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Created November 28, 2016 21:12
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This function will return some intermediate results. Be warned that the objects may become large with time so think hard how many intermediate results you really can afford to save.
scrPID.um2 <- function (n, X, y, M, mmax, obsmod = c("pois", "bern"), niters,
npics, xlims, ylims, inits, delta)
obsmod <- match.arg(obsmod)
J <- nrow(n)
K <- ncol(n)
S <- inits$S
D <- e2dist(S, X)
sigma <- inits$sigma
lam0 <- inits$lam0
lam <- lam0 * exp(-(D * D)/(2 * sigma * sigma))
nObs <- nrow(y)
Y <- array(0, c(M + mmax, J, K))
Y[1:nObs, , ] <- y
marked <- rep(FALSE, M + mmax)
marked[1:mmax] <- TRUE
psi <- inits$psi
psim <- inits$psim
z <- rbinom(M + mmax, 1, psi)
z[1:nObs] <- 1
for (j in 1:J) {
for (k in 1:K) {
if (n[j, k] == 0) {
Y[!marked, j, k] <- 0
nUnknown <- n[j, k]
probs <- lam[!marked, j] * z[!marked]
probs <- probs/sum(probs)
if (identical(obsmod, "pois"))
Y[!marked, j, k] <- rmultinom(1, nUnknown, probs)
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
Y[!marked, j, k] <- 0
guys <- sample((mmax + 1):(M + mmax), nUnknown,
prob = probs)
Y[guys, j, k] <- 1
cr <- rep(1, M + mmax)
if (missing(npics)) {
crat <- 1
else {
crat <- npics[1]/npics[2]
cr[marked] <- crat
out <- matrix(NA, nrow = niters, ncol = 7)
colnames(out) <- c("sigma", "lam0", "c", "psi", "psim", "m",
cat("\nstarting values =", c(sigma, lam0, crat, psi, psim,
sum(z[marked]), sum(z)), "\n\n")
# Generate empty lists into which to store data. This may get large
# so perhaps it wouldn't make sense to store data from _every_
# iteration.
Slist <- vector("list", niters)
Zlist <- vector("list", niters)
Zmlist <- vector("list", niters)
for (iter in 1:niters) {
if (iter%%100 == 0) {
cat("iter", iter, format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),
cat(" current =", out[iter - 1, ], "\n")
if (identical(obsmod, "pois")) {
ll <- sum(dpois(Y, lam * cr * z, log = TRUE))
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
ll <- sum(dbinom(Y, 1, lam * cr * z, log = TRUE))
if (!missing(npics)) {
crat <- rbeta(1, 1 + npics[1], 1 + npics[2] - npics[1])
cr[marked] <- crat
sigma.cand <- rnorm(1, sigma, delta[1])
if (sigma.cand > 0) {
lam.cand <- lam0 * exp(-(D * D)/(2 * sigma.cand *
if (identical(obsmod, "pois")) {
ll <- sum(dpois(Y, lam * cr * z, log = TRUE))
llcand <- sum(dpois(Y, lam.cand * cr * z, log = TRUE))
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
ll <- sum(dbinom(Y, 1, lam * cr * z, log = TRUE))
llcand <- sum(dbinom(Y, 1, lam.cand * cr * z,
log = TRUE))
if (runif(1) < exp(llcand - ll)) {
ll <- llcand
lam <- lam.cand
sigma <- sigma.cand
lam0.cand <- rnorm(1, lam0, delta[2])
test2 <- TRUE
if (identical(obsmod, "bern"))
test2 <- lam0.cand <= 1
if (lam0.cand >= 0 & test2) {
lam.cand <- lam0.cand * exp(-(D * D)/(2 * sigma *
if (identical(obsmod, "pois"))
llcand <- sum(dpois(Y, lam.cand * cr * z, log = TRUE))
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern"))
llcand <- sum(dbinom(Y, 1, lam.cand * cr * z,
log = TRUE))
if (runif(1) < exp((llcand) - (ll))) {
ll <- llcand
lam0 <- lam0.cand
lam <- lam.cand
zUpsm <- zUps <- 0
for (i in (nObs + 1):mmax) {
zcand <- ifelse(z[i] == 0, 1, 0)
if (identical(obsmod, "pois")) {
llz <- sum(dpois(Y[i, , ], lam[i, ] * cr[i] *
z[i], log = TRUE))
llcandz <- sum(dpois(Y[i, , ], lam[i, ] * cr[i] *
zcand, log = TRUE))
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
llz <- sum(dbinom(Y[i, , ], 1, lam[i, ] * cr[i] *
z[i], log = TRUE))
llcandz <- sum(dbinom(Y[i, , ], 1, lam[i, ] *
cr[i] * zcand, log = TRUE))
prior <- dbinom(z[i], 1, psim, log = TRUE)
prior.cand <- dbinom(zcand, 1, psim, log = TRUE)
if (runif(1) < exp((llcandz + prior.cand) - (llz +
prior))) {
z[i] <- zcand
zUpsm <- zUpsm + 1
seen <- apply(Y > 0, 1, any)
for (i in (mmax + 1):(M + mmax)) {
if (seen[i])
zcand <- ifelse(z[i] == 0, 1, 0)
if (identical(obsmod, "pois")) {
