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Last active December 12, 2023 06:41
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* Skipping over internal reactivity but this would be the gist of how to build a component that doesn't
* use react but still allows customization via user-supplied react-based render functions.
* Why? Because react is way to slow for use-cases like virtualization+scrolling. The whole cycle (state-update
* then re-render then vdom diffing then dom update) has too many unavoidable costs. Being able to go from
* state-update to dom-update directly is unbeatable.
* It uses react portals, so even though it manages its own HTML structure, it contains inside itself parts that
* are rendered & managed by react. And portals ensure there is full react compatibility, including the Context API,
* event-bubbling, and useEffect unmount callbacks. Portals are efficient enough to create large numbers of them.
type Target = {
node: HTMLElement
jsx: React.ReactNode
/* the component itself */
class Grid {
constructor(root, setTargets) {
this.root = root
this.setTargets = setTargets
setProps(props) {
this.props = props
render() {
/* this is just the initial render but the component would manage its own internal reactivity & updates
* in whichever way it sees fit to do it */
const targets = []
props.rows.forEach((row) => {
const rowNode = document.createElement('div')
props.cols.forEach((col) => {
const cellNode = document.createElement('div')
if (col.render) {
/* external rendering, let react render whenever it finds time to do it */
targets.push({ node: cellNode, jsx: col.render(/* ... */) })
} else {
/* internal rendering, use DOM API directly */
cellNode.innerText = row[col.field]
dispose = () => { /* ... */ }
function Wrapper /* memoized ideally */ (props) {
const [targets, setTargets] = useState([])
let component
useEffect(() => (component = new Grid(ref.current, setTargets)).dispose, [])
useEffect(() => component.setProps(props), [props])
return (
<div ref={ref} />
{{ node, jsx }) =>
{createPortal(jsx, node)}
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