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Last active December 27, 2019 05:44
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package main
import (
var base [9][9]int
var preset = make(map[int]bool)
var debug int
//var priority
type narrow struct {
row int
col int
vals []int
func main() {
// apply orignal constraints
base[0][8] = 1
base[1][1] = 1
base[1][2] = 2
base[2][6] = 2
base[3][8] = 2
base[4][1] = 2
base[6][6] = 1
base[6][7] = 2
base[7][0] = 1
base[7][5] = 2
base[8][0] = 2
base[8][3] = 1
preset[8] = true
preset[11] = true
preset[12] = true
preset[26] = true
preset[38] = true
preset[41] = true
preset[66] = true
preset[67] = true
preset[70] = true
preset[75] = true
preset[80] = true
preset[83] = true
// subranges for values I was able to figure out with pen and paper
priority := make([]narrow, 8)
priority[0] = narrow{row: 0, col: 4, vals: []int{2, 3, 4}}
priority[1] = narrow{row: 2, col: 1, vals: []int{7, 8, 9}}
priority[2] = narrow{row: 4, col: 8, vals: []int{3, 4, 5}}
priority[3] = narrow{row: 5, col: 1, vals: []int{3, 4, 5}}
priority[4] = narrow{row: 7, col: 3, vals: []int{3, 4, 5}}
priority[5] = narrow{row: 7, col: 7, vals: []int{6, 7, 8, 9}}
priority[6] = narrow{row: 8, col: 6, vals: []int{6, 7, 8, 9}}
priority[7] = narrow{row: 0, col: 3, vals: []int{3, 4, 5, 6, 7}}
// uncomment to generate giant contraint blocks
// programattically generate constraints so I don't make a type
equations := []string{
"B9 + B8 + C1 + H4 + H4 = 23",
"A5 + D7 + I5 + G8 + B3 + A5 = 19",
"I2 + I3 + F2 + E9 = 15",
"I7 + H8 + C2 + D9 = 26",
"I6 + A5 + I3 + B8 + C3 = 20",
"I7 + D9 + B6 + A8 + A3 + C4 = 27",
"C7 + H9 + I7 + B2 + H8 + G3 = 31",
"D3 + I8 + A4 + I6 = 27",
"F5 + B8 + F8 + I7 + F1 = 33",
"A2 + A8 + D7 + E4 = 21",
"C1 + I4 + C2 + I1 + A4 = 20",
"F8 + C1 + F6 + D3 + B6 = 25",
for _, eq := range equations {
results := make(chan string) // intermediate debug values
done := make(chan string)
// start each thread with a different first box
for i := 3; i <= 9; i++ {
gridCpy := make([][]int, 9)
base[0][0] = i
for j := 0; j < 9; j++ {
gridCpy[j] = make([]int, 9)
copy(gridCpy[j], base[j][:])
go solve(0, 1, priority, results, done, gridCpy)
// aggregate debug results on a single thread and wait for a solution
for {
select {
case res := <-results:
case answer := <-done:
// too lazy to clean up properly
func solve(r, c int, priority []narrow, results, done chan string, grid [][]int) {
// print intermediate solutions for debugging
if debug%10000000 == 0 {
select {
case <-done:
case results <- printSol(grid):
// recursive base case
if r == 9 {
if equationValidate(grid) {
done <- printSol(grid)
// make sure all values that are bounded are set early as possible
// if we haven't exhausted the ranges we know about, recurse on those first
if len(priority) > 0 {
p := priority[0]
for _, v := range p.vals {
if rowOK(p.row, v, grid) && colOK(p.col, v, grid) && boxOK(p.row, p.col, v, grid) {
grid[p.row][p.col] = v
if equationOK(grid) {
solve(r, c, priority[1:], results, done, grid)
grid[p.row][p.col] = 0
// is this square preset? if so skip
if preset[r*10+c] {
if c == 8 {
solve(r+1, 0, priority, results, done, grid)
} else {
solve(r, c+1, priority, results, done, grid)
// if this is a priority square skip cause already set
if grid[r][c] != 0 {
if c == 8 {
solve(r+1, 0, priority, results, done, grid)
} else {
solve(r, c+1, priority, results, done, grid)
// place values 1-9 in this square
// go in reverse order to eagerly fail on on equation pruning bounds
for v := 9; v >= 1; v-- {
if rowOK(r, v, grid) && colOK(c, v, grid) && boxOK(r, c, v, grid) {
