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Last active June 25, 2020 00:05
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Save romansklenar/3077281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unobtrusive RESTful dynamic/dependent select menus for Ruby on Rails 3 and jQuery
# Unobtrusive RESTful dynamic/dependent select menus for Ruby on Rails 3 and jQuery
# USAGE (with Formtastic):
# match = form.object
# seasons = Season.all
# rounds = match.season.nil? ? : match.season.rounds
# form.input :season, :as => :select, :collection => seasons, :include_blank => false, :prompt => true, :input_html => { :id => :season_id }
# form.input :round, :as => :select, :collection => rounds, :include_blank => false, :prompt => true, :input_html => { :id => :round_id,
# "data-option-dependent" => true,
# "data-option-observed" => "season_id",
# "data-option-url" => "/seasons/:season_id:/rounds.json",
# "data-option-key-method" => :id,
# "data-option-value-method" => :name
# }
# JSON response example:
# [{"end_date":"2011-10-29","name":"First","start_date":"2011-10-01","state":"opened"},
# {"end_date":"2011-09-30","name":"Second","start_date":"2011-09-03","state":"opened"}]
jQuery(document).ready ->
$("select[data-option-dependent=true]").each (i) ->
observer_dom_id = $(this).attr("id")
observed_dom_id = $(this).data("option-observed")
url_mask = $(this).data("option-url")
key_method = $(this).data("option-key-method")
value_method = $(this).data("option-value-method")
prompt = (if $(this).has("option[value=]").size() then $(this).find("option[value=]") else $("<option>").text("?"))
regexp = /:[0-9a-zA-Z_]+:/g
observer = $("select#" + observer_dom_id)
observed = $("select#" + observed_dom_id)
observer.attr "disabled", true if not observer.val() and observed.size() > 1 "change", ->
url = url_mask.replace(regexp, (submask) ->
dom_id = submask.substring(1, submask.length - 1)
$("select#" + dom_id).val()
observer.empty().append prompt
$.getJSON url, (data) ->
$.each data, (i, object) ->
observer.append $("<option>").attr("value", object[key_method]).text(object[value_method])
observer.attr "disabled", false
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talex-de commented Aug 8, 2014

for Rails 4 and newest jQuery replace the following lines of code:

prompt = (if $(this).has("option[value=]").size() then $(this).find("option[value=]") else $("").text("?"))
prompt = (if $(this).val() then $(this).val() else $("").text("?"))

and "change", ->
$(document).on "change", "select#" + observed_dom_id, ->

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