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Last active June 29, 2017 18:10
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n2nmn - obtain the parsing on the VQA dataset in
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import json
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1]) as data_file, \
open("ids.txt", "w") as id_file, \
open("questions.txt", "w") as question_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
questions = data["questions"]
for question in questions:
image_id = question["image_id"]
question_id = question["question_id"]
print >>id_file, "%s,%s" % (question_id, image_id)
print >>question_file, question["question"].encode("ascii", "ignore")
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# This script is used to generate our parsing on the VQA dataset in
# Run this script on the output from Stanford parser with the following command:
# java -mx150m -cp "$scriptdir/*:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser \
# -outputFormat "words,typedDependencies" -outputFormatOptions "stem,collapsedDependencies,includeTags" \
# -sentences newline \
# edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz \
# $*
# The Stanford parser should output a parsing tree for each question (e.g. "are there patients?") like the line below
# (ROOT (SQ (VBP are) (NP (EX there)) (ADJP (VBG patients)) (. ?)))
# which is used as input to
from nltk.tree import Tree, ParentedTree
import sys
import re
KEEP = [
("WHNP", "WH"),
("WHADVP", "WH"),
(r"NP", "NP"),
("VP", "VP"),
("PP", "PP"),
("ADVP", "AP"),
("ADJP", "AP"),
("this", "null"),
("these", "null"),
("it", "null"),
("EX", "null"),
("PRP$", "null"),
KEEP = [(re.compile(k), v) for k, v in KEEP]
def flatten(tree):
if not isinstance(tree, list):
return [tree]
return sum([flatten(s) for s in tree], [])
def collect_span(term):
parts = flatten(term)
lo = 1000
hi = -1000
for part in parts:
assert isinstance(part, tuple) and len(part) == 2
lo = min(lo, part[1][0])
hi = max(hi, part[1][1])
assert lo < 1000
assert hi > -1000
return (lo, hi)
def finalize(col, top=True):
dcol = despan(col)
is_wh = isinstance(dcol, list) and len(dcol) > 1 and flatten(dcol[0])[0] == "WH"
out = []
if not top:
rest = col
elif is_wh:
whspan = flatten(col[0])[0][1]
out.append("describe[%s,%s]" % (whspan))
rest = col[1:]
rest = col
if len(rest) == 0:
return out
elif len(rest) == 1:
body = out
body = ["and"]
for term in rest:
if term[0][0] == "PP":
span_below = collect_span(term[1:])
span_full = term[0][1]
span_here = (span_full[0], span_below[0])
body.append(["relate[%s,%s]" % span_here, finalize(term[1:], top=False)])
elif isinstance(term, tuple) and isinstance(term[0], str):
body.append("find[%s,%s]" % term[1])
# TODO more structure here
body.append("find[%s,%s]" % collect_span(term))
if len(body) > 3:
del body[3:]
if isinstance(out, list) and len(out) == 1:
out = out[0]
return out
def strip(tree):
if not isinstance(tree, Tree):
label = tree
flat_children = []
span = ()
label = tree.label()
children = [strip(child) for child in tree.subtrees().next()]
flat_children = sum(children, [])
leaves = tree.leaves()
span = (int(leaves[0]), int(leaves[-1]) + 1)
proj_label = [v for m, v in KEEP if m.match(label)]
if len(proj_label) == 0:
return flat_children
return [[(proj_label[0], span)] + flat_children]
def despan(rr):
out = []
for r in rr:
if isinstance(r, tuple) and len(r) == 2 and isinstance(r[1], tuple):
elif isinstance(r, list):
return out
def collapse(tree):
if not isinstance(tree, list):
return tree
rr = [collapse(st) for st in tree]
rr = [r for r in rr if r != []]
drr = despan(rr)
if drr == ["NP", ["null"]]:
return []
if drr == ["null"]:
return []
if drr == ["PP"]:
return []
members = set(flatten(rr))
if len(members) == 1:
return list(members)
if len(drr) == 2 and drr[0] == "VP" and isinstance(drr[1], list):
if len(drr[1]) == 0:
return []
elif drr[1][0] == "VP" and len(drr[1]) == 2:
return [rr[1][0], rr[1][1]]
return rr
def pp(lol):
if isinstance(lol, str):
return lol
return "(%s)" % " ".join([pp(l) for l in lol])
with open(sys.argv[1]) as ptb_f:
for line in ptb_f:
tree = ParentedTree.fromstring(line)
index = 0
for st in tree.subtrees():
if len(list(st.subtrees())) == 1:
st[0] = str(index)
index += 1
colparse = collapse(strip(tree))
final = finalize(colparse)
print pp(final)
#print pp(final)
#print " ".join(tree.leaves())
#print colparse
#print finalize(colparse)
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