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Last active March 27, 2024 21:24
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Levit's algorithm (also "Pape-Levit's") for finding the shortest paths from one `start` node to all another, Python 3 implementation.
Levit's algorithm for finding the shortest path from one `start` node to all another.
Written according to this article:
Doesn't work with negative cycles.
See example at the end.
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from math import inf
class IndexedQueue(OrderedDict):
"Queue-like container with fast search"
def push(self, item):
self[item] = None
def pop(self):
return OrderedDict.popitem(self, last=False)[0]
"(d,(c,(b,(a,())))) => (a, b, c, d)"
restore_path = lambda tup: (*restore_path(tup[1]),tup[0]) if tup else ()
def levit(gr, start, end=None):
`gr` is an adjancety list { u:[(v, cost), ...] | (u,v) ∈ E },
`end` is the desired target node, yet all graph nodes are processed anyway.
Returns cost and path if `end` is provided.
Else returns costs and paths as dicts. `restore_path(paths[end])` should be used for each desired end node.
dist = defaultdict(lambda: inf)
dist[start] = 0
path = {start:(start,())}
m0 = set()
m1, m1_urg = IndexedQueue.fromkeys([start]), IndexedQueue()
m2 = set(chain.from_iterable((v for v, _ in from_u) for from_u in gr.values())) - {start} #(u,v)∈E => v∈m2
def relax(u, v, w):
if (dist[v] > dist[u] + w):
dist[v] = dist[u] + w
path[v] = (v, path[u])
return True
return False
while m1 or m1_urg:
u = m1_urg.pop() if m1_urg else m1.pop()
for v, c in gr.get(u, ()):
if v in m2:
relax(u, v, c)
elif v in m1:
relax(u, v, c)
elif v in m0 and relax(u, v, c):
if end is None:
return dist, path
elif end in path:
return dist[end], restore_path(path[end])
return inf, ()
if __name__ == '__main__':
edges = [('a', 'b', 1), ('b', 'c', 2), ('c', 'a', 0), ('c', 'd', 1), ('a', '5', 5)]
adj_list = defaultdict(list)
for u, v, w in edges:
adj_list[u].append((v, w))
cost, path = levit(adj_list, 'a', 'd')
print(cost, path) # => 4 ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
costs, paths = levit(adj_list, 'a')
targets = ['b', 'c', 'd']
for t in targets:
print(costs[t], restore_path(paths[t]))
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Urmipie commented Mar 27, 2024

you dont actually need function

restore_path = lambda tup: (*restore_path(tup[1]),tup[0]) if tup else ()

for unpacking path tuples
its simpler to just path[v] = (v, *path[u]) in relax function

(1, *(2, 3, 4)) == (1, 2, 3, 4)

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