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Created September 30, 2023 17:57
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Send a Solana compressed NFT using a Rust client
use mpl_bubblegum::accounts::TreeConfig;
use solana_sdk::{bs58, instruction::AccountMeta, instruction::Instruction, pubkey::Pubkey};
struct HeliusResponse<T> {
result: T,
struct HeliusCompression {
tree: String,
leaf_id: u64,
data_hash: String,
creator_hash: String,
struct HeliusAsset {
compression: HeliusCompression,
struct HeliusProof {
root: String,
proof: Vec<String>,
const HELIUS_API_KEY: &'static str = "foo";
pub async fn send_cnft(
client: &reqwest::Client,
mint_id: &Pubkey,
sender: &Pubkey,
receiver: &Pubkey,
) -> Result<Instruction, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let helius_endpoint = format!("{}", HELIUS_API_KEY);
let helius_asset: HeliusResponse<HeliusAsset> = client
"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getAsset",
"params": {
"id": mint_id.to_string()
let compression = helius_asset.result.compression;
let helius_proof: HeliusResponse<HeliusProof> = client
"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getAssetProof",
"params": {
"id": mint_id.to_string()
let proof_path: Vec<Pubkey> = helius_proof
.map(|x| x.parse().unwrap())
let proof_accounts: Vec<AccountMeta> = proof_path
.map(|pk| AccountMeta {
pubkey: pk,
is_signer: false,
is_writable: false,
let tree = compression.tree.parse()?;
let (tree_config, _) = TreeConfig::find_pda(&tree);
let ix = mpl_bubblegum::instructions::TransferBuilder::new()
.leaf_owner(*sender, true)
.leaf_delegate(*sender, true)
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