ns_name)
# Walk the XML and extract all members of the given 'kind'
def class_member_list(self, compounddef, member_kind):
res = self.class_member_dict(compounddef, member_kind)
return OrderedDict(sorted(res.items())).values()
def class_member_dict(self, compounddef, member_kind):
# Find items declared on this class
ret = OrderedDict()
for section in compounddef.iter('sectiondef'):
kind = section.attrib['kind']
if kind != member_kind:
for member in section.iter('memberdef'):
method_name = member.find('definition').text.split("::")[-1]
ret[method_name] = member
# Follow-up with items from base classes
if ("private" in member_kind) or ("static" in member_kind):
# Private methods are not accessible, and static methods should be
# called on the class which defines them.
return ret
for base_class in compounddef.iter('basecompoundref'):
if not 'refid' in base_class.attrib:
refid = base_class.attrib['refid']
base_compound_def = self.compounddef_by_ref_id(refid)
inherited = self.class_member_dict(base_compound_def, member_kind)
for key, value in inherited.items():
if key not in ret:
ret[key] = value
return ret
def class_xml_to_rst(self, compounddef, title):
rst = title + "\n"
rst += "=" * len(title) + "\n\n"
# Class description
detailed_description_xml = compounddef.find('detaileddescription')
detailed_description_text = self.paras2rst(detailed_description_xml).strip()
if detailed_description_text != "":
rst += detailed_description_text + "\n\n"
# Look up base classes
extends = []
implements = []
for base_class in compounddef.iter('basecompoundref'):
if 'refid' in base_class.attrib:
baserefid = base_class.attrib['refid']
base_compound_def = self.compounddef_by_ref_id(baserefid)
if base_compound_def.attrib['kind'] == "class":
# TODO All known sub-classes
qualified_name = compounddef.find('compoundname').text.replace("::", "\\")
rst += ":Qualified name: ``" + qualified_name + "``\n"
if len(extends) > 0:
extends_links = []
for base_class in extends:
base_class_name = base_class.find('compoundname').text.split("::")[-1]
extends_links.append(":class:`" + base_class_name + "`")
rst += ":Extends: " + ", ".join(extends_links) + "\n"
if len(implements) > 0:
implements_links = []
for base_interface in implements:
base_interface_name = base_interface.find('compoundname').text.split("::")[-1]
implements_links.append(":interface:`" + base_interface_name + "`")
rst += ":Implements: " + ", ".join(implements_links) + "\n"
rst += "\n"
# Class name
if compounddef.attrib['kind'] == "interface":
rst += ".. php:interface:: " + title + "\n\n"
rst += ".. php:class:: " + title + "\n\n"
# Methods
methods = self.class_member_list(compounddef, 'public-func')
self._logger.log(" methods:")
for method in methods:
rst += self.method_xml_to_rst(method, 'method')
# Static methods
methods = self.class_member_list(compounddef, 'public-static-func')
self._logger.log(" static methods:")
for method in methods:
rst += self.method_xml_to_rst(method, 'staticmethod')
return rst
def method_xml_to_rst(self, member, method_type):
rst = ""
documented_params = {}
dd = member.find('detaileddescription')
return_info = self.ret_info(dd)
params = dd.find('*/parameterlist')
if params != None:
# Use documented param list if present
for arg in params.iter('parameteritem'):
argname = arg.find('parameternamelist')
if argname.find('parametertype'):
argname_type = argname.find('parametertype').text
argname_type = ""
if argname.find('parametername'):
argname_name = argname.find('parametername').text
argname_name = ""
if not argname_name:
argname_name = ""
if not argname_type:
argname_type = ""
argdesc = arg.find('parameterdescription')
argdesc_para = argdesc.iter('para')
doco = (" :param " + argname_type).rstrip() + " " + argname_name + ":\n"
if argdesc_para != None:
doco += self.paras2rst(argdesc_para, " ")
documented_params[argname_name] = doco
method_name = member.find('definition').text.split("::")[-1]
args_string = self.method_args_string(member)
if return_info != None and return_info['returnType'] != None:
args_string += " -> " + return_info['returnType']
rst += " .. php:" + method_type + ":: " + method_name + " " + args_string + "\n\n"
# Member description
m_detailed_description_text = self.paras2rst(dd).strip()
if m_detailed_description_text != "":
rst += " " + m_detailed_description_text + "\n\n"
# Param list from the definition in the code and use
# documentation where available, auto-fill where not.
params = member.iter('param')
if params != None:
for arg in params:
param_key = arg.find('declname').text
param_defval = arg.find('defval')
if param_key in documented_params:
param_doc = documented_params[param_key].rstrip()
# Append a "." if the documentation does not end with one, AND we
# need to write about the default value later.
if param_doc[-1] != "." and param_doc[-1] != ":" and param_defval != None:
param_doc += "."
