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Last active July 12, 2019 19:20
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React integration of IGV.js browser
* IGVBrowser.js
* MIT License (c) romgrk 2018
/* global igv */
Must be imported manually:
<!-- IGV.js -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!--/ IGV.js -->
reference={{ id: 'hg19' }}
trackDefaults={{ alignment: { height: 150 } }}
.filter(([file, selected]) => selected)
.map(([file, _]) => ({
name: (file.match(/[^/]+$/) || [file])[0],
url: `/files/${file}`
import React from 'react';
import propTypes from 'prop-types';
const TrackTypes = propTypes.oneOf([
'annotation', 'wig', 'alignment', 'variant', 'seg'
const SourceTypes = propTypes.oneOf([
'file', 'gcs', 'ga4gh'
const TrackBase = {
type: TrackTypes, // Track type No default. If not specified, type is inferred from file format
sourceType: SourceTypes, // Type of data source. Valid values are "file", "gcs" for Google Cloud Storage, and "ga4gh" for the Global Alliance API "file"
format: propTypes.string, // File format No default. If not specified format is inferred from file name extension
indexURL: propTypes.string, // URL to a file index, such as a BAM .bai, Tabix .tbi, or Tribble .idx file.
indexed: propTypes.bool, // Flag used to indicate if a file is indexed or not. If indexURL is provided this flag is redundant. If the indexURL is not provided and this flag is true index files will be searched by file name convention. NOTE: This is a change from previous igv releases.
order: propTypes.number, // Integer value specifying relative order of track position on the screen. To pin a track to the bottom use Number.MAX_VALUE. If no order is specified, tracks appear in order of their addition.
color: propTypes.string, // CSS color value for track features, e.g. "#ff0000" or "rgb(100,0,100)"
height: propTypes.number, // Initial height of track viewport in pixels 50
autoHeight: propTypes.bool, // If true, then track height is adjusted dynamically, within the bounds set by minHeight and maxHeight, to accomdodate features in view true
minHeight: propTypes.number, // Minimum height of track in pixels 50
maxHeight: propTypes.number, // Maximum height of track in pixels 500
visibilityWindow: propTypes.number, // Maximum window size in base pairs for which indexed annotations or variants are displayed 1 MB for variants, 30 KB for alignments, whole chromosome for other track types
/* TODO per-type options */
const Track = propTypes.shape({
name: propTypes.string.isRequired, // Display name (label). Required
url: propTypes.string.isRequired, // URL to the track data resource, such as a file or webservice. Required
const TrackDefault = propTypes.shape({
const TrackDefaults = propTypes.shape({
annotation: TrackDefault,
wig: TrackDefault,
alignment: TrackDefault,
variant: TrackDefault,
seg: TrackDefault,
const BrowserOptions = {
minimumBases: propTypes.string, // Zoom-in is clamped to this value. 40
reference: propTypes.object.isRequired, // Object defining reference sequence. See object details below.
showKaryo: propTypes.bool, // If true, show a whole-genome karyotype view. false
showNavigation: propTypes.bool, // If true, show basic navigation controls (search, zoom in, zoom out). true
showRuler: propTypes.bool, // If true, show a genomic ruler track. true
tracks: propTypes.arrayOf(Track).isRequired, // Array of configuration objects defining tracks initially displayed when app launches.
trackDefaults: TrackDefaults, // Embedded object defining default settings for specific track types (see table below).
locus: propTypes.string, // Initial genomic location
flanking: propTypes.number, // Distance (in bp) to pad sides of gene when navigating. 1000
palette: propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.string), // Array of colors for the track color picker's default palette (e.g. ["#00A0B0", "#6A4A3C", "#CC333F", "#EB6841"])
search: propTypes.object, // Object defining a web service for supporting search by gene or other annotation. See object details below. Optional
apiKey: propTypes.string, // Google API key. Optional
doubleClickDelay: propTypes.number, // Maximum between mouse clicks in milliseconds to trigger a double-click 500
const genesTrack = {
name: 'Genes',
type: 'annotation',
format: 'bed',
sourceType: 'file',
url: '',
indexURL: '',
order: Number.MAX_VALUE,
visibilityWindow: 300000000,
displayMode: 'EXPANDED',
height: 80,
export default class IGVBrowser extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
showGenes: propTypes.bool,
componentDidMount() {
// IGV.js code is impure, therefore we need to make a copy of everything we pass to it
this.browser = igv.createBrowser(this.element, { ...this.props, tracks: getTracks(this.props) })
componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
const previousTracksList = getTracks(this.props)
const nextTracksList = getTracks(props)
if (!tracksEqual(previousTracksList, nextTracksList)) {
const previousTracks = new Set()
const nextTracks = new Set()
previousTracksList.forEach(track => previousTracks.add(getTrackID(track)))
nextTracksList.forEach(track => nextTracks.add(getTrackID(track)))
* Here, we access igv.Browser internals because the Browser#removeTrackByName
* function is not in the 1.9 release, but it should be used when available
const tracksToRemove = this.browser.trackViews
.filter(view => !== 'ruler' && !== 'sequence' && !nextTracks.has(getTrackID(view.track)))
.map(view => view.track)
const tracksToAdd = nextTracksList.filter(track => !previousTracks.has(getTrackID(track)))
tracksToRemove.forEach(track => this.browser.removeTrack(track))
tracksToAdd.forEach(track => this.browser.loadTrack(track))
if ( !== {
render() {
return (
<div className='IGVBrowser' ref={e => e && (this.element = e)} />
function getTracks(props) {
return props.showGenes ? props.tracks.concat(genesTrack) : props.tracks
function tracksEqual(previous, next) {
const previousTracks = previous.filter(track => track.type !== 'sequence')
const nextTracks = next.filter(track => track.type !== 'sequence')
if (previousTracks.length !== nextTracks.length)
return false
for (let i = 0; i < previousTracks.length; i++) {
if (getTrackID(previousTracks[i]) !== getTrackID(nextTracks[i]))
return false
return true
function getTrackID(track) {
return `${}_${track.url}`
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