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Created August 6, 2016 03:14
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" cs'' => will switch surrounding simple/double quotes
" cs'[x] => will delegate to vim-surround
nmap <expr>cs' CSurroundQuotes()
fu! CSurroundQuotes()
let qch = s:findQuote()
let char = s:getChar('Question', 'Exchange quotes with?')
if char == "'"
let char = (qch ==# "\"" ? "'" : "\"") | end
return "\<Plug>Csurround" . qch . char
fu! s:findQuote(...) " ( forward=1, action='m' )
" action: m -> move cursor
" p -> returns the character position [line, col]
" c -> returns the matched character (' or ")
if (a:0 > 0) && (a:1==1 || a:1==0)
let dir = a:1
let which = (a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 'm')
let fb = (dir) ? '' : 'b'
if which =~ 'm'
call searchpos('\v["'']', fb)
return | end
if which =~ 'p'
let pos = searchpos('\v["'']', fb . 'n')
return pos | end
if which =~ 'c'
let pos = searchpos('\v["'']', fb . 'nc')
let ch = s:charAt( [pos[0], pos[1]-1] )
return ch | end
let flags = a:0 ? a:1 : 'nc'
let cw = getcurpos()[1:2]
let fw = searchpos('\v["'']', flags)
let fw[1] -= 1
let bw = searchpos('\v["'']', 'b' . flags)
let bw[1] -= 1
if fw == cw
let pos = fw
let df = (fw[0] - cw[0]) * 80 + (fw[1] - cw[1])
let db = (cw[0] - bw[0]) * 80 + (cw[1] - bw[1])
let pos = df < db ? fw : bw
return s:charAt(pos)
fu! s:charAt(...)
if a:0 == 1
let pos = a:1
let pos = [a:1, a:2]
return getline(pos[0])[pos[1]]
fu! s:getChar(...)
echo ''
if (a:0 == 1)
echon a:1
elseif (a:0 == 2)
exe 'echohl ' . a:1
echon a:2
echohl None
let c = getchar()
if (c =~ '^\d\+$')
let c = nr2char(c)
return c
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