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Created May 21, 2015 23:38
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Problem adding owner to repository
render_error function raised error: (new TypeError("tempbody['dist-tags'] is undefined", "updates.package", 12))
stacktrace: ([object Object],[object Object])@updates.package:12
runUpdate(function (doc, req) {require("monkeypatch").patch(Object, Date, Array, String);var tempbody = JSON.parse(req.body);if (tempbody._npmVersion) {if (tempbody._npmVersion != "1.3.4") {return error("This version of plugman publish is broken, please update plugman with npm install -g plugman@latest.");}} else {var latest = tempbody['dist-tags'].latest;if (latest) {if (tempbody.versions[latest]._npmVersion != "1.3.4") {return error("This version of plugman publish is broken, please update plugman with npm install -g plugman@latest.");}}}var semver = require("semver");var valid = require("valid");
function error(reason) {return [{_id: "error: forbidden", forbidden: reason}, JSON.stringify({forbidden: reason})];}
function ok(doc, message) {delete doc.mtime;delete doc.ctime;var time = doc.time = doc.time || {};time.modified = (new Date).toISOString();time.created = time.created || time.modified;for (var v in doc.versions) {var ver = doc.versions[v];delete ver.ctime;delete ver.mtime;time[v] = time[v] || (new Date).toISOString();}return [doc, JSON.stringify({ok: message})];}
if (doc) {if (req.query.version) {var parsed = semver.valid(req.query.version, true);if (!parsed) {var tag = req.query.version, ver = JSON.parse(req.body);if (!semver.valid(ver)) {return error("setting tag " + tag + " to invalid version: " + req.body);}doc['dist-tags'][tag] = semver.clean(ver, true);return ok(doc, "updated tag");}var ver = req.query.version;if (!semver.valid(ver, true)) {return error("invalid version: " + ver);}if (ver in doc.versions || semver.clean(ver) in doc.versions) {if (!req.query.rev || req.query.rev !== doc._rev) {return error("cannot modify existing version");}}var body = JSON.parse(req.bodry);if (! {return error("Invalid name: " + JSON.stringify(;}body.version = semver.clean(body.version, true);ver = semver.clean(ver, true);if (body.version !== ver) {return error("version in doc doesn't match version in request: " + JSON.stringify(body.version) + " !== " + JSON.stringify(ver));}body._id = + "@" + body.version;if (body.description) {doc.description = body.description;}if ( { =;}if (body.repository) {doc.repository = body.repository;}body.maintainers = doc.maintainers;if (body.publishConfig && typeof body.publishConfig === "object") {Object.keys(body.publishConfig).filter(function (k) {return k.match(/^_/);}).forEach(function (k) {delete body.publishConfig[k];});}var tag = req.query.tag || body.publishConfig && body.publishConfig.tag || body.tag || "latest";if (!req.query.pre) {doc['dist-tags'][tag] = body.version;}if (!doc['dist-tags'].latest) {doc['dist-tags'].latest = body.version;}doc.versions[ver] = body;doc.time = doc.time || {};doc.time[ver] = (new Date).toISOString();return ok(doc, "added version");}var newdoc = JSON.parse(req.body), changed = false;if (doc._rev && doc._rev !== newdoc._rev) {return error("must supply latest _rev to update existing package");}for (var i in newdoc) {if (typeof newdoc[i] === "string" || i === "maintainers") {doc[i] = newdoc[i];}}if (newdoc.versions) {doc.versions = newdoc.versions;}if (newdoc['dist-tags']) {doc['dist-tags'] = newdoc['dist-tags'];}if (newdoc.users) {if (!doc.users) {doc.users = {};}doc.users[] = newdoc.users[];}return ok(doc, "updated package metadata");} else {doc = JSON.parse(req.body);if (!doc._id) {doc._id =;}if (!doc.versions) {doc.versions = {};}var latest;for (var v in doc.versions) {if (!semver.valid(v, true)) {return error("Invalid version: " + JSON.stringify(v));}var p = doc.versions[v];if (p.version !== v) {return error("Version mismatch: " + JSON.stringify(v) + " !== " + JSON.stringify(p.version));}if (! {return error("Invalid name: " + JSON.stringify(;}latest = semver.clean(v, true);}if (!doc['dist-tags']) {doc['dist-tags'] = {};}if (latest) {doc['dist-tags'].latest = latest;}return ok(doc, "created new entry");}},[object Object],[object Array])@/home/ubuntu/hosting/installs/hosting_v1.3.0r1/share/couchdb/server/main.js:961
