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Last active August 8, 2018 11:28
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Testing gwt compiler invocation form vertxui-core

This document was created by Franco Rondini at 20180808 for the PR that tries to fix nielsbaloe/vertxui#6 and nielsbaloe/vertxui#7 ( see the discussion in the nielsbaloe/vertxui#6 for further details ).

To get more awareness of what happens on my OSX env. I ended up to temporarily substitute the invocation of gwt with the invocation of my test java class and carefully analyze whith ps -ef | grep java what happen when I run the same command line in a terminal (bash); this led me to conclude that when running in a bash the classpath arrives "cleaned" by the double quotes to the class that we finally invoke ( i.e: or my temporary sostitution class ) BUT when passing the commandline to java.lang.Process the classpath mantains quotes and these quotes could taint someway the classpath or anyway prevent correct operation; THEREFORE I decided to test by prependind and postpending a path separator (ie: System.getenv("path.separator") at the start and at the end of class path, near to the quote delimiters to avoid a tainting effect of these delimiters. Tests oucomes lead to think that this workaround can do the trick, further tests could still be needed to confirm the portability of the solution on different OS.

TEST1 - with quotes added by "\""

This test demostrates the problem when we try to invoke by a commandline executed by a java.lang.Process that has the classpath delimited by quotes: ie: java -cp "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp

$ java -cp ~/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI with] [FINE] [source folder = /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Translating with targetfolder=/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	sourceFolder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	working folder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/.] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Writing temporary index.html to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development/index.html] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Writing gwt.xml to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml] 
=================[INITIALS VALUES]====================
classpath = "\"" + classpath + separator + new File(folderSource).getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Classpath = "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java"] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Starting GWT with commandline: java -cp "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.samples.server.AllExamplesServer lambda$start$1] [INFO] [Initialised:
...[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [INFO] [[translateContinue] - process is no more alive, Therefore we can now delete the file:
[Wed Aug 08 10:21:14 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI writeHtml] [FINE] [Writing final index.html to: build/development/index.html] 
Compile error(s): [ERROR]Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
[ERROR]Error: Could not find or load main class
[ERROR]Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

when executing the commandline java -cp "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp in bash the was found but still we can have problems whith gwtTemp.gwt.xml

$ java -cp "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp

Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]
## FR 002 [resName:gwtTemp.gwt.xml]
[ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error

TEST2 - with quotes added by '"'

This test demostrates that only changing style of quotation, doesn't fix.

$ java -cp ~/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar live.connector.vertxui.samples.server.mvcBootstrap.ServerBootstrap
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0$1 (file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI with] [FINE] [source folder = /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Translating with targetfolder=/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	sourceFolder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	working folder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/.] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Writing temporary index.html to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development/index.html] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Writing gwt.xml to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml] 
=================[INITIALS VALUES]====================
------- FR TRACE IN VErtxUI ------- #  TEST #2 WITH CHANGED QUOTES [ 
classpath = '"' + classpath + separator + new File(folderSource).getAbsolutePath() + '"'
------- FR TRACE IN VErtxUI ------- # TEST #2 WITH CHANGED QUOTES ] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Classpath = "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java"] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Starting GWT with commandline: java -cp "/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.samples.server.AllExamplesServer lambda$start$1] [INFO] [Initialised:
...[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [INFO] [[translateContinue] - process is no more alive, Therefore we can now delete the file:
[Wed Aug 08 10:15:28 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI writeHtml] [FINE] [Writing final index.html to: build/development/index.html] 
Compile error(s): [ERROR]Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
[ERROR]Error: Could not find or load main class
[ERROR]Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

TEST 4 -

This test demostrate that without postpending separator when the classpath is delimited by quotes the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: is fixed but then is not possible to load gwtTemp.gwt.xml

[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI with] [FINE] [source folder = /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Translating with targetfolder=/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development] 
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	sourceFolder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	working folder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/.] 
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Writing temporary index.html to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development/index.html] 
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Writing gwt.xml to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml] 
=================[INITIALS VALUES]====================
classpath = '"' + separator + classpath + separator + new File(folderSource).getAbsolutePath()  + '"';
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Classpath = ":/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java"] 
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Starting GWT with commandline: java -cp ":/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:35 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.samples.server.AllExamplesServer lambda$start$1] [INFO] [Initialised:
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:gwtTemp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: java.lang.NullPointerException] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at$] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: 	at] 
.[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [INFO] [[translateContinue] - process is no more alive, Therefore we can now delete the file:
[Wed Aug 08 11:53:36 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI writeHtml] [FINE] [Writing final index.html to: build/development/index.html] 
Compile error(s): [ERROR]Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]
## FR 002 [resName:gwtTemp.gwt.xml]
[ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error


This test demostrate prependig and postpending a delimiter ( ":" or ";" depending on the OS ) to the classpath could be a possibile solution to workaround the quotes delimiting problem.