grid[r][c] = v
if !equationOK(grid) {
// this is valid, move to the next column, or row if this is the last column
if c == 8 {
solve(r+1, 0, priority, results, done, grid)
} else {
solve(r, c+1, priority, results, done, grid)
grid[r][c] = 0
func rowOK(row, val int, grid [][]int) bool {
for col := 0; col < 9; col++ {
if grid[row][col] == val {
return false
return true
func colOK(col, val int, grid [][]int) bool {
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
if grid[row][col] == val {
return false
return true
func boxOK(row, col, val int, grid [][]int) bool {
boxRow := row / 3
boxCol := col / 3
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
for y := 0; y < 3; y++ {
if grid[(boxRow*3)+x][(boxCol*3)+y] == val {
return false
return true
// print grid
func printSol(grid [][]int) string {
ret := ""
for row := 0; row < 9; row++ {
str := "| "
for col := 0; col < 9; col++ {
str += strconv.Itoa(grid[row][col]) + " | "
ret = ret + str + "\n"
return ret
// used to generate mega if block so i don't screw up by hand
func parseEq(line string) {
// chop off end
end := line[len(line)-5:]
line = line[0 : len(line)-5]
arr := strings.Split(line, " + ")
for _, pair := range arr {
a := int(pair[0] - 'A')
b := int(pair[1] - '1')
fmt.Printf("grid[%d][%d] + ", a, b)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", end)
"B9 + B8 + C1 + H4 + H4 = 23",
"A5 + D7 + I5 + G8 + B3 + A5 = 19",
"I2 + I3 + F2 + E9 = 15",
"I7 + H8 + C2 + D9 = 26",
"I6 + A5 + I3 + B8 + C3 = 20",
"I7 + D9 + B6 + A8 + A3 + C4 = 27",
"C7 + H9 + I7 + B2 + H8 + G3 = 31",
"D3 + I8 + A4 + I6 = 27",
"F5 + B8 + F8 + I7 + F1 = 33",
"A2 + A8 + D7 + E4 = 21",
"C1 + I4 + C2 + I1 + A4 = 20",
"F8 + C1 + F6 + D3 + B6 = 25",
// must be checked after value has been placed
// fail fast if we ever exceed a value that needs to be present at the end
func equationOK(grid [][]int) bool {
if grid[1][8]+grid[1][7]+grid[2][0]+grid[7][3]+grid[7][3] > 23 ||
grid[0][4]+grid[3][6]+grid[8][4]+grid[6][7]+grid[1][2]+grid[0][4] > 19 ||
grid[8][1]+grid[8][2]+grid[5][1]+grid[4][8] > 15 ||
grid[8][6]+grid[7][7]+grid[2][1]+grid[3][8] > 26 ||
grid[8][5]+grid[0][4]+grid[8][2]+grid[1][7]+grid[2][2] > 20 ||
grid[8][6]+grid[3][8]+grid[1][5]+grid[0][7]+grid[0][2]+grid[2][3] > 27 ||
grid[2][6]+grid[7][8]+grid[8][6]+grid[1][1]+grid[7][7]+grid[6][2] > 31 ||
grid[3][2]+grid[8][7]+grid[0][3]+grid[8][5] > 27 ||
grid[5][4]+grid[1][7]+grid[5][7]+grid[8][6]+grid[5][0] > 33 ||
grid[0][1]+grid[0][7]+grid[3][6]+grid[4][3] > 21 ||
grid[2][0]+grid[8][3]+grid[2][1]+grid[8][0]+grid[0][3] > 20 ||
grid[5][7]+grid[2][0]+grid[5][5]+grid[3][2]+grid[1][5] > 25 {
return false
return true
// final equality check
func equationValidate(grid [][]int) bool {
if grid[1][8]+grid[1][7]+grid[2][0]+grid[7][3]+grid[7][3] != 23 ||
grid[0][4]+grid[3][6]+grid[8][4]+grid[6][7]+grid[1][2]+grid[0][4] != 19 ||
grid[8][1]+grid[8][2]+grid[5][1]+grid[4][8] != 15 ||
grid[8][6]+grid[7][7]+grid[2][1]+grid[3][8] != 26 ||
grid[8][5]+grid[0][4]+grid[8][2]+grid[1][7]+grid[2][2] != 20 ||
grid[8][6]+grid[3][8]+grid[1][5]+grid[0][7]+grid[0][2]+grid[2][3] != 27 ||
grid[2][6]+grid[7][8]+grid[8][6]+grid[1][1]+grid[7][7]+grid[6][2] != 31 ||
grid[3][2]+grid[8][7]+grid[0][3]+grid[8][5] != 27 ||
grid[5][4]+grid[1][7]+grid[5][7]+grid[8][6]+grid[5][0] != 33 ||
grid[0][1]+grid[0][7]+grid[3][6]+grid[4][3] != 21 ||
grid[2][0]+grid[8][3]+grid[2][1]+grid[8][0]+grid[0][3] != 20 ||
grid[5][7]+grid[2][0]+grid[5][5]+grid[3][2]+grid[1][5] != 25 {
return false
return true
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