(function (doc, req) {require("monkeypatch").patch(Object, Date, Array, String);var tempbody = JSON.parse(req.body);if (tempbody._npmVersion) {if (tempbody._npmVersion != "1.3.4") {return error("This version of plugman publish is broken, please update plugman with npm install -g plugman@latest.");}} else {var latest = tempbody['dist-tags'].latest;if (latest) {if (tempbody.versions[latest]._npmVersion != "1.3.4") {return error("This version of plugman publish is broken, please update plugman with npm install -g plugman@latest.");}}}var semver = require("semver");var valid = require("valid");
function error(reason) {return [{_id: "error: forbidden", forbidden: reason}, JSON.stringify({forbidden: reason})];}
function ok(doc, message) {delete doc.mtime;delete doc.ctime;var time = doc.time = doc.time || {};time.modified = (new Date).toISOString();time.created = time.created || time.modified;for (var v in doc.versions) {var ver = doc.versions[v];delete ver.ctime;delete ver.mtime;time[v] = time[v] || (new Date).toISOString();}return [doc, JSON.stringify({ok: message})];}
if (doc) {if (req.query.version) {var parsed = semver.valid(req.query.version, true);if (!parsed) {var tag = req.query.version, ver = JSON.parse(req.body);if (!semver.valid(ver)) {return error("setting tag " + tag + " to invalid version: " + req.body);}doc['dist-tags'][tag] = semver.clean(ver, true);return ok(doc, "updated tag");}var ver = req.query.version;if (!semver.valid(ver, true)) {return error("invalid version: " + ver);}if (ver in doc.versions || semver.clean(ver) in doc.versions) {if (!req.query.rev || req.query.rev !== doc._rev) {return error("cannot modify existing version");}}var body = JSON.parse(req.body);if (! {return error("Invalid name: " + JSON.stringify(;}body.version = semver.clean(body.version, true);ver = semver.clean(ver, true);if (body.version !== ver) {return error("version in doc doesn't match version in request: " + JSON.stringify(body.version) + " !== " + JSON.stringify(ver));}body._id = + "@" + body.version;if (body.description) {doc.description = body.description;}if ( { =;}if (body.repository) {doc.repository = body.repository;}body.maintainers = doc.maintainers;if (body.publishConfig && typeof body.publishConfig === "object") {Object.keys(body.publishConfig).filter(function (k) {return k.match(/^_/);}).forEach(function (k) {delete body.publishConfig[k];});}var tag = req.query.tag || body.publishConfig && body.publishConfig.tag || body.tag || "latest";if (!req.query.pre) {doc['dist-tags'][tag] = body.version;}if (!doc['dist-tags'].latest) {doc['dist-tags'].latest = body.version;}doc.versions[ver] = body;doc.time = doc.time || {};doc.time[ver] = (new Date).toISOString();return ok(doc, "added version");}var newdoc = JSON.parse(req.body), changed = false;if (doc._rev && doc._rev !== newdoc._rev) {return error("must supply latest _rev to update existing package");}for (var i in newdoc) {if (typeof newdoc[i] === "string" || i === "maintainers") {doc[i] = newdoc[i];}}if (newdoc.versions) {doc.versions = newdoc.versions;}if (newdoc['dist-tags']) {doc['dist-tags'] = newdoc['dist-tags'];}if (newdoc.users) {if (!doc.users) {doc.users = {};}doc.users[] = newdoc.users[];}return ok(doc, "updated package metadata");} else {doc = JSON.parse(req.body);if (!doc._id) {doc._id =;}if (!doc.versions) {doc.versions = {};}var latest;for (var v in doc.versions) {if (!semver.valid(v, true)) {return error("Invalid version: " + JSON.stringify(v));}var p = doc.versions[v];if (p.version !== v) {return error("Version mismatch: " + JSON.stringify(v) + " !== " + JSON.stringify(p.version));}if (! {return error("Invalid name: " + JSON.stringify(;}latest = semver.clean(v, true);}if (!doc['dist-tags']) {doc['dist-tags'] = {};}if (latest) {doc['dist-tags'].latest = latest;}return ok(doc, "created new entry");}},[object Object],[object Array])@/home/ubuntu/hosting/installs/hosting_v1.3.0r1/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1031
("_design/app",[object Array],[object Array])@/home/ubuntu/hosting/installs/hosting_v1.3.0r1/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1505
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