ll <- sum(dpois(Y[i, , ], lam[i, ] * z[i], log = TRUE))
llcand <- sum(dpois(Y[i, , ], lam[i, ] * zcand,
log = TRUE))
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
ll <- sum(dbinom(Y[i, , ], 1, lam[i, ] * z[i],
log = TRUE))
llcand <- sum(dbinom(Y[i, , ], 1, lam[i, ] *
zcand, log = TRUE))
prior <- dbinom(z[i], 1, psi, log = TRUE)
prior.cand <- dbinom(zcand, 1, psi, log = TRUE)
rat <- (llcand + prior.cand) - (ll + prior)
if (runif(1) < exp(rat)) {
z[i] <- zcand
zUps <- zUps + 1
for (j in 1:J) {
zip <- lam[!marked, j] * z[!marked]
for (k in 1:K) {
if (n[j, k] == 0) {
Y[!marked, j, k] <- 0
nUnknown <- n[j, k]
probs <- zip/sum(zip)
if (identical(obsmod, "pois"))
Y[!marked, j, k] <- rmultinom(1, nUnknown,
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
Y[!marked, j, k] <- 0
guy <- sample((mmax + 1):(M + mmax), nUnknown,
prob = probs)
Y[guy, j, k] <- 1
psim <- rbeta(1, 1 + sum(z[marked]), 1 + mmax - sum(z[marked]))
psi <- rbeta(1, 1 + sum(z[!marked]), 1 + M - sum(z[!marked]))
Sups <- 0
for (i in 1:(M + mmax)) {
Scand <- c(rnorm(1, S[i, 1], delta[3]), rnorm(1,
S[i, 2], delta[3]))
inbox <- Scand[1] >= xlims[1] & Scand[1] <= xlims[2] &
Scand[2] >= ylims[1] & Scand[2] <= ylims[2]
if (!inbox)
dtmp <- sqrt((Scand[1] - X[, 1])^2 + (Scand[2] -
X[, 2])^2)
lam.cand <- lam0 * exp(-(dtmp * dtmp)/(2 * sigma *
if (identical(obsmod, "pois")) {
ll <- sum(dpois(Y[i, , ], lam[i, ] * cr[i] *
z[i], log = TRUE))
llcand <- sum(dpois(Y[i, , ], lam.cand * cr[i] *
z[i], log = TRUE))
else if (identical(obsmod, "bern")) {
ll <- sum(dbinom(Y[i, , ], 1, lam[i, ] * cr[i] *
z[i], log = TRUE))
llcand <- sum(dbinom(Y[i, , ], 1, lam.cand *
cr[i] * z[i], log = TRUE))
if (runif(1) < exp(llcand - ll)) {
ll <- llcand
S[i, ] <- Scand
lam[i, ] <- lam.cand
D[i, ] <- dtmp
Sups <- Sups + 1
if (iter%%100 == 0) {
cat(" Acceptance rates\n")
cat(" z =", zUps/M, "\n")
cat(" zm =", zUpsm/mmax, "\n")
cat(" S =", Sups/(M + mmax), "\n")
out[iter, ] <- c(sigma, lam0, crat, psi, psim, sum(z[marked]), sum(z))
# browser()
Slist[[iter]] <- S
Zlist[[iter]] <- zUps/M
Zmlist[[iter]] <- zUpsm/mmax
return(list(params = out, S = Slist, Z = Zlist, Zm = Zmlist))
#set input values
#create grid and state space
coords<-seq(0,7, 1)
grid<-expand.grid(coords, coords)
buff<- 3*sigma
xlims=c(xl, xu)
#simulate data
dat<, K=K, sigma=sigma, lam0=lam0, knownID=knownID,
X=trapmat, xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, obsmod= "pois",
nmarked="known",rat=1, tel =0, nlocs=0)
#create initial values function for scrPID, set M and tuning parameters
inits<-function(){list(S=cbind(runif(M, xlims[1], xlims[2]),
runif(M, ylims[1], ylims[2])), lam0=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6),
sigma=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6), psi=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6))}
delta=c(0.1, 0.01, 2)
n<-dat$n - apply(dat$Yknown, 2:3, sum)
inits<-function(){list(S=cbind(runif(M+mmax, xlims[1], xlims[2]),
runif(M+mmax, ylims[1], ylims[2])), lam0=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6),
sigma=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6), psi=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6), psim=runif(1, 0.4, 0.6))}
mod<-scrPID.um2(n=n, X=trapmat, y=Yobs, M=M,mmax=mmax, obsmod = "pois",
niters=3, xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims,
inits=inits(), delta=delta)
> str(mod)
List of 4
$ params: num [1:3, 1:7] 0.553 0.553 0.591 0.426 0.435 ...
..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. ..$ : NULL
.. ..$ : chr [1:7] "sigma" "lam0" "c" "psi" ...
$ S :List of 3
..$ : num [1:200, 1:2] -0.618 4.275 7.268 3.595 0.871 ...
..$ : num [1:200, 1:2] -0.618 4.275 7.268 3.595 2.415 ...
..$ : num [1:200, 1:2] -0.546 4.275 7.71 3.595 2.415 ...
$ Z :List of 3
..$ : num 0.263
..$ : num 0.156
..$ : num 0.156
$ Zm :List of 3
..$ : num 0.2
..$ : num 0.125
..$ : num 0.2
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