$ java -cp ~/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar live.connector.vertxui.samples.server.mvcBootstrap.ServerBootstrap
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0$1 (file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI with] [FINE] [source folder = /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Translating with targetfolder=/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	sourceFolder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [	working folder: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/.] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [INFO] [Writing temporary index.html to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development/index.html] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Writing gwt.xml to: /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml] 
=================[INITIALS VALUES]====================
classpath = '"' + separator + classpath + separator + new File(folderSource).getAbsolutePath()  + separator + '"';
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Classpath = ":/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java:"] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translate] [FINE] [Starting GWT with commandline: java -cp ":/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java:" -strict -XdisableUpdateCheck -war /Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/build/development -draftCompile -optimize 0 -style DETAILED gwtTemp] 
[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.samples.server.AllExamplesServer lambda$start$1] [INFO] [Initialised:
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:gwtTemp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:file:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006a [before moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile(new File(file:/Users/ronda/projects/learning-vertx/lab33-vertxui/vertxui/vertxui-examples/src/main/java/gwtTemp.gwt.xml)]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic/Intrinsic.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic/Intrinsic.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic/Intrinsic.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/lang/LongLib.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/lang/LongLib.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/lang/LongLib.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/CompilerParameters.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/CompilerParameters.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/CompilerParameters.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/emul/Emulation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/Emulation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/Emulation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/emul/Preconditions.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/Preconditions.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/Preconditions.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/StackTrace.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/StackTrace.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/StackTrace.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/AsyncFragmentLoader.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/AsyncFragmentLoader.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/AsyncFragmentLoader.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/XSLinker.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/XSLinker.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/XSLinker.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/CrossSiteIframeLinker.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/CrossSiteIframeLinker.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/CrossSiteIframeLinker.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/logging/LogImpl.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/logging/LogImpl.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/logging/LogImpl.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:live/connector/vertxui/Vertxui.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/live/connector/vertxui/Vertxui.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/live/connector/vertxui/Vertxui.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:elemental/Elemental.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/elemental/Elemental.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/elemental/Elemental.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:elemental/Json.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/elemental/Json.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/elemental/Json.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:elemental/Collections.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/elemental/Collections.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/elemental/Collections.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/resources/Resources.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/resources/Resources.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/resources/Resources.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/safehtml/SafeHtml.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/safehtml/SafeHtml.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/safehtml/SafeHtml.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/http/HTTP.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/http/HTTP.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/http/HTTP.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/user/Timer.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/Timer.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/Timer.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/xhr/XMLHttpRequest.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/xhr/XMLHttpRequest.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/xhr/XMLHttpRequest.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/typedarrays/TypedArrays.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/typedarrays/TypedArrays.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/typedarrays/TypedArrays.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/useragent/UserAgent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/useragent/UserAgent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/useragent/UserAgent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/core/CoreWithUserAgent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/CoreWithUserAgent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/CoreWithUserAgent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/regexp/RegExp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/regexp/RegExp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/regexp/RegExp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/canvas/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/canvas/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/canvas/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/media/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/media/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/media/dom/DOM.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/jsonp/Jsonp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/jsonp/Jsonp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/jsonp/Jsonp.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/user/AsyncCallback.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/AsyncCallback.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/AsyncCallback.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/github/nmorel/gwtjackson/GwtJackson.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/github/nmorel/gwtjackson/GwtJackson.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/github/nmorel/gwtjackson/GwtJackson.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/event/Event.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/Event.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/Event.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/event/EventBase.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/EventBase.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/EventBase.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/web/bindery/event/Event.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/web/bindery/event/Event.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/web/bindery/event/Event.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/event/dom/DomEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/dom/DomEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/dom/DomEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/event/dom/DragEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/dom/DragEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/dom/DragEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/event/dom/TouchEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/dom/TouchEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/dom/TouchEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/event/logical/LogicalEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/logical/LogicalEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/event/logical/LogicalEvent.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JacksonAnnotation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JacksonAnnotation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JacksonAnnotation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/user/RemoteService.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/RemoteService.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/RemoteService.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/google/gwt/user/RemoteServiceDTO.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/RemoteServiceDTO.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/RemoteServiceDTO.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 001 [Find the specified module using the classpath.]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:56 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 002 [resName:com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/annotation/JacksonDatabindAnnotation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:57 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 003 [moduleURL:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/annotation/JacksonDatabindAnnotation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:57 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [beforerecordModuleGwtXmlFile]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:57 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 004 [externalForm:jar:file:/Users/ronda/temp/vertxui-samples-1.01-fat.jar!/com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/annotation/JacksonDatabindAnnotation.gwt.xml]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:57 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: ## FR 006b [no metching then not calling moduleDef.addGwtXmlFile()]] 
.[Wed Aug 08 10:25:57 CEST 2018] - [live.connector.vertxui.server.VertxUI translateContinue] [FINE] [Gwt says: Compiling module gwtTemp] 
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rondinif commented Aug 8, 2018

Please note: I've injected some additional traces into the gwt-dev for my personal understandings , when running with 'official' gwt-dev the traces prefixed with "## FR" will not appear.

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