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Last active December 17, 2015 08:08
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  • Save romaricpascal/5577590 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save romaricpascal/5577590 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sample configuration to use livereload with regarde and connect so that your browser reloads its content each time it you save changes in your files
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Load Grunt tasks declared in the package.json file
// Configure Grunt
// grunt-contrib-connect will serve the files of the project
// on specified port and hostname
connect: {
all: {
port: 9000,
hostname: "",
// No need for keepalive anymore as watch will keep Grunt running
//keepalive: true,
// Livereload needs connect to insert a cJavascript snippet
// in the pages it serves. This requires using a custom connect middleware
middleware: function(connect, options) {
return [
// Load the middleware provided by the livereload plugin
// that will take care of inserting the snippet
// Serve the project folder
// grunt-open will open your browser at the project's URL
open: {
all: {
// Gets the port from the connect configuration
path: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.all.options.port%>'
// grunt-regarde monitors the files and triggers livereload
// Surprisingly, livereload complains when you try to use grunt-contrib-watch instead of grunt-regarde
regarde: {
all: {
// This'll just watch the index.html file, you could add **/*.js or **/*.css
// to watch Javascript and CSS files too.
// This configures the task that will run when the file change
tasks: ['livereload']
// Creates the `server` task
// Starts the livereload server to which the browser will connect to
// get notified of when it needs to reload
// Connect is no longer blocking other tasks, so it makes more sense to open the browser after the server starts
// Starts monitoring the folders and keep Grunt alive
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