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Last active July 11, 2024 13:16
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  • Save romkatv/aa7a70fe656d8b655e3c324eb10f6a8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save romkatv/aa7a70fe656d8b655e3c324eb10f6a8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install Meslo Powerline font family on Windows
# This script installs patched Meslo Powerline font family on Windows.
# The fonts are installed for the current user only. The script must be
# run from WSL.
# bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# If you just want the font files, they are in
set -ueEo pipefail
function install_fonts() {
local dst_dir
dst_dir=$(wslpath $(cmd.exe /c "echo %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\\Windows\\Fonts" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\r$//'))
mkdir -p "$dst_dir"
local src
for src in "$@"; do
local file=$(basename "$src")
test -f "$dst_dir/$file" || cp -f "$src" "$dst_dir/"
local win_path
win_path=$(wslpath -w "$dst_dir/$file")
# Install font for the current user. It'll appear in "Font settings".
reg.exe add \
"HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts" \
/v "${file%.*} (TrueType)" /t REG_SZ /d "$win_path" /f 2>/dev/null
function main() {
local repo
repo="$(mktemp -d)"
trap "rm -rf ${repo@Q}" INT TERM EXIT
git clone "$repo"
install_fonts "$repo"/.local/share/fonts/NerdFonts/*.ttf
echo -e '\033[0;32m'
echo 'Fonts successfully installed.'
echo ''
echo 'To change font in Windows Console Host (the old thing):'
echo ' Right click on the window title -> Properties -> Font and set Font'
echo ' to "MesloLGS NF".'
echo ''
echo 'To change font in Windows Terminal (the new thing):'
echo ' Open Settings (Ctrl+,), search for "fontFace" and set value'
echo ' to "MesloLGS NF" for every profile.'
echo -e '\033[0m'
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Thanks for the script

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Very late. However, I was looking through these forums for issues where the tiny little boxes would not appear. Turns out it was because my version of Windows 10 Pro was not activated. I found this out by trying to search for Fonts in the settings, and was unable to search for any of the Nerd Fonts I thought I had downloaded. Activating Windows 10 Pro fixed the problem as soon as I reloaded.

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Thank you.
Everything working fine now

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