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Created May 1, 2020 08:09
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Summarize weekly data into monthly
# Use case:
# You have a weekly dataset and some variable for that week, i.e.
# week value year
# 1 528 2019
# 2 503 2019
# 3 493 2019
# 4 487 2019
# 5 526 2019
# 6 523 2019
# You wish to summarize this data on a monthly basis. This function should
# help you do that.
#' Aggregate weekly data to monthly
#' Splits week into days and aggregates data based on which month the day
#' comes from.
#' @param xy A data.frame with at least column which you would like to
#' aggregate and a column with a date that falls within the desired week.
#' @param fml Formula (not fuck my life) where you specify which column you
#' would like to aggregate against which Date column. You can use
#' \code{ISOweek::ISOweek2date()} function to prepare it. See example.
#' @param fun Function to apply to per-week summarization. Defaults to sum.
weeksToMonthYears <- function(xy, fml, fun = sum) {
f.left <- as.character(fml[[2]])
f.right <- as.character(fml[[3]])
ym <- ISOweek2date(sprintf("%s-%s", ISOweek(xy[, f.right]), 1:7))
ym <- strftime(ym, format = "%Y-%m")
variable <- xy[, f.left]
variable <- rep(variable, 7) * 1/7
out <- aggregate(variable ~ ym, FUN = sum)
out$variable <- round(out$variable)
#' @example
xy <- structure(list(week = 1:8,
value = c(528L, 503L, 493L, 487L,
526L, 523L, 488L, 491L),
year = c(2019L, 2019L, 2019L, 2019L,
2019L, 2019L, 2019L, 2019L)),
row.names = c(NA, 8L), class = "data.frame")
# Convert this week-year data into a proper ISO week date.
xy$datum <- ISOweek2date(sprintf("%s-W%02d-%s", xy$year, xy$week, 1))
rs <- sapply(split(xy, f = 1:nrow(xy)), FUN = weeksToMonthYears,
fml = value ~ datum, simplify = FALSE)
rs <-, rs)
aggregate(variable ~ ym, FUN = sum, data = rs)
# ym variable
# 2018-12 75
# 2019-01 2237
# 2019-02 1727
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