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Created January 31, 2014 19:02
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Save romanlehnert/8740744 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Goals of a bug report

The single goal of a bug report is to fix the bug. Chances for that are higher, when the report is clear, reproduceable and follows a fixed structure. Keep in mind, that not only developers need to understand a bug, but also the product owner and testers who may not have such a deep technical knowhow. Customers and other stakeholders have to talk about the bug. A software tester has to be able to reproduce it, and a developer is in charge to fix it. The following description is a "best practice" for reporting a bug.

Contents of a bug report

  1. Title
  2. Steps to reproduce
  3. Current result
  4. Expected result
  5. Environment

The title

Let it be short and meaningful but precise.

Steps to reproduce

Explain as precise as possible the steps to reproduce until the unexpected behavior happened. Do not describe the bug here - just note, how to get there. The end should be a user interaction (for example a click on a button).

Current result

After the last user interaction of the steps to reproduce, the unexpected behavior happens. Describe it nicely and try to support your description with other media (e.g. screenshots or emails).

Expected result

Describe what you actually expected to happen after the last user interaction.


Note, who, where and when the bug happened. Try to describe the environment (e.g. System, and Usernames, Version, etc.)

Example for a bug description:

A customers title is not displayed in the order confirmation document.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. As a dealer in the dealer portal, create a new order
  2. When entering the customers data, select any title (e.g. "Dr.") from the "Title"-dropdown.
  3. Continue with creating the Order until step 4 ("Review and Print out")
  4. Click the "Print Order" button and open the downloaded PDF.

Current Result:

The Adress area on Page 1 of the document does not contain the selected title.

Expected Result:

The Adress area should contain the title between the customers salutation and name (e.g. Herr Dr. Max Mustermann)


Occured on the QS system at 12.5.2013. Sales username was "max_mustermann".

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