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Created March 26, 2019 09:25
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Substitution ciphering
* This is the entire source code for the article “Subtitution ciphering in JavaScript”
(function() {
"use strict";
* Cipher namespace, to store all the cyphers
* @namespace
var Cipher = {};
* @param {string} text
* @param {boolean} decode
* @return {string}
Cipher.toQWERTY = function(text, decode) {
var map = {
a: 'q', b: 'w', c: 'e',
d: 'r', e: 't', f: 'y',
g: 'u', h: 'i', i: 'o',
j: 'p', k: 'a', l: 's',
m: 'd', n: 'f', o: 'g',
p: 'h', q: 'j', r: 'k',
s: 'l', t: 'z', u: 'x',
v: 'c', w: 'v', x: 'b',
y: 'n', z: 'm'
// Flip the map
if(decode) {
map = (function() {
var tmp = {};
var k;
// Populate the tmp variable
for(k in map) {
if(!map.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue;
tmp[map[k]] = k;
return tmp;
return text.split('').filter(function(v) {
// Filter out characters that are not in our list
return map.hasOwnProperty(v.toLowerCase());
}).map(function(v) {
// Replace old character by new one
// And make it uppercase to make it look even fancier
return map[v.toLowerCase()].toUpperCase();
* Rotate a unicode string
* @param {string} text
* @param {int} rotation
* @return {string}
Cipher.rotate = function(text, rotation) {
// Surrogate pair limit
var bound = 0x10000;
// Force the rotation an integer and within bounds
rotation = parseInt(rotation) % bound;
// Might as well return the text if there's no change
if(rotation === 0) return text;
// Create string from character codes
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,
// Turn string to character codes
text.split('').map(function(v) {
// Return current character code + rotation
return (v.charCodeAt() + rotation + bound) % bound;
* Rotate a unicode string using a key
* @param {string} text
* @param {string} key
* @param {boolean} reverse
* @return {string}
Cipher.keyRotate = function(text, key, reverse) {
// Surrogate pair limit
var bound = 0x10000;
// Create string from character codes
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,
// Turn string to character codes
text.split('').map(function(v, i) {
// Get rotation from key
var rotation = key[i % key.length].charCodeAt();
// Are we decrypting?
if(reverse) rotation = -rotation;
// Return current character code + rotation
return (v.charCodeAt() + rotation + bound) % bound;
window.Cipher = Cipher;
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