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Last active January 15, 2019 20:57
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Tree building mit Results
module TreeBuilding
type Record = { RecordId: int; ParentId: int }
type Tree =
| Branch of int * Tree list
| Leaf of int
let recordId t =
match t with
| Branch (id, c) -> id
| Leaf id -> id
let isBranch t =
match t with
| Branch (id, c) -> true
| Leaf id -> false
let children t =
match t with
| Branch (id, c) -> c
| Leaf id -> []
let ensureNotEmpty records =
match records with
| [] ->
Error "Empty input"
| _ ->
Ok records
let ensureValidRoot sortedRecords =
match sortedRecords with
| head::_ when head.ParentId <> 0 || head.RecordId <> 0 ->
Error "Root node is invalid"
| _ ->
Ok sortedRecords
let recordToTuple result record =
match result with
| Ok (leafs, prev) ->
match record.RecordId with
| id when id <> prev + 1 ->
Error "Non-continuous list"
| 0 ->
Ok ((-1, record.RecordId) :: leafs, record.RecordId)
| id when record.ParentId >= id ->
Error "Nodes with invalid parents"
| _ ->
Ok ((record.ParentId, record.RecordId) :: leafs, record.RecordId)
| Error err ->
Error err
let recordsToTuples records =
|> List.fold recordToTuple (Ok ([], -1))
|> (fst >> List.rev)
let tuplesToMap tuples =
|> List.groupBy fst
|> (fun (x, y) -> (x, snd y))
|> Map.ofSeq
let rec buildTree' map parentId =
let buildBranch children =
Branch (parentId, children |> (buildTree' map))
|> Map.tryFind parentId
|> buildBranch
|> Option.defaultValue (Leaf parentId)
let buildTree records =
let map =
|> ensureNotEmpty
|> (List.sortBy (fun r -> r.RecordId))
|> Result.bind ensureValidRoot
|> Result.bind recordsToTuples
|> tuplesToMap
|> function | Ok map -> map | Error err -> failwith err
buildTree' map 0
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