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Created January 29, 2015 00:33
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Detect Library
description: Content script that runs after DOM loaded to look for the Library
Detector meta element. If found, notifies the extension of the
script information
function wait() {
var meta = document.getElementById('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e_lib_detect');
if (meta) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
description: Content script that runs before scripts are parsed to inject
the lib_detect.js script into the document
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var libScript = document.createElement('script');
var detectScript = document.createElement('script');
libScript.type = 'text/javascript';
libScript.src = chrome.extension.getURL('../library/libraries.js');
detectScript.type = 'text/javascript';
detectScript.src = chrome.extension.getURL('content_scripts/lib_detect.js');
var meta = document.createElement('meta'); = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e_lib_detect'; = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e_lib_detect';
var d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e_LibraryDetectorTests = {
'GWT': {
icon: 'gwt',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
// pretty complicated, many possible tell tales
var doc = win.document,
hasHistFrame = doc.getElementById('__gwt_historyFrame'),
hasGwtUid = doc.gwt_uid,
hasBodyListener = doc.body.__listener,
hasBodyEventBits = doc.body.__eventBits,
hasModules = win.__gwt_activeModules,
hasJsonP = win.__gwt_jsonp__,
hasRootWinApp = win.__gwt_scriptsLoaded || win.__gwt_stylesLoaded || win.__gwt_activeModules;
// use the many possible indicators
if(hasHistFrame || hasGwtUid || hasBodyListener || hasBodyEventBits || hasModules || hasJsonP || hasRootWinApp) {
// carefully look at frames, but only if certain is GWT frame
var frames = doc.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),
gwtVersion = 'unknown';
for(var n=0; n<frames.length; n++) {
// catch security access errors
try {
var hasNegativeTabIndex = frames[n].tabIndex < 0; // on for GWT
if(hasNegativeTabIndex && frames[n].contentWindow && frames[n].contentWindow.$gwt_version) {
gwtVersion = frames[n].contentWindow.$gwt_version;
catch(e) {}
if(gwtVersion=='0.0.999') {
gwtVersion = 'Google Internal';
return { version: gwtVersion };
return false;
'Ink Interface': {
icon: 'ink',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(window.Ink && window.Ink) {
return { version: 'unknown' };
return false;
'Vaadin': {
icon: 'vaadin',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(window.vaadin) {
return { version: 'unknown' };
return false;
'Bootstrap': {
icon: 'bootstrap',
url: '',
// look for a function Boostrap has added to jQuery - regex for BS 2 & 3
test: function(win) {
if(win.$ && win.$.fn && win.$.fn.button &&
window.$.fn.button.toString().match(/data\("(bs.)?button/) &&
window.$.fn.button.toString().match(/data\("(bs.)?button/).length > 0) {
return { version: 'unknown' };
return false;
'Zurb': {
icon: 'zurb',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Foundation && win.Foundation.version) {
return { version: win.Foundation.version };
return false;
'Polymer': {
icon: 'polymer',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Polymer && win.Polymer.version) {
return { version: win.Polymer.version };
return false;
'Highcharts': {
icon: 'highcharts',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Highcharts && win.Highcharts.version) {
return { version: win.Highcharts.version };
return false;
'InfoVis': {
icon: 'jit',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.$jit && win.$jit.version) {
return { version: win.$jit.version };
return false;
'FlotCharts': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.$ && win.$.plot && win.$.plot.version) {
return { version: win.$.plot.version };
return false;
'Blackbird': {
icon: 'blackbird',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.log && win.log.warn) {
return { version: "N/A"}; // no version info
return false;
'CreateJS': {
icon: 'createjs',
url: '!/CreateJS',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Stage || win.Shape || win.Container) {
return { version: "N/A"}; // no version info available
return false;
'Google Maps': {
icon: 'gmaps',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if ( && && {
return { version: };
return false;
'jQuery': {
icon: 'jquery',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var jq = win.jQuery || win.$ || win.$jq || win.$j;
if(jq && jq.fn && jq.fn.jquery) {
return { version: jq.fn.jquery };
return false;
'jQuery UI': {
icon: 'jquery_ui',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var jq = win.jQuery || win.$ || win.$jq || win.$j;
if(jq && jq.fn && jq.fn.jquery && jq.ui) {
var plugins = 'accordion,datepicker,dialog,draggable,droppable,progressbar,resizable,selectable,slider,menu,grid,tabs'.split(','), concat = [];
for (var i=0; i < plugins.length; i++) { if(jq.ui[plugins[i]]) concat.push(plugins[i].substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + plugins[i].substr(1)); }
return { version: jq.ui.version, details: concat.length ? 'Plugins used: '+concat.join(',') : '' };
return false;
'Dojo': {
icon: 'dojo',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.dojo) {
return { version: win.dojo.version.toString(), details: 'Details: '+(win.dijit ? 'Uses Dijit' : 'none') };
return false;
'Prototype': {
icon: 'prototype',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Prototype && win.Prototype.Version) {
