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Last active December 9, 2023 13:51
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// Advent of Code 2023 - Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer
use std::ops::Range;
use std::cmp::min;
fn main() {
// replace CR LF with LF, to run nicely on windows also,
let input = include_str!("input.txt").replace("\r\n", "\n");
// split input into chunks separated by two new-lines,
let chunks: Vec<&str> = input.split("\n\n").collect();
// the first chunk will be the input seeds,
let seeds: Vec<i64> = chunks[0]
.split(' ')
.filter_map(|s| s.parse::<i64>().ok())
// container for each category, in turn containing a vector of tuples representing the ranges
let mut categories: Vec<Vec<(Range<i64>, Range<i64>)>> = Vec::new();
let mut category_names: Vec<(&str, &str)> = Vec::with_capacity(chunks.len()-1);
// the other chunks will be all the mappings
for chunk in chunks.iter().skip(1) {
let mut lines = chunk.lines();
let from_to: Vec<&str> = lines
.split(|c| c == '-' || c == ' ')
.filter_map(|(i, s)| if i % 2 == 0 {Some(s)} else {None})
category_names.push((from_to[0], from_to[1]));
let mut ranges: Vec<(Range<i64>, Range<i64>)> = Vec::new();
// the other lines in the chunk should hold all the mapping ranges,
for line in lines {
let r: Vec<i64> = line
.split(' ')
.filter_map(|s| s.parse::<i64>().ok())
let target = r[0]..r[0]+r[2];
let source = r[1]..r[1]+r[2];
ranges.push((target, source));
// let's make our input data imutatable,
let categories = categories;
let mut min_location: i64 = i64::MAX;
for seed in &seeds {
// make two temporary numbers, i and o, for input and output in each mapping.
let mut i = *seed;
let mut o = i;
for category in &categories {
for (target, source) in category {
if source.contains(&i) {
o = (i - source.start) + target.start;
break; // assuming the ranges never overlap, we can break after we've found
// one.
} else {
o = i;
i = o;
min_location = min(min_location, i);
println!("Part one: {}", min_location);
// for the second part, the inital seeds describes pairs of range start and range length,
let seed_ranges: Vec<Range<i64>> = seeds.chunks(2).map(|x| x[0]..x[0]+x[1]).collect();
// we are still looking for the lowest value at the end,
let mut min_location = i64::MAX;
for seed_range in seed_ranges {
let mut ranges = vec![seed_range.clone()];
for (category, names) in categories.iter().zip(&category_names) {
println!("{}-to-{}", names.0, names.1);
let mut output: Vec<Range<i64>> = Vec::new();
for range in &ranges {
let mut range = range.clone();
for (target, source) in category {
let offset = target.start - source.start;
// if the range is fully inside the source range, just map that range
if source.start <= range.start && range.end <= source.end {
println!("{:?} fully inside {:?}", range, source);
println!("Mapping it to => {:?}", range.start+offset..range.end+offset);
// make the range empty,
range.start = 0;
range.end = 0;
else if source.start <= range.start && range.start <= source.end {
println!("{:?} start is inside {:?}", range, source);
println!("Mapping it to => {:?}", range.start+offset..source.end+offset);
// cut off the overlapping part,
range.start = source.end;
else if source.start <= range.end && range.end <= source.end {
println!("{:?} end is inside {:?}", range, source);
println!("Mapping it to => {:?}", source.start+offset..range.end+offset);
range.end = source.start;
if !range.is_empty() {
println!("No mapping found for {:?}", range);
if !output.is_empty() {
ranges = output;
} else {
println!("No overlaps found so ranges {:?} are unchanged...", ranges);
// get the lowest range start
for range in ranges {
min_location = min(min_location, range.start);
println!("Part two: {}", min_location);
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