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Created August 28, 2012 23:44
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모피어스 프레임웍의 모션 에니메이션 구현 스크립트
Author : 백국경 (
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Uracle Co., Ltd.
166 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-090, Korea All Rights Reserved.
모피어스 프레임웍의 모션 에니메이션 구현을 위한 스크립스 함수들을 정의한다.
function MPTween(obj, param){
MPTween.aTop =;
MPTween.aLeft = param.left;
MPTween.aRight = param.right;
MPTween.aBottom = param.bottom;
MPTween.aWidth = param.width;
MPTween.aHeight = param.height;
MPTween.aRotation = param.rotation;
MPTween.aScale = param.scale;
MPTween.aSkew = param.skew;
MPTween.aOpacity = param.opacity;
MPTween.aBorderColor = param.borderColor;
MPTween.aBgColor = param.bgColor;
MPTween.aDropShadow = param.dropShadow;
MPTween.aTime = param.time;
MPTween.aDelay = param.delay;
MPTween.aTransition = param.transition; //ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, linear, cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 0)
if(param.onFinish) MPTween.aFinish = param.onFinish;
else MPTween.aFinish = undefined;
MPTween.aFinishParam = param.onFinishParam;
MPTween.rotationText = "";
MPTween.scaleText = "";
MPTween.skewText = "";
MPTween.styleText = "";
//기본값 설정
if(!MPTween.aTime) MPTween.aTime = 1;
if(!MPTween.aTransition) MPTween.aTransition = "easeIn";
if(!MPTween.aDelay) MPTween.aDelay = 0;
if(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).position == "static") += "relative";
MPTween.styleText += "-webkit-transition-delay:" + MPTween.aDelay + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-webkit-transition-duration:" + MPTween.aTime + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-webkit-transition-property:all; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-webkit-transition-timing-function:" + MPTween.aTransition + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-moz-transition-delay:" + MPTween.aDelay + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-moz-transition-duration:" + MPTween.aTime + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-moz-transition-property:all; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-moz-transition-timing-function:" + MPTween.aTransition + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-o-transition-delay:" + MPTween.aDelay + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-o-transition-duration:" + MPTween.aTime + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-o-transition-property:all; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-o-transition-timing-function:" + MPTween.aTransition + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-ms-transition-delay:" + MPTween.aDelay + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-ms-transition-duration:" + MPTween.aTime + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-ms-transition-property:all; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-ms-transition-timing-function:" + MPTween.aTransition + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "transition-delay:" + MPTween.aDelay + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "transition-duration:" + MPTween.aTime + "s; ";
MPTween.styleText += "transition-property:all; ";
MPTween.styleText += "transition-timing-function:" + MPTween.aTransition + "; ";
if(MPTween.aTop != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "top:" + MPTween.aTop + "px; ";
if(MPTween.aLeft != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "left:" + MPTween.aLeft + "px; ";
if(MPTween.aRight != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "right:" + MPTween.aRight + "px; ";
if(MPTween.aBottom != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "bottom:" + MPTween.aBottom + "px; ";
if(MPTween.aWidth != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "width:" + MPTween.aWidth + "px; ";
if(MPTween.aHeight != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "height:" + MPTween.aHeight + "px; ";
if(MPTween.aOpacity != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "opacity:" + MPTween.aOpacity + "; ";
if(MPTween.aBorderColor != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "border-color:" + MPTween.aBorderColor + "; ";
//rotation, scale, skew
if(MPTween.aRotation != undefined) MPTween.rotationText = "rotate(" + MPTween.aRotation + "deg) ";
if(MPTween.aScale != undefined) MPTween.scaleText = "scale(" + MPTween.aScale + ") ";
if(MPTween.aSkew != undefined) MPTween.scaleText = "skew(" + MPTween.aSkew + "deg) ";
MPTween.styleText += "-webkit-transform:" + MPTween.rotationText + MPTween.scaleText + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-moz-transform:" + MPTween.rotationText + MPTween.scaleText + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-o-transform:" + MPTween.rotationText + MPTween.scaleText + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-ms-transform:" + MPTween.rotationText + MPTween.scaleText + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "transform:" + MPTween.rotationText + MPTween.scaleText + "; ";
//bgColor, dropShadow
this.bgImage = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).backgroundImage;
this.bgImageRepeat = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).backgroundRepeat;
this.bgImagePositionX = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).backgroundPositionX;
this.bgImagePositionY = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).backgroundPositionY;
this.originalBackgroundImage = this.bgImage + " " + this.bgImageRepeat + " " + this.bgImagePositionX + " " + this.bgImagePositionY
if(MPTween.aBgColor != undefined) MPTween.styleText += "background:" + MPTween.aBgColor + " " + originalBackgroundImage + "; ";
if(MPTween.aDropShadow != undefined) {
MPTween.styleText += "-webkit-box-shadow:" + MPTween.aDropShadow + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-moz-box-shadow:" + MPTween.aDropShadow + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-o-box-shadow:" + MPTween.aDropShadow + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "-ms-box-shadow:" + MPTween.aDropShadow + "; ";
MPTween.styleText += "box-shadow:" + MPTween.aDropShadow + "; ";
} += MPTween.styleText;
function CBData(){
this.callbackFunction = [];
this.callbackParam = [];
CBData.prototype.setCallback = function(cb){
this.callbackFunction = cb;
CBData.prototype.getCallback = function(){
return this.callbackFunction;
CBData.prototype.setParam = function(pam){
this.callbackParam = pam;
CBData.prototype.getParam = function(){
return this.callbackParam;
CBData.prototype.cb = function(e){
var callCb = cbCall.getCallback();
var callParam = cbCall.getParam();
if(callParam) callbackParam = callParam;
else callbackParam = "";
if(typeof callCb == "function") callCb(callbackParam);
else if(typeof callCb == "string") eval(callCb)(callbackParam);"webkitTransitionEnd", cbCall.cb, false);
var cbCall = new CBData();
if(MPTween.aFinish) cbCall.setCallback(MPTween.aFinish);
if(MPTween.aFinishParam) cbCall.setParam(MPTween.aFinishParam);
obj.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", cbCall.cb, false);
function resetMotion(_obj){
style['-webkit-transition-delay'] = "";
style['-webkit-transition-duration'] = "";
style['-webkit-transition-property'] = "";
style['-webkit-transition-timing-function'] = "";
style['-moz-transition-delay'] = "";
style['-moz-transition-duration'] = "";
style['-moz-transition-property'] = "";
style['-moz-transition-timing-function'] = "";
style['-o-transition-delay'] = "";
style['-o-transition-duration'] = "";
style['-o-transition-property'] = "";
style['-o-transition-timing-function'] = "";
style['-ms-transition-delay'] = "";
style['-ms-transition-duration'] = "";
style['-ms-transition-property'] = "";
style['-ms-transition-timing-function'] = "";
style['transition-delay'] = "";
style['transition-duration'] = "";
style['transition-property'] = "";
style['transition-timing-function'] = "";
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