return { version: win.Prototype.Version };
return false;
'Scriptaculous': {
icon: 'scriptaculous',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Scriptaculous && win.Scriptaculous.Version) {
return { version: win.Scriptaculous.Version };
return false;
'MooTools': {
icon: 'mootools',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.MooTools && win.MooTools.version) {
return { version: win.MooTools.version };
return false;
'Spry': {
icon: 'spry',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Spry) {
return { version: '' };
return false;
'YUI 2': {
icon: 'yui',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.YAHOO && win.YAHOO.VERSION) {
return { version: win.YAHOO.VERSION };
return false;
'YUI 3': {
icon: 'yui3',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.YUI && win.YUI.Env && win.YUI.version) {
return { version: win.YUI.version };
return false;
'Qooxdoo': {
icon: 'qooxdoo',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.qx && win.qx.Bootstrap) {
return { version: '' };
return false;
'Ext JS': {
icon: 'extjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Ext && win.Ext.version) {
return { version: win.Ext.version };
else if (win.Ext && window.Ext.versions) {
return { version: window.Ext.versions.core.version };
return false;
'base2': {
icon: 'base2',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.base2 && win.base2.version) {
return { version: win.base2.version };
return false;
'Closure Library': {
icon: 'closure',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if( && {
return { version: '' };
return false;
'Rapha&euml;l': {
icon: 'raphael',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Raphael) {
return { version: win.Raphael.version };
return false;
'React': {
icon: 'react',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.React) {
return { version: win.React.version };
return false;
'Modernizr': {
icon: 'modernizr',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Modernizr) {
return { version: Modernizr._version };
return false;
'Processing.js': {
icon: 'processingjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Processing) {
return { version: Processing.version };
return false;
'Backbone': {
icon: 'backbone',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Backbone && win.Backbone.Model.extend) {
return {version: win.Backbone.VERSION};
return false;
'Leaflet': {
icon: 'leaflet',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.L) {
return {version: win.L.version};
return false;
'Mapbox': {
icon: 'mapbox',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.L && win.L.mapbox) {
return { version: win.L.mapbox.VERSION };
return false;
'Lo-Dash': {
icon: 'lodash',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var _ = typeof (_ = win._) == 'function' && _,
chain = typeof (chain = _ && _.chain) == 'function' && chain,
wrapper = (chain || _ || function() { return {}; })(1);
if (_ && _.VERSION && wrapper.__wrapped__) {
return { version: _.VERSION };
return false;
'Underscore': {
icon: 'underscore',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win._ && win._.VERSION && typeof win._.tap === 'function' &&
!d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e_LibraryDetectorTests['Lo-Dash'].test(win)) {
return {version: win._.VERSION};
return false;
'Sammy': {
icon: 'sammy',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Sammy && win.Sammy.VERSION && win.Sammy.Application.curry) {
return {version: win.Sammy.VERSION};
return false;
'Rico': {
icon: 'rico',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Rico && win.Rico.Version) {
return {version: win.Rico.Version};
return false;
'MochiKit': {
icon: 'mochikit',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.MochiKit && win.MochiKit.Base.module) {
return {version: MochiKit.VERSION};
return false;
'gRapha&euml;l': {
icon: 'graphael',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Raphael && win.Raphael.fn.g) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'Glow': {
icon: 'glow',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.gloader) {
return {version: ''};
else if (win.glow && win.glow.dom) {
return {version: win.glow.VERSION};
else if (win.Glow) {
return {version: win.Glow.version};
return false;
'Socket.IO': {
icon: 'socketio', // currently has no icon
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if ( && && {
return {version:};
return false;
'Mustache': {
icon: 'mustache',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Mustache && win.Mustache.to_html) {
return {version: win.Mustache.version};
return false;
'Fabric.js': {
icon: 'icon_48', // currently has no icon
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.fabric && win.fabric.util) {
return {version: win.fabric.version};
return false;
'FuseJS': {
icon: 'fusejs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.fuse && win.fuse.version) {
return {version: win.fuse.version};
return false;
'Tween.js': {
icon: 'icon_48', // currently has no icon
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.TWEEN) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'SproutCore': {
icon: 'sproutcore',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.SC && win.SC.Application) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'Zepto.js': {
icon: 'zepto',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Zepto && win.Zepto.fn) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'three.js': {
icon: 'icon_48', // currently has no icon
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.THREE && win.THREE.REVISION) {
