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Created February 24, 2015 10:55
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import simuPOP as sim
import numpy as np
import random
from math import exp
#from scipy.stats import poisson # for poisson pmf
popHR = 2000
popSI = 1000
population_size = popHR + popSI
primiparity = 3
def logismod(x, K, P0, k):
res = K/(P0 + (K-P0) * exp(1 - k*x))
return res
P0 = 0.1
K = 10
k = 0.7
pop = sim.Population(size = [popHR, popSI], loci = 3, infoFields = ["age", "ywc", "fitness", "hc", "iscub", "father_idx", "mother_idx", "ind_id"])
# ywc = years with cubs
# initialize infoFields, sex and genotype
sim.initInfo(pop = pop, values = np.random.poisson(3, population_size).tolist(), infoFields = "age")
sim.initInfo(pop = pop, values = 0, infoFields = "iscub")
sim.initInfo(pop = pop, values = 0, infoFields = "ywc")
sim.tagID(pop = pop)
sim.initSex(pop, maleProp = 0.5)
sim.initGenotype(pop = pop, prop = [0.1]*10)
fam_size = [[], []]
fam_size_it = [[], []]
def calculatePopulationSize(pop):
global fam_size
fam_size = [[], []]
for sub in range(0, len(pop.subPopSizes())):
# for each female sample litter size and store it in 'x'
x = []
for ind in pop.individuals(subPop = sub):
if == sim.FEMALE and ind.hc == 0 and ind.age >= primiparity:
x.append(np.random.choice(a = [1, 2, 3, 4], size = 1, p = [0.15, 0.65, 0.15, 0.05], replace = True).tolist())
fam_size[sub] = sum(x, [])
# sum population size and extra cubs population-wise
post_rep_popsize = []
for i in range(0, len(pop.subPopSizes())):
# print("[calculatePopulationSize] subPopSizes: {} added {} cubs (total {})".format(pop.subPopSizes()[i], sum(fam_size[i]), pop.subPopSizes()[i] + sum(fam_size[i])))
post_rep_popsize.append(pop.subPopSizes()[i] + sum(fam_size[i]))
# make 'fam_size' a flat list
fam_size = sum(fam_size, [])
# print("calculatePopulationSize: {}".format(fam_size))
global fam_size_it
fam_size_it = fam_size
# return final population size which consists of cloned non-offspring
# and new offspring
#print("calculatePopulationSize: population size {}".format(post_rep_popsize))
# print("===")
return post_rep_popsize
# pick random father
def bearFather(pop, subPop):
# define fitness for individuals based on a logistic model
# see parametrization at the beginning of the file
all_males = [x for x in pop.individuals() if == sim.MALE]
for ind in all_males: = logismod(x = ind.age, K = K, P0 = P0, k = k)
# prepare males
allMales = sim.RandomParentChooser(sexChoice = sim.MALE_ONLY,
selectionField = "fitness",
replacement = True)
allMales.initialize(pop, subPop) # builds individual index
while True:
male = allMales.chooseParents()[0]
# print(
yield male
# pick a mother that has no cubs
def bearMother(pop, subPop):
while True:
# prepare females in estrus
all_females = [x for x in pop.individuals(subPop) if == sim.FEMALE and x.hc == 0 and x.age >= 3]
#print("bearMother: number of females is {}".format(len(all_females)))
pick_female = np.random.randint(0, (len(all_females)))
female = all_females[pick_female]
female.hc = 1
female.ywc = 0
yield female
# Read family size from a global variable and use that as
# the number of offspring per mating event. This function is applied
# to individual subpopulation
def familySizeGenerator():
global fam_size_it
# print("familySizeGenerator: === population ===")
# print("familySizeGenerator: fam_size_it = {}".format(fam_size_it))
# print("familySizeGenerator: fam_size = {}".format(fam_size))
for sz in fam_size_it:
# print("familySizeGenerator: producing {} cubs".format(sz,))
fam_size_it = fam_size_it[1:] # after cub has been "made", remove it
yield sz
# debugging functions
def endGenerationClick():
print("=== END OF GENERATION TALLY ===")
print("fam_size: {}". format(fam_size))
print("fam_size_it: {}". format(fam_size_it))
print("=== END OF GENERATION TALLY ===")
return True
def updateYWC(ind):
# cubs become independent of their mother after 'primiparity'
if ind.hc == 1 and ind.ywc >= primiparity:
ind.hc = 0
ind.ywc = 0
# if female is rearing cubs, add 1 to 'ywc' (years with cubs)
if ind.hc == 1:
# print("[updateYWC] YWC: {}". format(ind.ywc))
ind.ywc += 1
# if individual is '>= primiparity' release it from its mother
if ind.iscub == 1 and ind.age >= primiparity:
ind.iscub == 0
return True
def cullSlovenia(pop, param):
# param is a dictionary {key: value}
# lam (numeric) Lambda parameter in Poisson process, e.g. {"lam": 1.82}
# generate expected values according to the distribution
raw_cull = np.random.poisson(lam = param["lam"], size = param["cull_size"]).tolist()
hist = [[x, raw_cull.count(x)] for x in set(raw_cull)]
# "tabulate" values into a histogram, beware, object is a dictionary
tabulated_cull = {x[0]: x[1] for x in hist}
print("CULLSLOVENIA: calculated frequencies by age classes:")
# find all individuals in subpopulation of the said age class
for n, v in tabulated_cull.iteritems(): # n = class, v = frequency
n_before = pop.popSize()
inds = [x for x in pop.individuals() if x.age == n and x.hc == 0]
# sample out v number of individuals
inds = random.sample([x for x in inds], v)
# use ind_ids of individuals to remove them from the (sub)population
pop.removeIndividuals(IDs = [x.ind_id for x in inds], idField = "ind_id")
n_after = pop.popSize()
print("CLASS [{}]: BEFORE [{}] AFTER [{}] CHANGE [{}]".format(n, n_before, n_after, (n_before - n_after)))
return True
preOps = [
# sim.IdTagger(infoFields = "ind_id"),
sim.Stat(popSize = True),
sim.InfoExec('age += 1'), # increase age for everyone
sim.PyOperator(func = updateYWC) # bookkeeping for mothers with cubs
matingScheme = sim.HeteroMating([
chooser = sim.CombinedParentsChooser(
fatherChooser = sim.PyParentsChooser(generator = bearFather),
motherChooser = sim.PyParentsChooser(generator = bearMother)
generator = sim.OffspringGenerator(ops = [
sim.InfoExec("age = 0"),
sim.InfoExec("iscub = 1"),
] ,
numOffspring = familySizeGenerator)),
sim.CloneMating(subPops = sim.ALL_AVAIL, weight = -1)
shuffleOffspring = False,
subPopSize = calculatePopulationSize
postOps = [
#this line has been left empty on purpose
sim.PyOperator(func = cullSlovenia(pop, param = {"lam": 1.82, "cull_size": 50}), subPops = 1),
gen = 3
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