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Created June 2, 2022 16:19
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Use UseCase to execute operation by following SRP.
* UseCase is designed to execute a given operation by following
* Single Responsibility Design Principle.
abstract class UseCaseV2<ReturnType, in Params> where ReturnType : Any {
* Abstract API that should be implemented by the respective child to execute the operation.
* @param params [Params]
* @return [AppResult]<[ReturnType]>
abstract suspend fun run(params: Params): AppResult<ReturnType>
* Client access point to execute the [UseCaseV2].
* Can provide [CoroutineDispatcher] to execute the [UseCaseV2]
* with the context of provided [CoroutineDispatcher].
* Also, client can define that if this [UseCaseV2] is performing
* CPU intensive work or not. If yes, use [Dispatchers.Default]
* else accept the execution as IO Operation and use [Dispatchers.IO].
* Note: [isCPUIntensiveWork] will work only if [useCustomDispatcher] is null.
* @param params [Params] to be passed.
* @param useCustomDispatcher to execute [UseCaseV2] with provided [CoroutineDispatcher] context.
* @param isCPUIntensiveWork to execute [UseCaseV2] with [Dispatchers.Default] if true else [Dispatchers.IO]
* @return [AppResult]<[ReturnType]>
suspend operator fun invoke(
params: Params,
useCustomDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher? = null,
isCPUIntensiveWork: Boolean = false
): AppResult<ReturnType> {
val dispatcher = useCustomDispatcher
?: if (isCPUIntensiveWork)
return withContext(dispatcher) { run(params) }
interface AuthRepo {
fun login(username: String, password: String): AppResult<String>
class AuthRepoImpl() : AuthRepo {
override fun login(username: String, password: String): AppResult<String> {
//Assume that we are doing some kind of network operations here.
return AppResult.Success("Login Success.")
class LoginUseCase(private val repo: AuthRepo) : UseCaseV2<String, Pair<String, String>>() {
override suspend fun run(params: Pair<String, String>): AppResult<String> =
repo.login(params.first, params.second)
class AuthViewModel() : ViewModel() {
private val loginUseCase = LoginUseCase(AuthRepoImpl())
suspend fun login(username: String, password: String) = loginUseCase(
Pair(username, password), null, false
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