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Last active December 21, 2016 01:40
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  • Save ron-wolf/1c1a1211ac45d34788b9d43696b2471d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ron-wolf/1c1a1211ac45d34788b9d43696b2471d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install ghc-mod
  2. Open a file that ghc has successfully compiled
  3. Right-click on a token in the file
  4. ghc-mod → “Show type” OR ghc-mod → “Show info”

Atom Version: 1.13.0-beta8 Electron Version: 1.3.13 System: Mac OS X 10.12.2 Thrown From: haskell-ghc-mod package, v1.19.2

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: target.getModel is not a function

At /Users/Ronathan/.atom/packages/haskell-ghc-mod/lib/

TypeError: target.getModel is not a function
    at atom-text-editor.<anonymous> (/Users/Ronathan/.atom/packages/haskell-ghc-mod/lib/
    at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/Atom
    at CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/Atom
    at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.dispatch (/Applications/Atom
    at AtomEnvironment.module.exports.AtomEnvironment.dispatchContextMenuCommand (/Applications/Atom
    at EventEmitter.outerCallback (/Applications/Atom
    at emitThree (events.js:116:13)
    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:194:7)


 10x -0:31.3.0 pane:show-next-item (input.hidden-input)
     -0:00.3.0 haskell-ghc-mod:show-type (div.scroll-view)


  "core": {
    "telemetryConsent": "limited"

Installed Packages

# User
advanced-new-file, v0.5.0 (inactive)
advanced-open-file, v0.16.4 (inactive)
atom-clock, v0.0.8 (active)
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haskell-ghc-mod, v1.19.2 (active)
haskell-pointfree, v0.1.3 (active)
ide-haskell, v1.8.2 (active)
ide-haskell-hasktags, v0.0.7 (active)
ide-haskell-hoogle, v0.0.2 (active)
ide-haskell-repl, v0.4.6 (inactive)
language-haskell, v1.10.1 (active)
markdown-writer, v2.6.2 (inactive)
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language-toml, v0.18.1 (active)
language-xml, v0.34.12 (active)
language-yaml, v0.27.1 (active)

# Dev
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