return {version: 'r' + win.THREE.REVISION};
else if (win.THREE) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'PhiloGL': {
icon: 'philogl',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.PhiloGL) {
return {version: win.PhiloGL.version};
return false;
'CamanJS': {
icon: 'camanjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Caman && win.Caman.version) {
return {version: win.Caman.version.release};
return false;
'yepnope': {
icon: 'yepnope',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.yepnope) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'LABjs': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.$LAB) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'Head JS': {
icon: 'headjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.head && win.head.js) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'ControlJS': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.CJS) {
return {version: ''};
return false;
'RequireJS': {
icon: 'requirejs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if ((win.require && win.require.load) || (win.requirejs && win.requirejs.load)) {
return {version: win.require.version || win.requirejs.version};
return false;
'RightJS': {
icon: 'rightjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.RightJS && win.RightJS.isNode) {
return {version: win.RightJS.version};
return false;
'jQuery Tools': {
icon: 'jquerytools',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var jq = win.jQuery || win.$;
if(jq && {
return { version: };
return false;
'Pusher': {
icon: 'pusher',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Pusher && win.Pusher.Channel) {
return { version: win.Pusher.VERSION };
return false;
'Paper.js': {
icon: 'paperjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.paper && win.paper.Point) {
return { version: win.paper.version };
return false;
'Swiffy': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.swiffy) {
return { version: '' };
return false;
'Move': {
icon: 'move',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.move && win.move.compile) {
return { version: win.move.version() };
return false;
'AmplifyJS': {
icon: 'amplifyjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.amplify && win.amplify.publish) {
return { version: '' };
return false;
'Popcorn.js': {
icon: 'popcornjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Popcorn && win.Popcorn.Events) {
return { version: win.Popcorn.version };
return false;
'D3': {
icon: 'd3',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.d3 && {
return { version: win.d3.version };
return false;
'Handlebars': {
icon: 'handlebars',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.Handlebars && win.Handlebars.compile) {
return { version: win.Handlebars.VERSION };
return false;
'Knockout': {
icon: 'knockout',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.ko) {
return { version: win.ko.version };
return false;
'Spine': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if (win.Spine && win.Spine.Controller) {
return {version: win.Spine.version};
return false;
'jQuery Mobile': {
icon: 'jquery_mobile',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var jq = win.jQuery || win.$ || win.$jq || win.$j;
if(jq && jq.fn && jq.fn.jquery && {
return { version: || '' };
return false;
'WebFont Loader': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.WebFont) {
return { version: "N/A" };
return false;
'AngularJS': {
icon: 'angularjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var ng = win.angular;
if(ng && ng.version && ng.version.full) {
return { version: ng.version.full };
return false;
'Ember.js': {
icon: 'emberjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var ember = win.Ember || win.Em;
if (ember && ember.VERSION) {
return { version: ember.VERSION };
return false;
'Hammer.js': {
icon: 'hammerjs',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var hammer = win.Hammer;
if(hammer) {
// Hammer.VERSION available in 1.0.10+
return { version: hammer.VERSION || "&lt; 1.0.10" };
return false;
'Visibility.js': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var visibility = win.Visibility;
if(visibility) {
return { version: 'unknown' };
return false;
'Velocity.js': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var jq = win.jQuery || win.$;
if(jq && jq.Velocity) {
return {
jq.Velocity.State.version.major + "." +
jq.Velocity.State.version.minor + "." +
return false;
'IfVisible.js': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var iv = win.ifvisible;
if(iv && iv.__ceGUID === "ifvisible.object.event.identifier") {
return { version: "N/A" };
return false;
'Pixi.js': {
icon: 'pixi',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var px = win.PIXI;
if(px && px.VERSION) {
return { version: PIXI.VERSION.split('v')[1] };
return false;
'DC.js': {
icon: 'icon_48',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var dc = win.dc;
if(dc && dc.version && dc.registerChart) {
return { version: dc.version };
return false;
'Greensock JS': {
icon: 'greensock',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var gs = win.TweenMax || win.TweenLite ;
if(gs && gs.version) {
return { version: gs.version }
return false;
'FastClick': {
icon: 'fastclick',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
if(win.FastClick) {
return { version: 'N/A' }
return false;
'Isotope': {
icon: 'isotope',
url: '',
test: function(win) {
var iso = win.Isotope || (win.$ != null && win.$.Isotope);
if(iso) {
return { version: 'N/A' }
return false;
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