rst += param_doc + "\n"
# Undocumented param
param_name = param_key
type_el = arg.find('type')
type_str = "" if type_el == None else self.para2rst(type_el)
rst += " :param " + (self.unencapsulate(type_str) + " " + param_name).strip() + ":\n"
# Default value description
if param_defval != None:
rst += " Default: ``" + param_defval.text + "``\n"
# Return value
if return_info != None:
if return_info['returnType'] != None:
rst += " :returns: " + self.itsatype(return_info['returnType'], False) + " -- " + return_info[
'returnDesc'] + "\n"
rst += " :returns: " + return_info['returnDesc'] + "\n"
if (params != None) or (return_info != None):
rst += "\n"
self._logger.log(" " + method_name + " " + args_string)
return rst
def method_args_string(self, member):
params = member.iter('param')
if params == None:
# Main option is to use arg list from doxygen
arg_list = member.find('argsstring').text
return "()" if arg_list == None else arg_list
required_param_part = []
optional_param_part = []
optional_switch = False
for param in params:
param_name = param.find('declname').text
type_el = param.find('type')
type_str = "" if type_el == None else self.para2rst(type_el)
type_str = self.unencapsulate(type_str)
param_str = (type_str + " " + param_name).strip()
if param.find('defval') != None:
optional_switch = True
if optional_switch:
# Output arg list as string according to sphinxcontrib-phpdomain format
if len(required_param_part) > 0:
if len(optional_param_part) > 0:
# Both required and optional args
return "(" + ", ".join(required_param_part) + "[, " + ", ".join(optional_param_part) + "])"
# Only required args
return "(" + ", ".join(required_param_part) + ")"
if len(optional_param_part) > 0:
# Only optional args
return "([" + ", ".join(required_param_part) + "])"
# Empty arg list!
return "()"
def unencapsulate(self, typeStr):
# TODO extract type w/o RST wrapping
if typeStr[0:8] == ":class:`":
return (typeStr[8:])[:-1]
return typeStr
def all_primitives(self):
# Scalar type keywords and things you find in documentation (eg. 'mixed')
return ["self", "bool", "callable", "iterable", "mixed", "int", "string", "array", "float", "double", "number"]
def ret_info(self, dd):
ret = dd.find('*/simplesect')
if ret == None:
return None
paras = ret.iter('para')
desc = self.paras2rst(paras).strip()
desc_part = (desc + " ").split(" ")
if desc_part[0] in self.all_primitives() or desc_part[0][0:8] == ":class:`":
return {'returnType': self.unencapsulate(desc_part[0]), 'returnDesc': " ".join(desc_part[1:]).strip()}
# No discernable return type
return {'returnType': None, 'returnDesc': desc}
def paras2rst(self, paras, prefix=""):
return "\n".join([prefix + self.para2rst(x) for x in paras])
def xmldebug(self, inp):
self._logger.log(ET.tostring(inp, encoding='utf8', method='xml').decode())
def para2rst(self, inp):
ret = "" if inp.text == None else inp.text
for subtag in inp:
txt = subtag.text
if subtag.tag == "parameterlist":
if subtag.tag == "simplesect":
if txt == None:
if subtag.tag == "ref":
txt = ":class:`" + txt + "`"
ret += txt + ("" if subtag.tail == None else subtag.tail)
return ret
def itsatype(self, inp, primitives_as_literals=False):
if inp == None:
return ""
if inp == "":
return ""
if inp in self.all_primitives():
if primitives_as_literals:
return "``" + inp + "``"
return inp
return ":class:`" + inp + "`"
def compounddef_by_ref_id(self, class_ref_id):
xml_filename = self._inp_dir + '/' + class_ref_id + '.xml'
cl = ET.parse(xml_filename)
return cl.getroot().find('compounddef')
def render_class_by_ref_id(self, class_ref_id, name):
self._logger.log("Processing class " + name)
self._logger.log(" refid is " + class_ref_id)
compounddef = self.compounddef_by_ref_id(class_ref_id)
prefix = self._root_namespace + "::"
parts = name[len(prefix):].split("::")
shortname = "api/" + "/".join(parts).lower()
outfile = self._out_dir + "/" + shortname + ".rst"
title = parts[-1]
self._logger.log(" Class title will be '" + title + "'")
self._logger.log(" Class path will be '" + outfile + "'")
class_rst = self.class_xml_to_rst(compounddef, title)
with open(outfile, 'w') as classOut:
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