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Created February 16, 2017 11:36
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# DTW distance
# Change dtwPath
# open terminal, go to your/path/to/sankalp/dtw, then compile: python build_ext --inplace
# use function dtw1d_std, inputs are two pitch contour lists, use udist as distance
import os,sys
fileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__'))
dtwPath = os.path.join(fileDir, 'your/path/to/sankalp/dtw')
dtwPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(dtwPath))
import dtw
def dtw1d_std(x,y):
1D standard DTW
input: x, y, two lists
output: udist, unnormalized distance
configuration = {}
configuration['Output'] = 3
configuration['Ldistance'] = {}
configuration['Ldistance']['type'] = 0
udist,_,path = dtw.dtw1d(x,y,configuration)
return udist,path
# Evaluation functions
def MRR(list_rank):
mean reciprocal rank
:param list_rank: [rank_0,rank_1,...], each one starting from 1
return np.sum(1.0/np.array(list_rank))/len(list_rank)
def topXhit(X,list_rank):
:param X: if you want to calculate top 5 hit, assign X=5
:param list_rank:
counter = 0
for rank in list_rank:
if rank <= X:
return counter/float(len(list_rank))
# pitch contour extraction
# install pyin
# pyin is a vamp plug-in, so you need to do
# to use pyin in python, you need to install
# to load audio, you need Essentia
def hz2cents(pitchInHz, tonic=261.626):
convert hz to cents
input: an array in hz
cents = 1200*np.log2(1.0*pitchInHz/tonic)
return cents
# essentia load audio
loader = ess.MonoLoader(filename=filename_wav, downmix = 'left', sampleRate = sr)
audio = loader()
# extract pitch contour, by a fixed sample rate "sr"
# hopsize = 1024 frames
# framesize = 2048 frames
data = vamp.collect(audio, sr, "pyin:pyin", output='smoothedpitchtrack')
pitch = data['vector'][1]
# convert Hz to cents
pitchInCents = hz2cents(pitch)
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