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Created March 13, 2013 03:31
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A Puppet manifest to create host entry, apache vhost and mysql database for PHP projects (eg. Wordpress projects)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Puppet manifest for wordpress projects:
# - Creates a host entry
# - Configures a vhost on an Apache server
# - Creates a database with a specific user
# The manifest relies on Hiera to access server specific information like
# the folder where the project is deployed or the database password.
# Apache configuration uses a fork of puppetlabs-apache module, available at
# Author: Romaric Pascal (rhumaric)
# License: MIT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Wrapper to encapsulate the whole application configuration. This is mainly
# to give Hiera an `application_name` variable, which I use to structure
# my database:
# - my-app.yaml : app specific values (eg. mysql user and password, host name, docroot...)
# - common.yaml : server wide values (eg. mysql root password)
class application($application_name){
# The name of the mysql database
$mysql_db = "${application_name}.${environment}"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Host entry
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# On staging and production environment, this is handled by having
# a new entry in the DNS server. Only in 'local' environments does the project
# need a host entry.
if($environment == 'local') {
host { '${application_name}':
ensure => 'present',
# This allows
name => hiera('hostname'),
ip => ''
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Apache configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Makes sure apache is installed on the system. Leaves any vhost already
# deployed as it is.
class { 'apache':
purge_vhosts_dir => false
# Env module is needed to pass database configuration to Wordpress using
# environment variables
a2mod { 'env':
name => 'env',
ensure => 'present'
# Rewrite module is necessary to have custom permalinks in Wordpress
a2mod { 'rewrite':
name => 'rewrite',
ensure => 'present'
# Creates the vhost, passing along the necessary mysql information
apache::vhost{ '${application_name}':
name => "${application_name}.${::environment}",
port => 80,
docroot => hiera('docroot'),
configure_firewall => false,
servername => hiera('hostname'),
ssl => false,
override => all,
setenv => {
'WORDPRESS_DB_USER' => hiera('mysql_user'),
'WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD' => hiera('mysql_password'),
'WORDPRESS_DB_HOST' => hiera('mysql_host'),
'WORDPRESS_DB_NAME' => $mysql_db
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Makes sure MySQL is available on the server
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
'root_password' => hiera('mysql_root_password')
# And creates the database
mysql::db {"${mysql_db}":
user => hiera('mysql_user'),
password => hiera('mysql_password'),
host => 'localhost',
grant => ['all'],
require => Class['mysql::server']
# Creates the application
class {'application':
application_name => ''
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