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Created September 6, 2014 00:26
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Teaching programming to Daniela using Swift
// Learning Swift with Daniela #1
* Lesson Plan
* ===========
1. Variables & Constants
2. Types
3. Operators
4. Condtionals & Branching
// Print a String to the console
println("Hello, world!")
// A String is a string (or sequence) of characters (letters) denoted by quotation marks
// This is a constant. It cannot be changed.
// It is useful for referring to a value multiple times.
let constantHello = "Hello" // "String"
// This is a variable.
// It is like a constant, but it can be altered.
var changeableHello = "Hello is changable"
changeableHello = "Hello, Daniela!"
// You can declare multiple variables/constants on one line by separating them with commas.
var pi = 3.14, tau = 2.28
// Swift's *type inference* lets it figure out what type of data is written
var x = 5 // int (Integer)
// Type Annotation!
// This lets us declare a variable or constant's type explicitly.
// In Java: String myString = "Uh..."
// Type annotation in Swift
var myString: String = "Uh..."
var myInteger: Int = 5
var myFloat: Float = 5.1
var myBoolean: Bool = true
// Basic Types:
// String -> sequence of Characters
// Character -> letter
// Int -> whole number
// Float -> floating-point number (decimal)
// Double -> float with higher precision
// Boolean -> true or false
let sum = 1 + 1
let decimalSum = 1.0 + 1.0
// "camelCase" makes identifies more legible
// writeABunchOfWords <- Easier to read
// writeabunchofwords
let daniela = "Daniela"
let ronald = "Ronald"
let smushedName = daniela + ronald
// Binary operators take two arguments
println(daniela + ronald)
println(2 * 3)
4 / 2
1 - 1
2 % 2
// Unary (one argument) operator
// negative sign (-) is the unary operator
var negativeOne = -1
var positiveOne = -negativeOne
let isDoneWithService = true
// Ternary operator takes three arguments
// Format:
// condition ? valueIfConditionIsTrue : valueIfConditionIsFalse
var danielaStatus = isDoneWithService ? "I'm done!" : "I'm not done yet."
// The above has the same meaning as:
if isDoneWithService {
danielaStatus = "I'm done"
} else {
danielaStatus = "I'm not done yet."
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