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null_x3r0 rondorkerin

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"meta": {
"theme": "actual"
"basics": {
"name": "Nick Bryant",
"label": "Fullstack AI Startup Engineer",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "1-720-666-3245",
The prompt:
Below I am going to issue a command in natural language for a set of salesforce operations.
Your response will be a json object that can be parsed by NodeJS JSON.parse of the format:
"Account": AccObject,
"Opportunity": OppObject,
"DefaultsUsed": []
- built email system
- character encoding errors
- email thread reply (Email headers invalid)
PL0 Compiler
By: Stephen Bryant
Last update:
October 24, 2010
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
rondorkerin / gist:987dd14a6ebb85eb4f4f
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Build a URL with a custom query string
public function testBuildURL()
$url = "";
$wrongURL = $url . "?mykey=myvalue";
$parsedURL = parse_url($url);
// grab query string from URL
$queryString = $parsedURL['query'];
$parsedQueryString = array();
// parse query string into array
rondorkerin / gist:bd1b6fc93752b9b069e0
Last active January 10, 2018 20:17
An Example PHP Request With SharpSpring APIv1
/** Get all leads with a limit of 500 results */
$limit = 500;
$offset = 0;
$method = 'getLeads';
$params = array('where' => array(), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
$requestID = session_id();
rondorkerin / gist:34842b40c8c7abfe8ba7
Created June 5, 2014 20:25
An Example PHP Request With SharpSpring APIv1
$method = '<API method name>';
$params = array('id' => <'the id of the object you want to retrieve'>);
$limit = <'query limit'>;
$offset = <'query id offset'>;
$requestID = <'an id for your request'>;
$accountID = '<your account ID>';
$secretKey = '<your secret key>';
rondorkerin / gist:bfbbc7c6fd5e99b14a9d
Created June 5, 2014 20:22
Example Request and Response for SharpSpring APIv1
"Request Data:"
"id":"<a lead id>"
"id":"<your request ID>",
<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head>
<style> .main { font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; } .signature { font-family: Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; color: #5e5e5e; font-size: 10pt; } .tagline { color: #d4421a; } .recent { color: #198fd7 } .link { text-decoration: underline; }
<body><img src="" width="1" height="1" />
<div class="”editable" main="" .content”="" data-editable="”standard”"><p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Hi&nbsp;Andrew,</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">First of all, thanks for your interest in Great Jakes. I'd love to give you a call to discuss what we can do for you. Just send me your phone number and the best time to reach you. If possible, let me know a little bit about what you're looking for so I can be prepared with all the
rondorkerin / gist:11354093
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
TODO list:
Go through the entirety of vimtutor (
Learn how to use tmux (
Learn how to install LAMP on ubuntu (php version 5.3 apache 2.2)
Get an older version of ubuntu (12.04 or earlier)
Go through this linux guide:
Read about supervisor (we use it to control all of our daemons)
Read about gearman (this is how we make backend queues)